Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

Let's see them get a supermajority where they can actually pass things and we'll see lol. On the other hand you are a brainwashed functional moron that believes an incredible amount of ridiculous conspiracies about everything.... They passed health care, infrastructure with a tax hike for the rich in the short time they've had with sixty votes in the Senate..... you brainwashed morons think Obama had two years with 60 votes, actually was about 30 days in session in the middle of another G O P World Depression... Why do you vote against the interests of you your friends and family, dingbat dupe?
Yes, yes, you firmly believe they're going to actually get the rich guy. You drank the Kool-Aid, pulled the lever like a good trained monkey, and best of all, you ACTUALLY believe them. You are the weakest link.
I am an Independent. I don't believe 99 percent of the world believes GOP is misinformed. We have a huge world. People should debate the issues that concern them and not worry about what this party or that party says. Just support your own ideology. What is wrong with just deciding for yourself and not blindly following any party?
That takes effort.
I am an Independent. I don't believe 99 percent of the world believes GOP is misinformed. We have a huge world. People should debate the issues that concern them and not worry about what this party or that party says. Just support your own ideology. What is wrong with just deciding for yourself and not blindly following any party?
I said the GOP base. I am talking about the facts which are totally wrong on GOP base propaganda. There's no evidence of an election steel or vaccine or global warming hoax and we have a flat tax system, a mess, all thanks to GOP!
I said the GOP base. I am talking about the facts which are totally wrong on GOP base propaganda. There's no evidence of an election steel or vaccine or global warming hoax and we have a flat tax system, a mess, all thanks to GOP!
If we all treated each other as individuals and discussed the actual issues that concern us as far as affecting our own life maybe we would find we have more in common than the divisive groups want us to believe.
Yes, yes, you firmly believe they're going to actually get the rich guy. You drank the Kool-Aid, pulled the lever like a good trained monkey, and best of all, you ACTUALLY believe them. You are the weakest link.
Yes yes, so just give up and become a me first GOP base hater dupe. Trump gives us a chance for a landslide in 2024 and we can become a world leader again instead of a giveaway to the rich hating snarling mess.
If we all treated each other as individuals and discussed the actual issues that concern us as far as affecting our own life maybe we would find we have more in common than the divisive groups want us to believe.
First you need a real world of facts, not a planet of Total BS and election vaccine Fauci tax Biden BS conspiracies. I live in western New York rural where it is 72% Trump voters. All great people but Politically totally misinformed and stuck on GOP propaganda and can't change the channel...
First you need a real world of facts, not a planet of Total BS and election vaccine Fauci tax Biden BS conspiracies. I live in western New York rural where it is 72% Trump voters. All great people but Politically totally misinformed and stuck on GOP propaganda and can't change the channel...
Both sides need to calm down and be empathetic and rational. But one side has to start it. It won't ever happen until people approach it only from their own point of view and from what their true needs are in life not all this spin that gets thrown out there.

Inflation is a big deal to me. Social Security. Rent.

All the other stuff is to distract party hacks so they will fight back n forth about what is true and what isn't. Meanwhile, real issues are ignored.
Yes yes, so just give up and become a me first GOP base hater dupe. Trump gives us a chance for a landslide in 2024 and we can become a world leader again instead of a giveaway to the rich hating snarling mess.
And it's cute how you actually believe that.
I think you stereotype an entire group. This is why you HATE them. So in that way, you are like them as you claim they do this HATE to other groups of people with differences to their beliefs. You are no different in that you are against their beliefs and hate them the MAGAS.

I mean you don't even want to understand them but are upset they are in your perspective narrow-minded toward others. If each side stays that way they will just fight going around in circles. The division is what an enemy loves.
I dislike, disrespect and am disgusted by MAGA followers. I don't necessarily hate them.
I feel this way because of their lack of morals and ethics not by their political beliefs. I see MAGA following a person, Donald Trump, not a political ideology. And Donald Trump is immoral, unethical and a narcissist.
What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?
  • Sense of self-importance.
  • Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success.
  • Entitled.
  • Can only be around people who are important or special.
  • Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain.
  • Arrogant.
  • Lack empathy.
  • Must be admired.
I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
If the MAGA crowd were so educated, then why do they believe the most ridiculous lies Trump tells? Why do they act like Trump is a God? Why are they so willing to trash the US Constitution and destroy democracy in this country? That is not something smart people do!
If the MAGA crowd were so educated, then why do they believe the most ridiculous lies Trump tells? Why do they act like Trump is a God? Why are they so willing to trash the US Constitution and destroy democracy in this country? That is not something smart people do!
What lies?
get rid of what or who? Undoubtedly because two of our 60 senators are pretty much Republicans. The country is dying for a Democratic landslide which hopefully will come in 2024. thanks to GOP insanity at this point...
The country is dying alright because democrat scum.
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
I lived in mixed black neighborhood. It was mostly ok but there was always some shady stuff going on. Police were called a lot.

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