Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

I guess I don't know any MAGA supporters who are hateful or negative toward immigrants, minorities, or people of different religions. There are some claiming to be MAGA supporters on sites like this that say they are that way, but I don't know a single one personally who is like that. And I know a LOT of MAGA supporters.

MAGA supporters do oppose illegal migration as an unhealthy thing, oppose legalization of those who by law are illegal, and can be pretty negative to those who are engaging in sex and child trafficking, smuggling in dangerous drugs, who are vandalizing, stealing, assaulting, murdering people, etc. and a rough estimate of 10% of those coming in are guilty of one or more of those offenses.

MAGA supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.

MAGA supporters embrace, welcome, and include people of all races and religion who share the MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous, honorable America.

MAGA supporters oppose all those of all races and creeds who are in our faces demanding we ditch our values and adopt theirs, who think they have privilege to break our laws and do whatever scams or damage they choose and that we should just take it.

Maga supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.
They are also totally FOS LOL. Funny how the only spike in violence since Trump started has been right wingers against blacks gays Jews trans Asians Muslims all your vulnerable minorities.... And it more than doubles in an area when Trump has a rally....
They are also totally FOS LOL. Funny how the only spike in violence since Trump started has been right wingers against blacks gays Jews trans Asians Muslims all your vulnerable minorities.... And it more than doubles in an area when Trump has a rally....

Feel free to prove this.
They are also totally FOS LOL. Funny how the only spike in violence since Trump started has been right wingers against blacks gays Jews trans Asians Muslims all your vulnerable minorities.... And it more than doubles in an area when Trump has a rally....
I don't engage in unsupportable fantasies like that franco and refuse to humor those who post them. Thanks for understanding and have a great afternoon.
I don't engage in unsupportable fantasies like that franco and refuse to humor those who post them. Thanks for understanding and have a great afternoon.
I didn't say you were lying, I'm just saying your media is absolute and total garbage. Absolutely no evidence of election vaccine global warming Etcetera Etcetera hoaxes
Nice try but not buying it franco. Again have a lovely afternoon.
yes yes, you are technically insane. Someday try changing the channel And trying reality...
yes yes, you are technically insane. Someday try changing the channel And trying reality...
Not buying it Franco. When you can post a credible source and not a rabid anti or never Trump source, you might have an argument. But I live in the real world. And I don't allow partisan media dictate what I will argue is true.
I guess I don't know any MAGA supporters who are hateful or negative toward immigrants, minorities, or people of different religions. There are some claiming to be MAGA supporters on sites like this that say they are that way, but I don't know a single one personally who is like that. And I know a LOT of MAGA supporters.

MAGA supporters do oppose illegal migration as an unhealthy thing, oppose legalization of those who by law are illegal, and can be pretty negative to those who are engaging in sex and child trafficking, smuggling in dangerous drugs, who are vandalizing, stealing, assaulting, murdering people, etc. and a rough estimate of 10% of those coming in are guilty of one or more of those offenses.

MAGA supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.

MAGA supporters embrace, welcome, and include people of all races and religion who share the MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous, honorable America.

MAGA supporters oppose all those of all races and creeds who are in our faces demanding we ditch our values and adopt theirs, who think they have privilege to break our laws and do whatever scams or damage they choose and that we should just take it.

Maga supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.
A lot of Republicans and independents can't figure out MAGA.

The MAGA supporters are quite the patriots

A lot of Republicans and independents can't figure out MAGA.

The MAGA supporters are quite the patriots

The those on the left just really like to pretend that we MAGAs are the scum of the Earth, but you can never say why the policies most of us promote are wrong or bad policies and you never try to defend your own. And some of you are frankly too stupid to see how badly that weakens your message.
The those on the left just really like to pretend that we MAGAs are the scum of the Earth, but you can never say why the policies most of us promote are wrong or bad policies and you never try to defend your own. And some of you are frankly too stupid to see how badly that weakens your message.
You don't read my posts. My concerns about Trump focus on his lack of morality ethics ethics. He puts his needs above the country.
It is treasonous to attempt to overturn the 2020 election. He exhausted all the legal remedies to challenge the election. He lost all. He is trying to override the back bone of our country as set out by our forefathers. His needs over country.

I don't like the disrespect he showed the vast majority of his staff and cabinet. None of his big name White House staff and cabinet are supporting him for President. They are Republicans. WHY. THEY SAW HIM FIRST AND AS PRESIDENT AND DETERMINED HE IS NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT.

I don't want someone who disrespects our security documents endangering many good Americans.

I don't want a President who says Putin was savvy and a genuis for invading the Ukraine. IDIOT

I don't want a President who dines with neo-NAZIs

I don't want a President who incites an insurrection.
Not buying it Franco. When you can post a credible source and not a rabid anti or never Trump source, you might have an argument. But I live in the real world. And I don't allow partisan media dictate what I will argue is true.
Credible meaning GOP crap propaganda only of course.....
Please give me a list. There are no big names from his administration supporting him.
Those who are not
Bill Barr
John Bolton
Mick Mulvaney
John Kelley
Mark Esper
Mike Pence

Are all saying Trump is not fit to be President.
I am waiting Hawk. The Pillow Man does not count.
We support bringing important manufacturing back to the states and not with CCP China.

We support ending stupid wars and not starting stupid wars.

We support a secure border and ending human trafficking.

But this makes us a bunch of “racists” and crazy people I guess.
It makes you very vocal people with ideas, but bad/no plans to carry out. This is the magaturd party in a nutshell. :dunno:
It makes you very vocal people with ideas, but bad/no plans to carry out. This is the magaturd party in a nutshell. :dunno:
No plans or ideas to carry it out?

It was easy for President Trump. He secured the border, he started raising tariffs on China and brought half a million manufacturing jobs to the US, and he started no new wars and drew down the ones he inherited.
Credible meaning GOP crap propaganda only of course.....
Nope. Credible meaning on the record sources and not hearsay. Credible meaning real evidence and not pretend evidence. Credible meaning actual video and audio in unedited full context, not sound bites made to be something they never were. Credible as in somebody who doesn't have an ax to grind or an agenda or profit motive and who doesn't make something up that nobody else can corroborate.
Nope. Credible meaning on the record sources and not hearsay. Credible meaning real evidence and not pretend evidence. Credible meaning actual video and audio in unedited full context, not sound bites made to be something they never were. Credible as in somebody who doesn't have an ax to grind or an agenda or profit motive and who doesn't make something up that nobody else can corroborate.
the FBI LOL?
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
You do know, those black neighborhoods are in blue run cities? Republicans have no say there. Have a blessed day, and bless your heart.

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