Am I losing my faith or just becoming more realistic?

No, thankfully, I grew up during the 20th century, when we didn't let the nutter burn people at the stake for questioning it.
Yet that is what you wish to do with believers, correct? Burn believers and every written word of their beliefs?
but the message is so cocked up.
No. The way you understood the message is what you cooked up. Still, unless you were so hard-hearted to be unreachable, your teachers could have steered you away from jumping to wrong conclusions. Who was it that was at fault? You? Your instructors? Both?
MEANWHILE- Jeffery Dahmner embraced Jesus, was born again in Christ and was absolved of all his sins. I hope he doesn't run into anyone he ate up there because that would be awkward, too.
Keep in mind, the warning about embracing the Lord with words when our heart is far from him. Should such an attempt be made, words are ready for us: I never knew you. Depart from me.

No one but God know Dahmer's true heart.
Because to quote Jean-Luc Picard, I refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed.
It is not badly designed. Rather, Two prisoners look out through the bars; one sees the dirt, the other sees the stars. Reach for the stars. Even Jean-Luc-Picard will assure you they are present.
If so, you should know Catholics believe Jews can go to heaven. Jews have an eternal covenant with God. It is all laid out in the Bible.

Actually, I know nothing of the sort. In fact, what they taught us in the 1970's was ONLY the Catholics are getting into heaven.

Now, mind you, Catholic attitudes have changed, after 1962 when they declared Jews hadn't really killed Jesus... despite what the Gospels EXPLICITLY say. So I guess that's progress.

Vatican Reaffirms That Jews Can Go to Heaven
Keep in mind, the warning about embracing the Lord with words when our heart is far from him. Should such an attempt be made, words are ready for us: I never knew you. Depart from me.

No one but God know Dahmer's true heart.

I couldn't give two shits what was in Dahmner's heart. What was in his STOMACH was 17 guys he ate. He SHOULD have been punished for that in this life AND the next.

Christian Dogma... if you are really sorry and accept Jesus into your heart, then you get forgiven.

This cartoon shows how TRULY fucked up that is if it became the basis of law in our country.

Actually, I know nothing of the sort. In fact, what they taught us in the 1970's was ONLY the Catholics are getting into heaven.
Don't be silly. That wasn't what was taught at all. Remember, I was in the 70s, too.
if it became the basis of law in our country.
Since you don't even have the Christian dogma straight, plus since you not even address justice, not worth watching.

Hey, good talking with you, Joe. It is like we are from two different planets, languages, histories, and cultures!
Don't be silly. That wasn't what was taught at all. Remember, I was in the 70s, too.

My nuns didn't get the memo.

I actually did ask the priest that DIRECT question once (not about Jews, but about Lutherans and Protestants) and man, you never saw so much hemming and hawing and ducking and weaving... you think I just asked him why Little Timmy was always asked to stay late after mass.

Since you don't even have the Christian dogma straight, plus since you not even address justice, not worth watching.

Hey, good talking with you, Joe. It is like we are from two different planets, languages, histories, and cultures!

oooh, touched a nerve, did I?

So yes or no, is there a scenario where Chef Jeff Dahmner got into heaven, if he was really sincere? If so, isn't that kind of messed up? If not, then why bother lying to him about the possibility to get him to embrace Jesus.
So yes or no, is there a scenario where Chef Jeff Dahmner got into heaven, if he was really sincere? If so, isn't that kind of messed up? If not, then why bother lying to him about the possibility to get him to embrace Jesus.
Yes, if he were truly sincere. Why would that be messed up? After all, we are talking about eternity.
and man, you never saw so much hemming and hawing and ducking and weaving...
Sometimes I think you cannot possibly be serious.

For example, my experience when I asked about my atheist grandfather. I was asked if I loved my grandfather. I said yes. A whole lot? I said, Yes. He said, "God loves him even more."
Yes, if he were truly sincere. Why would that be messed up? After all, we are talking about eternity.

Because he still murdered and ATE 17 people, one of them a child.

That's why if there is an afterlife, he should be punished, no matter how sincerely he says he LOVES him some Jesus. (Then again, a naked guy nailed to a stick...that probably would have been a turn on for Chef Jeff.)

Sometimes I think you cannot possibly be serious.

For example, my experience when I asked about my atheist grandfather. I was asked if I loved my grandfather. I said yes. A whole lot? I said, Yes. He said, "God loves him even more."

Which had nothing to do with what I said. My point was that I asked Fr. McFeely or whatever his name was (To be fair, he was one of the few priests in my parish that didn't get accused of Pedophilia, two others were) if Protestants go to Heaven if they are good people, and the man COULD NOT GIVE ME A STRAIGHT FUCKING ANSWER.

I kind of put that up there with Sr. Mary Butch telling me that those babies were all wicked which is why God had to drown them.

I refuse to worship a sociopath, and the Catholic God is a massive sociopath.
Because he still murdered and ATE 17 people, one of them a child.

That's why if there is an afterlife, he should be punished, no matter how sincerely he says he LOVES him some Jesus. (Then again, a naked guy nailed to a stick...that probably would have been a turn on for Chef Jeff.)
I have great trust there will be justice. If that justice is hell for an eternity, so be it. If that justice is another kind of consequence (purgatory, for example) so be it.
Which had nothing to do with what I said. My point was that I asked Fr. McFeely or whatever his name was (To be fair, he was one of the few priests in my parish that didn't get accused of Pedophilia, two others were) if Protestants go to Heaven if they are good people, and the man COULD NOT GIVE ME A STRAIGHT FUCKING ANSWER.

I kind of put that up there with Sr. Mary Butch telling me that those babies were all wicked which is why God had to drown them.

I refuse to worship a sociopath, and the Catholic God is a massive sociopath.
My point has been that you never researched these matters for yourself, settling instead for contempt of nuns, priests, believers, and the Catholic faith. Ever reflect on the Robert Frost Poem, The Road Not Taken?

Once again: After my experience with God, I could not reconcile the Old Testament to the experience. A thorough study of it (which took decades) had me studying it as it is meant to be studied. When you tell me what you are doing, for me it is like watching someone absolutely insisting that manicure scissors is the proper tool to use to pound in a nail.

Finally, I am sincerely sorry your parish apparently got the dregs of the priesthood and convent. With one exception, my experiences have been quite the opposite. Also, no pedophiles, just some incredible people who were hurt and even shunned by the actions of a very few.
the Catholic God is a massive sociopath.
No, He is not. Your perspective of certain stories you do not understand has caused you to have a very warped picture of God. I am one with actual experience, Joe. He is pure love. Why not erase everything you ever thought you knew about God and start anew. It is so worth the time.
I have great trust there will be justice. If that justice is hell for an eternity, so be it. If that justice is another kind of consequence (purgatory, for example) so be it.

That's not what your church teaches, though.

your Church teaches that if Jeffy is REALLY sorry, and REALLY accept Jay-a-zus into his heart, he gets into heaven.

My point has been that you never researched these matters for yourself, settling instead for contempt of nuns, priests, believers, and the Catholic faith. Ever reflect on the Robert Frost Poem, The Road Not Taken?

Nope. I was pretty much done at "you're an almighty being, and THESE were the best spokespeople you could come up with?"

Once again: After my experience with God, I could not reconcile the Old Testament to the experience. A thorough study of it (which took decades) had me studying it as it is meant to be studied. When you tell me what you are doing, for me it is like watching someone absolutely insisting that manicure scissors is the proper tool to use to pound in a nail.

My experience with God. God, please let Mom's cancer get better. It didn't? No God. Done. And frankly, if you guys didn't keep fucking things up by voting for idiots like Trump so you can try to impose your stupidity on the rest of us, I'd be done with you.

No, He is not. Your perspective of certain stories you do not understand has caused you to have a very warped picture of God. I am one with actual experience, Joe. He is pure love. Why not erase everything you ever thought you knew about God and start anew. It is so worth the time.

Sweetie, the Stewbum on the corner with the sandwich sign thinks he's talking to God, too. Those are just the voices in his head. We have medication for that now.


Finally, I am sincerely sorry your parish apparently got the dregs of the priesthood and convent. With one exception, my experiences have been quite the opposite. Also, no pedophiles, just some incredible people who were hurt and even shunned by the actions of a very few.

Again, the problem with that is the whole church knew what the Pedos were doing. The conspiracy to hide them went up to the Pope himself. This shit went on for decades. God amazingly, did nothing about it. We had to rely on Satan's very own, Lawyers, to get to the bottom of it.

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