am i doomed to hell?

only that it is not native to planet Earth
Madeup,unsupported claim.

does not exist without a spiritual content.
And there's another .
Madeup,unsupported claim.

primordial Earth ...


you are just dishonest in your objection - and also physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
only that it is not native to planet Earth
Madeup,unsupported claim.

does not exist without a spiritual content.
And there's another .
Madeup,unsupported claim.

primordial Earth ...


you are just dishonest in your objection - and also physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
So is this another "mystical mystery" that I am supposed to extract from your gray matter? Why did you show me that picture? How am i dishonest in my objection? Make your point without others having to sift through the steaming pile you pinched off in order to find it.

And this:

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed. a meaningless word salad. It is useless and utterly meaningless. It is unsupported by evidence or argument, explains exactly jack shit, and yields no useful predictions.
I’m not motivated by destinations. I’m motivated by the journey. I live in the present.

Hatred like all things serves a purpose. The trick is in finding balance. To hate all of the time is not productive or healthy.

Do you give yourself a break from your irrational hatred of me?
I don’t hate you. But hate does tend to be irrational or at least it produces irrational behaviors.

I suppose that's an oxymoron.
How so?

Everything you say is a contradiction in terms.

We're all very patient with you and your indulgences.
I am more than happy for you to see it that way, my dear.
I’m not motivated by destinations. I’m motivated by the journey. I live in the present.

Hatred like all things serves a purpose. The trick is in finding balance. To hate all of the time is not productive or healthy.

Do you give yourself a break from your irrational hatred of me?
I don’t hate you. But hate does tend to be irrational or at least it produces irrational behaviors.

I suppose that's an oxymoron.
How so?

Everything you say is a contradiction in terms.

We're all very patient with you and your indulgences.
Now can you explain how it was an oxymoron?

Because your response didn’t explain how my statement was contradictory.
You are afraid to pursue claims and historical facts that may lead you to realizing God does exist.
Claims mean nothing, nor does any "historical fact"serve as evidence that any gods exist. If history shows us anything, it's that there were millions of ideas on various gods. And either one was correct (and all others wrong), or they were all wrong.

Pretty easy choice...they were and are all full of shit.
God can be discovered through reason and experience. In other words we can examine what was created (reason) and use our own experiences as creators as a proxy (experiences) to understand the evidence available to us. But the most effective way is through testing; by entering into a relationship with God and seeing the changes which manifest themselves in us through that relationship. Only then will the written word begin to make sense and the power of the word revealed.

But since you are unwilling to make an honest assessment you will never test it and therefore you will never experience it but will continue to ridicule those who have tested it and proven it to themselves.
......and this little piggy went we we we all the way to hell.
You are intolerant of religious beliefs not your own. You have disdain for people who hold different religious beliefs than your own, especially Catholics. Your hatred shines through in every post you make. Your behavior is literally what people find wrong with religion.

Do you know Hobelim? Have you ever met him?
Nope. Just his kind. I know his kind well. He is described in my signature.
You are afraid to pursue claims and historical facts that may lead you to realizing God does exist.
Claims mean nothing, nor does any "historical fact"serve as evidence that any gods exist. If history shows us anything, it's that there were millions of ideas on various gods. And either one was correct (and all others wrong), or they were all wrong.

Pretty easy choice...they were and are all full of shit.
God can be discovered through reason and experience. In other words we can examine what was created (reason) and use our own experiences as creators as a proxy (experiences) to understand the evidence available to us. But the most effective way is through testing; by entering into a relationship with God and seeing the changes which manifest themselves in us through that relationship. Only then will the written word begin to make sense and the power of the word revealed.

But since you are unwilling to make an honest assessment you will never test it and therefore you will never experience it but will continue to ridicule those who have tested it and proven it to themselves.
......and this little piggy went we we we all the way to hell.
You are intolerant of religious beliefs not your own. You have disdain for people who hold different religious beliefs than your own, especially Catholics. Your hatred shines through in every post you make. Your behavior is literally what people find wrong with religion.
If you had any self awareness you would have probably killed yourself long ago. JS
If you had any self awareness you would recognize why you come here and behave the way you do.
You are afraid to pursue claims and historical facts that may lead you to realizing God does exist.
Claims mean nothing, nor does any "historical fact"serve as evidence that any gods exist. If history shows us anything, it's that there were millions of ideas on various gods. And either one was correct (and all others wrong), or they were all wrong.

Pretty easy choice...they were and are all full of shit.
God can be discovered through reason and experience. In other words we can examine what was created (reason) and use our own experiences as creators as a proxy (experiences) to understand the evidence available to us. But the most effective way is through testing; by entering into a relationship with God and seeing the changes which manifest themselves in us through that relationship. Only then will the written word begin to make sense and the power of the word revealed.

But since you are unwilling to make an honest assessment you will never test it and therefore you will never experience it but will continue to ridicule those who have tested it and proven it to themselves.
......and this little piggy went we we we all the way to hell.
You are intolerant of religious beliefs not your own. You have disdain for people who hold different religious beliefs than your own, especially Catholics. Your hatred shines through in every post you make. Your behavior is literally what people find wrong with religion.

You don't know me from Adam. You don't know what you are talking about. You don't know where I am coming from. You don't know where I am going. If I hated Catholics I would have to hate almost every person that I have ever known and loved in this life. Thats absurd.

You are not Catholics. You are not a we. You are not an us. You are one individual with a disintegrating mind, crumbling like an abandoned building teeming with vermin...

If I saw anyone sticking a candle in their ass before lighting it to honor God and I suggested that they were doing something wrong, it wouldn't be because I hated them, even if I found it hard not to laugh.

Enough already with your false accusations and denial of truth.

I only know what I observe. And what I observe from you is an intense hatred of Catholics and Catholicism.
only that it is not native to planet Earth
Madeup,unsupported claim.

does not exist without a spiritual content.
And there's another .
Madeup,unsupported claim.

primordial Earth ...


you are just dishonest in your objection - and also physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
So is this another "mystical mystery" that I am supposed to extract from your gray matter? Why did you show me that picture? How am i dishonest in my objection? Make your point without others having to sift through the steaming pile you pinched off in order to find it.

And this:

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed. a meaningless word salad. It is useless and utterly meaningless. It is unsupported by evidence or argument, explains exactly jack shit, and yields no useful predictions.
Why did you show me that picture?


it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...

- physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed. a meaningless word salad. It is useless and utterly meaningless. It is unsupported by evidence or argument, explains exactly jack shit, and yields no useful predictions.

It is unsupported by evidence ...

the evidence is compelling in all matters of scientific research - there is no physiology on planet Earth that is not self directed and when its spiritual content is removed the substance disappears from a cohesive unit into a final and irretrievable disintegration without matter. proof of its metaphysical origin.
it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...
Says the charlatan who actually has no compelling evidence or argument...

the evidence is compelling in all matters of scientific research
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.
it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...
Says the charlatan who actually has no compelling evidence or argument...

the evidence is compelling in all matters of scientific research
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.

you've improved your vocabulary ... a step in the right direction, you continue to evade the question of origin what are you afraid of.
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.

:abgg2q.jpg: I agree with Fort Fun Indiana.

BreezeWood Maybe you should attach an explanation to your pictures. On second thought, your pics are just fine in showing how your brain works.
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.

:abgg2q.jpg: I agree with Fort Fun Indiana.

BreezeWood Maybe you should attach an explanation to your pictures. On second thought, your pics are just fine in showing how your brain works.

the evidence is compelling in all matters of scientific research - there is no physiology on planet Earth that is not self directed and when its spiritual content is removed the substance disappears from a cohesive unit into a final and irretrievable disintegration without matter. proof of its metaphysical origin.

:abgg2q.jpg: if you want to believe in ff be my guest bond - neither you nor he have addressed the question of origin for physiology or refuted my contention that it is not native to planet earth and is a metaphysical substance created as a physical representation / avenue for the spiritual presence in the universe for unknown however rewarding reasons that is its origin.

it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...

I, see. You are saying that since that was the earth at one time, it is impossible that life originated on earth. Seems to me to be a rational conclusion.

It is true that tons of debris of unknown origin from all across the universe rains down on the planet daily..

It is also true that organic molecules, microbes, plant life, fish eggs, insect larvae, cellular life etc., was frozen and ejected into space and sent out in every direction for the past 65 millions years and may one day seed another planet with life from another world, this one.
Last edited:
only that it is not native to planet Earth
Madeup,unsupported claim.

does not exist without a spiritual content.
And there's another .
Madeup,unsupported claim.

primordial Earth ...


you are just dishonest in your objection - and also physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
So is this another "mystical mystery" that I am supposed to extract from your gray matter? Why did you show me that picture? How am i dishonest in my objection? Make your point without others having to sift through the steaming pile you pinched off in order to find it.

And this:

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed. a meaningless word salad. It is useless and utterly meaningless. It is unsupported by evidence or argument, explains exactly jack shit, and yields no useful predictions.
I'm glad I read this before trying to google that, then. Thanks.
Yet you haven't presented any. Not one bit of evidence that shows this. Not one successful prediction, or useful explanation. Your only skill seems to be the demand that "everything" is "evidence" for your useless nonsense.

:abgg2q.jpg: I agree with Fort Fun Indiana.

BreezeWood Maybe you should attach an explanation to your pictures. On second thought, your pics are just fine in showing how your brain works.
You have to realize that you are way over your head, right? Just admit you cannot, and so therefore will not, answer his questions.

I also find it interesting (always have) that it is a mathematical impossibility that life would happen by chance. There is no way to calculate the probability.

Physicists have known this for a long time, and in order to deal with the fact that they cannot calculate the probability that life happened in the first place, they need to come up with theories.

Hence quantum theory, which leads to some bizarre theories such as parallel universes. Either way, it remains that it is a mathematical impossibility that life happened by mere chance.

it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...

I, see. You are saying that since that was the earth at one time, it is impossible that life originated on earth. Seems to me to be a rational conclusion.

It is true that tons of debris of unknown origin from all across the universe rains down on the planet daily..

It is also true that organic molecules, microbes, plant life, fish eggs, insect larvae, cellular life etc., was frozen and ejected into space and sent out in every direction for the past 65 millions years and may one day seed another planet with life from another world, this one.
We're not going with the Hot Thin Soup theory anymore?

it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...

I, see. You are saying that since that was the earth at one time, it is impossible that life originated on earth. Seems to me to be a rational conclusion.

It is true that tons of debris of unknown origin from all across the universe rains down on the planet daily..

It is also true that organic molecules, microbes, plant life, fish eggs, insect larvae, cellular life etc., was frozen and ejected into space and sent out in every direction for the past 65 millions years and may one day seed another planet with life from another world, this one.
We're not going with the Hot Thin Soup theory anymore?
Who is we?

it is proof that physiology's origin is based somewhere else than Earth, obviously the reality goes over your ability to comprehend ...

I, see. You are saying that since that was the earth at one time, it is impossible that life originated on earth. Seems to me to be a rational conclusion.

It is true that tons of debris of unknown origin from all across the universe rains down on the planet daily..

It is also true that organic molecules, microbes, plant life, fish eggs, insect larvae, cellular life etc., was frozen and ejected into space and sent out in every direction for the past 65 millions years and may one day seed another planet with life from another world, this one.
We're not going with the Hot Thin Soup theory anymore?
Who is we?
You and the rest of the hot soup Nazis.

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