ALocalWay is now on the US MessageBoard

There are no rules being broken by linking to a blog.

People are just being exceptionally rude tonight.

Maybe it's the bad weather.

Or a full moon, or maybe it's just that time of the..... (fill in what you think should go here.....)
I'll add you to the list of the 'offended'.

If you're here to discuss politics and shit, fine. But please don't use this forum to advertise your blog. It is against the rules here and some of us tend to mock blatant advertisers.

Pay no attention to her ALocalWAY

She is just a hater.

And she really hates other women the most.

She thinks they are somehow a threat to her. :cuckoo:

She doesn't hate me and we have lots of laughter together. She has a great sense of humor and is an original. In my opinion, after reading her for a year and several months, she considers NO ONE a threat to her...and I don't either. :lol:

***WELCOME*** ALocalWAY. I know you are trying. :)

Regarding the sig:

* If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
o According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman François Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. (N'être pas républicain à vingt ans est preuve d'un manque de cœur ; l'être après trente ans est preuve d'un manque de tête.) This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.
o Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this." Paul Addison of Edinburgh University is quoted as stating: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"
Okay - well blog has been deleted - so I no longer have to hear about that - ;-) as far as jumping in - when I signed up and paid my membership - it immediately tells you the best thing to do is introduce yourself - I had no idea it was into a tank full of sharks - lol and if you had read the blog (now deleted) then you would see that I have a sense of humor - I wrote about hair and beer for goodness sakes and why would anyone be threatened by me? I am like the old woman who lived in a shoe - have so many kids I don't know what to do?
Okay - well blog has been deleted - so I no longer have to hear about that - ;-) as far as jumping in - when I signed up and paid my membership - it immediately tells you the best thing to do is introduce yourself - I had no idea it was into a tank full of sharks - lol and if you had read the blog (now deleted) then you would see that I have a sense of humor - I wrote about hair and beer for goodness sakes and why would anyone be threatened by me? I am like the old woman who lived in a shoe - have so many kids I don't know what to do?

Why did you delete the blog???? Put it back!
Look....newbies just get reamed a little bit is all. No biggie. Ya either take it in stride or ya don't. There are very strong personalities here. You'll find your niche. Sorry if I came off as a bitch like Bode thinks. Not my intention.
methinks a flak jacket should be standard issue here

look LocalWay, if your here to learn, grab a mit & get in the game, and keep your head down because there's a lotta po'ed people around trying for a line drive every time you pop up

the blame game, and cornball lablels always happen in a bum economy
Okay - well blog has been deleted - so I no longer have to hear about that - ;-) as far as jumping in - when I signed up and paid my membership - it immediately tells you the best thing to do is introduce yourself - I had no idea it was into a tank full of sharks - lol and if you had read the blog (now deleted) then you would see that I have a sense of humor - I wrote about hair and beer for goodness sakes and why would anyone be threatened by me? I am like the old woman who lived in a shoe - have so many kids I don't know what to do?

Why did you delete the blog???? Put it back!
Look....newbies just get reamed a little bit is all. No biggie. Ya either take it in stride or ya don't. There are very strong personalities here. You'll find your niche. Sorry if I came off as a bitch like Bode thinks. Not my intention.

I really hate being called Bode. That's The Imposter's nickname.

Mine is boe.

Thank you in advance for your future cooperation on this matter.
Okay - well blog has been deleted - so I no longer have to hear about that - ;-) as far as jumping in - when I signed up and paid my membership - it immediately tells you the best thing to do is introduce yourself - I had no idea it was into a tank full of sharks - lol and if you had read the blog (now deleted) then you would see that I have a sense of humor - I wrote about hair and beer for goodness sakes and why would anyone be threatened by me? I am like the old woman who lived in a shoe - have so many kids I don't know what to do?

Why did you delete the blog???? Put it back!
Look....newbies just get reamed a little bit is all. No biggie. Ya either take it in stride or ya don't. There are very strong personalities here. You'll find your niche. Sorry if I came off as a bitch like Bode thinks. Not my intention.

I really hate being called Bode. That's The Imposter's nickname.

Mine is boe.

Thank you in advance for your future cooperation on this matter.

Sorry. Boe.
Okay - well blog has been deleted - so I no longer have to hear about that - ;-) as far as jumping in - when I signed up and paid my membership - it immediately tells you the best thing to do is introduce yourself - I had no idea it was into a tank full of sharks - lol and if you had read the blog (now deleted) then you would see that I have a sense of humor - I wrote about hair and beer for goodness sakes and why would anyone be threatened by me? I am like the old woman who lived in a shoe - have so many kids I don't know what to do?
Meh, I was under the impression it was an offsite blog. That's what's frowned on. I remove my reservation. Otherwise, stand firm and let the chips fall where they may.

Intestinal fortitude and spine are respected. Even from and by libs. ;)
Ya know...I thought so too, Fitz. I didn't even remember there IS a blog here. Duh on me.
I can take the ribbing - and because I was raised in Louisiana I am used to colorful insults - the blog was not as important as my credibility of this site - I have outlets for my writing that will not interfere with any person associated with this site - so I will still have an outlet to write about hairy beer and how we are all going to end up eating soylent green if things don't change - ;-)
The blog was here - lol - it was just an offbeat look at the economy - y'all do know what soylent green is - right?
Well, for what it's worth, I do try very hard to buy American Made. It is insulting just how many products, even jars of food at the market, says Made In Brazil or Made In Portugal. Why can't we make our own???? We are the best country on earth, but we have everything under the sun made elsewhere. It's gloomy.
I don't think the majority reads blogs here, Local. Start a thread about your concerns. You'll get more action and replies.
Thanks - I like the feedback - - but then again - maybe it is safer to blog! ;-)
I have spoken with several industry leaders and I have been trying to narrow down th emost effective way to help recirculate $$$ back into local communities without creating major lifestyle changes in a average persons life

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