Am I losing my faith or just becoming more realistic?

Only a few who have had the opportunity of reviewing the Hebrew version of the Tanach without following "tradition", can surely stand firmly that the biblical stories seem to be credible. However, in many cases the narration without the interpretation of it using "tradition" says something different to what the conventional interpretation is about.

Same as well with the accepted Greek version of the New Testament.

In my opinion the historical narration of the bible since the apparition of man on earth is millions times more realistic an accurate than the current -so called- theories of science invented to explain the same.

What is happening to many religious people who are losing faith is that they are just falling in the trap made by others who post several caricatures and computer simulations, plus terms and names invented to explain imaginary past eras.

I laugh of those rare names like "speciation" , a word invented by evolutionists to describe one of their fantasies in reference to the development of the species. Unfortunately, even when evolutionists have repeated that word (lie) "a thousand times", such speciation never has became a truth.

Many people think that by mixing the doctrines of those good for nothing theories with the biblical narration, then they have become more "intellectual" while in reality they only have become more fool.

If you are losing your faith and you have decided to follow other doctrines, don't think that God will miss you. It is already very clear, you miss your seat, then another one will occupy it.

The hope is for everybody "to make it", but it is understood that many will fail.
The hope is for everybody "to make it", but it is understood that many will fail.

no, for the final judgement that will be for everyone who is living, all humanity and they will all be judged the same. which triumph occurred for the judgement to be rendered.
The Bible is written by man, inspired by God. There is something to learn from its words and its stories. When two Gentiles (you and Mark Twain) do not understand the history, culture, and language of Biblical times it cannot follow that the parts are understood "perfectly well."

Genesis 19 is very clearly written. God massacred a whole city of men women and children for "Sodomy", but spared this guy who fucked his daughters.

My experience of God did not result in me understanding the Bible perfectly well. In fact, I was thoroughly confused by the Old Testament and how I saw it as portraying God. Then a study of the history, language, and cultures of the time shone a completely different light on what I had been familiar with before. Further study of rabbinical commentaries down through the centuries opened my eyes even further.

My experience of God consisted of 12 years of being tormented by frustrated homosexuals in habits before my Mom got sick and I prayed really hard for her to get better. She didn't. Pretty much done with God at that point in my life.

And frankly, if it weren't for IDIOTS like you trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us, I could probably leave it at that.
And frankly, if it weren't for IDIOTS like you trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us, I could probably leave it at that.

I love you, Joe! It has gone straight past you that I have been trying to help you over your Bronze Age superstitions, clear the slate so that the reality and truth of God might find a dwelling place. Love God, love people--and if the Bible gets in your way (and I can see it surely has) never think of it again. It is not for you, it was for a people and culture of thousands of years ago that takes time (and I'm talking decades) and interest (tons of curiosity) to study primary sources (very boring for those without time and interest) to understand how Bronze age man saw the world. (Very differently from how we see it.)

Listen, I understand about your mom because I understand another little boy whose father died suddenly--and he prayed that God bring his dad back to life. That didn't happen either. He decided that whatever God was, it wasn't a being who could help a little boy keep his dad. And, if God couldn't help a small boy with that, then said small boy could take care of the other earthly stuff all on his own. The difference between that boy and you, Joe, is that upon deciding God didn't exist, it meant the Bible (being about God) didn't exist, either. He understands that natural disaster such as the flood and the destruction of cities were simply natural disasters. They presented the universal truth, still in effect, that they want to dull the pain of all they lost through drink (or drugs). Little boys have no access to such things.

People are not going to find God in great events of their parents being saved from a deadly disease or being raised from the dead. Nor was God found in all the destruction and floods of old. When we are truly interested in knowing God, is seeking and finding God, then begin looking in the tiny whisperings in your life. Yes, that too, was wisdom that came from the Bronze Age but then truth simply is--whether it was known at the beginning or did not become known until close to the end.
Genesis 19 is very clearly written. God massacred a whole city of men women and children for "Sodomy", but spared this guy who fucked his daughters.

Helena of Troy was a teenager, some say she was 12 years old, others 14 years old, but no one says she was an adult. And because a teenager girl a whole war happened.

Similar with Pocahontas. The story of an adult man in love with a teenager girl.

In the end of the 60's, the parks in San Francisco were full of hippies where adult men -even over 50 years old- had open sex with thirteen years old girls who escaped from their homes to live over there. And no records of police arresting such "male sexual predators".

When you read the doctrines of the bible, you understand the tolerance perimeter of the acceptance of sexual relationship between man and woman. Abraham himself having as a wife his half sister is a clear example.

While you might interpret the case of Lot having sex with the daughters, on the other hand the narration says that technically the daughters were the ones having sex with their father. They caused Lot to get drunk and later they had sex with him.

The "law" of no sexual contact between father and daughter or mother and son appeared later on in Moses era.

Before Moses, population was limited, and in this case with Lot, the daughters did what they thought was the only way to preserve their lineage.

On the other hand, the city of Sodom was infected already. In those time there weren't "condoms" and sexual diseases spread out very easily. Homosexuality is the best way to destroy any society, because by having contact of the sexual organ with excrement, and excrement with the mouth, this is a sure path of sexual disease appearance.

Men having sex with men and also with women caused the infection to pass from person to person, and this includes children.

In modern times, there are cases where total communities had to be isolated because a common infection happening, like the case of Ebola, and the current case of Corona virus.

In those times, this measure of isolation for Sodom was not at hand, and destruction of the infected city was a must, the secured way to avoid the spread out of the sexual diseases arising from homosexual activity.

You see, NATURE has laws, and homosexuality is against the law of nature. There is a reason why humans have two sexes: man and woman.

Nature has not allowed humanity to be born with a third sex, and "intermediate sex", and optional birth sex other than man and woman. Then, having sex between men or between women is against their own nature.

Historians have misunderstood the actions of many civilizations, specially leaders who destroyed everything while conquering other lands.To us it was barbaric actions the subduing of entire cities and even burning them to total destruction. However, such task was necessary to avoid epidemic. You can't buried the dead bodies, then the best is to burn them.

Fire "purifies". In the case of Sodom, fire from heaven purified that area.

My experience of God consisted of 12 years of being tormented by frustrated homosexuals in habits before my Mom got sick and I prayed really hard for her to get better. She didn't. Pretty much done with God at that point in my life.

You have a good reason to be disappointed about God when you mother didn't get better.

But that is not related at all about your experience with frustrated homosexuals.

And frankly, if it weren't for IDIOTS like you trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us, I could probably leave it at that.

God has never obligated anyone to obey him. Such is the personal decision of each individual.

Of course it is understood God will reward and will punish according to his judgement, but there is not any word in the scriptures about God obligating Adam or any of his descendants to obey him.

If any religious dude tries to impose any biblical doctrine on you, then such person himself is against God. God has never mandated to impose any doctrine, but solely to teach, to let people know about him and his word.
God has never obligated anyone to obey him. Such is the personal decision of each individual.

Of course it is understood God will reward and will punish according to his judgement, but there is not any word in the scriptures about God obligating Adam or any of his descendants to obey him.

If any religious dude tries to impose any biblical doctrine on you, then such person himself is against God. God has never mandated to impose any doctrine, but solely to teach, to let people know about him and his word.

Again, you need to talk to your bros on the Christian Right who keep trying to ban abortion, gay marriage, allow bigots to discriminate, deny people health care after they've worked for it, etc.
One of the hardest things to understand is when bad things happen to good people. We live in a fallen world with Satan as the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." Look at how Job had to take it; he was the role model. It's easy for people to blame God when things go wrong or one's prayers aren't answered. I suppose we just got to think that God has other things in store for us and a better day is coming. After all, you only live twice. This is not the real world and final world, but the temporary world.
After all, you only live twice. This is not the real world and final world, but the temporary world.

- is that wishful thinking by a christian or just their rational to remain as sinners avoiding the travails to free their spirit as prescribed for admission to the Everlasting - and dragging everyone else down with them by the forgeries written in their bible - they refuse to administer.
It is problematic when someone, after reading just one source, jumps to conclusions as to what happened based on their own perspective, language, and culture. The tale of Lot is told in story form, and it has themes and lessons some in today's modern culture clearly do not understand.

I am wondering if you would consider someone who read Gone With the Wind as having expertise on the Civil War because of a chapter they read in a story written in a later culture seventy years after the fact.

The Bible isn't gone with the Wind. the Bible is the UNERRING WORD OF GOD according to Christians (except for all the places it contradicts itself, but never mind.)

As Mark Twain said, 'It isn't the parts of the bible I don't understand that bother me, it's the parts I understand perfectly well!"

Of course, the churches know this story is all manner of fucked up, which is why they leave in the homophobia, and take out the offer of gang rape and incest.

They've "Disneyfied" it. ...

Keeps the problem nothing what you say is belief of Christians. You have just simple anti-semitic prejudices. Something did do my ancestors in the bronze age - what my Jewish ancestors did do this you are able to read in the bible - what my other ancestors did do and what your ancestors did do in the bronze age no one knows really. And I'm sure it was tough too what they did do in their place and time in history. But whatever they did: the sum of this what they did is why you are alive! And I'm sure Walt Disney and his wife Lilian Marie were part of one of the mights of the world, which took care for the survival of all mankind. And from my point of view you take only care for death and destruction with your answerless arrogant assholism.

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One of the hardest things to understand is when bad things happen to good people. ...

Not really. What no one understands is why god takes not this planet and throws it into the sun, because of the sins of human beings against other human beings and his living creation. Looks like god is listening to the prayers of many dogs and likes not to destroy their illusions about us.

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One of the hardest things to understand is when bad things happen to good people. We live in a fallen world with Satan as the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." Look at how Job had to take it; he was the role model. It's easy for people to blame God when things go wrong or one's prayers aren't answered. I suppose we just got to think that God has other things in store for us and a better day is coming. After all, you only live twice. This is not the real world and final world, but the temporary world.

It's always funny to listen to a Bible Thumper try to excuse away their Sky Pixie by using the Bible as a source.

The thing about the Book of Job is that God and Satan essentially made a bar bet that Satan could fuck up Job's life so badly that he renounces God. Job was in fact blameless in this story. He gets abused by his wife (whom to her credit, DID just lose her 10 children) and his friends (who are just assholes) for 42 chapters.

Then God shows up at the end and says, "FUck it, I'm God. I can do what I want! Who are you to question me?"

Keeps the problem nothing what you say is belief of Christians. You have just simple anti-semitic prejudices. Something did do my ancestors in the bronze age - what my Jewish ancestors did do this you are able to read in the bible - what my other ancestors did do and what your ancestors did do in the bronze age no one knows really. And I'm sure it was tough too what they did do in their place and time in history. But whatever they did: the sum of this what they did is why you are alive! And I'm sure Walt Disney and his wife Lilian Marie were part of one of the mights of the world, which took care for the survival of all mankind. And from my point of view you take only care for death and destruction with your answerless arrogant assholism.

I/m not even sure who you are responding to, since you messed up the quote feature. The rest of your answer is just kind of babble....
One of the hardest things to understand is when bad things happen to good people. We live in a fallen world with Satan as the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air." Look at how Job had to take it; he was the role model. It's easy for people to blame God when things go wrong or one's prayers aren't answered. I suppose we just got to think that God has other things in store for us and a better day is coming. After all, you only live twice. This is not the real world and final world, but the temporary world.

It's always funny to listen to a Bible Thumper try to excuse away their Sky Pixie by using the Bible as a source.

The thing about the Book of Job is that God and Satan essentially made a bar bet that Satan could fuck up Job's life so badly that he renounces God. Job was in fact blameless in this story. He gets abused by his wife (whom to her credit, DID just lose her 10 children) and his friends (who are just assholes) for 42 chapters.

Then God shows up at the end and says, "FUck it, I'm God. I can do what I want! Who are you to question me?"

Keeps the problem nothing what you say is belief of Christians. You have just simple anti-semitic prejudices. Something did do my ancestors in the bronze age - what my Jewish ancestors did do this you are able to read in the bible - what my other ancestors did do and what your ancestors did do in the bronze age no one knows really. And I'm sure it was tough too what they did do in their place and time in history. But whatever they did: the sum of this what they did is why you are alive! And I'm sure Walt Disney and his wife Lilian Marie were part of one of the mights of the world, which took care for the survival of all mankind. And from my point of view you take only care for death and destruction with your answerless arrogant assholism.

I/m not even sure who you are responding to, since you messed up the quote feature. The rest of your answer is just kind of babble....

The thing about the Book of Job is that God and Satan essentially made a bar bet that Satan could fuck up Job's life so badly that he renounces God. Job was in fact blameless in this story. He gets abused by his wife (whom to her credit, DID just lose her 10 children) and his friends (who are just assholes) for 42 chapters.

Then God shows up at the end and says, "FUck it, I'm God. I can do what I want! Who are you to question me?"
Keep in mind that Job was written as a play, and the question it addresses is the age old one of, Why do bad things happen to good people? The play ends on a positive note, that God is in charge, and in the end, despite al the hard times, your life works out.
Keep in mind that Job was written as a play, and the question it addresses is the age old one of, Why do bad things happen to good people? The play ends on a positive note, that God is in charge, and in the end, despite al the hard times, your life works out.

Does it? Frankly, the ending of the story is that Job gets new kids, but frankly, that's not really going to make up for the kids he lost. I guess all the physical maladies Satan inflicted on him got better? (He did need to get laid 10 more times) but he still suffered the effects of them.

I agree, the purpose of this book was to not get anyone to question God. Because if you start doing that, you might start praying to other Gods, or worse, no God at all, and then were would we be.
I agree, the purpose of this book was to not get anyone to question God. Because if you start doing that, you might start praying to other Gods, or worse, no God at all, and then were would we be.
Not what I said, and not where we agree. The Commandment does not say not to question, it says not to test.

Shrug, a lot of people have no belief in any God at all, period. They see no reason to discuss the issue, any more than they see reason to discuss Leprechauns or elves. In my opinion the atheists who simply get on with their lives have it much better than atheists to choose to malign their own idea of God. Don't you find it strange that you create (and worship) this strange image you have of God while at the same time spend so much time tearing apart what is solely your own creation?

Joe, one day you will have your face-to-face with God. It will not be scary; God loves you. Remember that parable Jesus told of everyone being paid the same wage? And why not? Those of us who are morning people have already been blessed with spending time in the vineyard with God. We will rejoice that evening people will now have their time in the sun as well.

I wish you peace as an atheist. (Unless as an author you enjoy creating your own fictional horror stories. ;) )
Not what I said, and not where we agree. The Commandment does not say not to question, it says not to test.

Shrug, a lot of people have no belief in any God at all, period. They see no reason to discuss the issue, any more than they see reason to discuss Leprechauns or elves. In my opinion the atheists who simply get on with their lives have it much better than atheists to choose to malign their own idea of God. Don't you find it strange that you create (and worship) this strange image you have of God while at the same time spend so much time tearing apart what is solely your own creation?

Believers in Elves and Lepruchauns aren't trying to impose their backwards ass beliefs on the rest of us. They haven't spent 2000 years oppressing people for merely questioning it.

Joe, one day you will have your face-to-face with God. It will not be scary; God loves you. Remember that parable Jesus told of everyone being paid the same wage? And why not? Those of us who are morning people have already been blessed with spending time in the vineyard with God. We will rejoice that evening people will now have their time in the sun as well.

More Christian Wank Fantasies about how you non-believers are all going to get yours... this is why you are all such fucking nasty people and I have no fucking use for you

The problem with the parable of the wage is that Jeffrey Dahmner gets into Heaven and Ann Frank doesn't. It seems like a pretty inequitable system to me.
Believers in Elves and Lepruchauns aren't trying to impose their backwards ass beliefs on the rest of us. They haven't spent 2000 years oppressing people for merely questioning it.
Nor are they trying to impose your beliefs on anyone. Sorry your teachers were so horrible about answering your questions, but your experience is not universal--far from it.
The problem with the parable of the wage is that Jeffrey Dahmner gets into Heaven and Ann Frank doesn't. It seems like a pretty inequitable system to me.
You are either wrong or ignorant about Anne Frank, and you know it. Still more of JoeB31 made up fiction.
Nor are they trying to impose your beliefs on anyone. Sorry your teachers were so horrible about answering your questions, but your experience is not universal--far from it.

No, thankfully, I grew up during the 20th century, when we didn't let the nutter burn people at the stake for questioning it.

The problem wasn't the teachers were horrible, which they were, but the message is so cocked up.

You are either wrong or ignorant about Anne Frank, and you know it. Still more of JoeB31 made up fiction.

Not at all. I go by CHRISTIAN Dogma.

Ann Frank never embraced Jesus as Lord. Off to Hell she goes, burning right next to Hitler. Man, that's gotta be awkward.

MEANWHILE- Jeffery Dahmner embraced Jesus, was born again in Christ and was absolved of all his sins. I hope he doesn't run into anyone he ate up there because that would be awkward, too.

Not a fantasy, Joe. I am giving you a first hand experience. You will be fine. Why are you so angry about that possibility?

Because to quote Jean-Luc Picard, I refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed.

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