Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.

No, of course not. You piss sitting down (or in your pants), your girlfriend sports a large cock and you're probably unemployable and codependent as fuck.

No argument here. The tent's not big enough for groomers and sissies. Not trying to be mean.... but we don't fucking want you.
Nope. Credible meaning on the record sources and not hearsay. Credible meaning real evidence and not pretend evidence. Credible meaning actual video and audio in unedited full context, not sound bites made to be something they never were. Credible as in somebody who doesn't have an ax to grind or an agenda or profit motive and who doesn't make something up that nobody else can corroborate.
the sun is now making our own chilly sunlight the giveaway to the rich greedthe sun is now making our own chilly sunlight the giveaway to the rich gre
Given the findings of Mueller and Durham, the FBI might be the least reliable source anybody could go to these days

Given the findings of Mueller and Durham, the FBI might be the least reliable source anybody could go to these days.
anti American garbage propaganda, dupe, just as I said- you are a brainwashed poor schnook, a functional anti American... Spreading garbage about our fine law enforcement and public servants.... They basically found nothing despite being idiot Republicans.... Try journalists and real news.
You do know, those black neighborhoods are in blue run cities? Republicans have no say there. Have a blessed day, and bless your heart.
no they just run the national government by default and obstruction, and Give away to the greedy idiot rich tax rates which don't allow enough investment in our people and infrastructure. thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever by far in the modern world. Great job! Time to tax the rich again for God's sake- this doesn't work...
no they just run the national government by default and obstruction, and Give away to the greedy idiot rich tax rates which don't allow enough investment in our people and infrastructure. thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever by far in the modern world. Great job! Time to tax the rich again for God's sake- this doesn't work...
Why didn't Biden get rid of them when he had both houses?
No, of course not. You piss sitting down (or in your pants), your girlfriend sports a large cock and you're probably unemployable and codependent as fuck.

No argument here. The tent's not big enough for groomers and sissies. Not trying to be mean.... but we don't fucking want you.
your brainwashed hate from garbage propaganda is entirely wrong and misinformed. Tolerance for the trans and gays and the poor does not mean we're trans and gays and poor, dingbat dupe....
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
no they just run the national government by default and obstruction, and Give away to the greedy idiot rich tax rates which don't allow enough investment in our people and infrastructure. thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever by far in the modern world. Great job! Time to tax the rich again for God's sake- this doesn't work...
Sure, let's have the tax rates we had in the 50's, as long as we restore ALL the deductions we had then as well. It would be nice to deduct credit card interest again, and the full mortgage interest, and charitable donations, etc.
Why didn't Biden get rid of them when he had both houses?
And of course he came into office in the middle of another GOP catastrophe for the country, in this case the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading the world's conspiracy nuts in that direction, the vaccine hoax evil Fauci etcetera Etcetera total B S.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
I think you stereotype an entire group. This is why you HATE them. So in that way, you are like them as you claim they do this HATE to other groups of people with differences to their beliefs. You are no different in that you are against their beliefs and hate them the MAGAS.

I mean you don't even want to understand them but are upset they are in your perspective narrow-minded toward others. If each side stays that way they will just fight going around in circles. The division is what an enemy loves.
Sure, let's have the tax rates we had in the 50's, as long as we restore ALL the deductions we had then as well. It would be nice to deduct credit card interest again, and the full mortgage interest, and charitable donations, etc.
Going back to the 50% that Reagan gave us and had success would do perfectly at this point. Yes different loopholes this time around with the GOP. Is a disgrace at this point. Screw loopholes for the rich and big oil big health big pharma Etcetera Etcetera. The G O P platform l o l...
get rid of what or who? Undoubtedly because two of our 60 senators are pretty much Republicans. The country is dying for a Democratic landslide which hopefully will come in 2024. thanks to GOP insanity at this point...
Yes, yes, we're well aware that the democrats you idolize so much are pathetic creatures who are terrified that a Republican might look at them sideways. Let's face reality, they could get a supermajority and still not give you what you want. Here's a clue for you, it's because they're rich. Did you hear that? They. Are. Rich. They are not going to give you what you want because it would hurt them too, and they don't want that.

They're selling you a pipe dream, making you believe that they're finally going to get the rich guys, then they'll turn around with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, pull it right back. I can hear them in the meeting now, "Did you see the look on their faces when they figured out it wasn't going to happen? It was classic. Let's just tell them there's a Republican in the room, they'll accept that we're terrified of them and vote for us all over again. Yes, they are useful idiots". What is that you like to call people, something about morons?
Going back to the 50% that Reagan gave us and had success would do perfectly at this point. Yes different loopholes this time around with the GOP. Is a disgrace at this point. Screw loopholes for the rich and big oil big health big pharma Etcetera Etcetera. The G O P platform l o l...
Nope. You like to say we had an awesome tax structure back then, well, that includes the deductions that ensured no one paid the top rates. That's the dirty little secret your source don't like you to remember, and is why you won't see those rates again without a laundry list of deductions and loopholes. It just won't happen.
I think you stereotype an entire group. This is why you HATE them. So in that way, you are like them as you claim they do this HATE to other groups of people with differences to their beliefs. You are no different in that you are against their beliefs and hate them the MAGAS.

I mean you don't even want to understand them but are upset they are in your perspective narrow-minded toward others. If each side stays that way they will just fight going around in circles. The division is what an enemy loves.
we hate misinformation and crap propaganda which is all maga knows. We pity you dingbat dupes... And hate your anti American garbage conspiracy nuttery about the DOJ FBI election officials you name it... All perfect prep for the coming trump dictatorship, idiots.... You'll call it martial law and say it is necessary to fight all your ridiculous Democratic conspiracies about elections vaccines who pays taxes misinformation Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera....
Yes, yes, we're well aware that the democrats you idolize so much are pathetic creatures who are terrified that a Republican might look at them sideways. Let's face reality, they could get a supermajority and still not give you what you want. Here's a clue for you, it's because they're rich. Did you hear that? They. Are. Rich. They are not going to give you what you want because it would hurt them too, and they don't want that.

They're selling you a pipe dream, making you believe that they're finally going to get the rich guys, then they'll turn around with a nudge, nudge, wink, wink, pull it right back. I can hear them in the meeting now, "Did you see the look on their faces when they figured out it wasn't going to happen? It was classic. Let's just tell them there's a Republican in the room, they'll accept that we're terrified of them and vote for us all over again. Yes, they are useful idiots". What is that you like to call people, something about morons?
Let's see them get a supermajority where they can actually pass things and we'll see lol. On the other hand you are a brainwashed functional moron that believes an incredible amount of ridiculous conspiracies about everything.... They passed health care, infrastructure with a tax hike for the rich in the short time they've had with sixty votes in the Senate..... you brainwashed morons think Obama had two years with 60 votes, actually was about 30 days in session in the middle of another G O P World Depression... Why do you vote against the interests of you your friends and family, dingbat dupe?
we hate misinformation and crap propaganda which is all maga knows. We pity you dingbat dupes... And hate your anti American garbage conspiracy nuttery about the DOJ FBI election officials you name it... All perfect prep for the coming trump dictatorship, idiots.... You'll call it martial law and say it is necessary to fight all your ridiculous Democratic conspiracies about elections vaccines who pays taxes misinformation Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera....
So do all groups and they all think their side is right and the other is wrong. They have no middle ground areas that either side will allow to meet in the middle. It's really even pointless to discuss. That's why I don't like party hacks.
Nope. You like to say we had an awesome tax structure back then, well, that includes the deductions that ensured no one paid the top rates. That's the dirty little secret your source don't like you to remember, and is why you won't see those rates again without a laundry list of deductions and loopholes. It just won't happen.
The fact remains if you count all taxes, we used to have a progressive tax system but since Reagan we have basically a flat tax system and the rich and giant big oil Etcetera laughing all the way to the bank...
So do all groups and they all think their side is right and the other is wrong. They have no middle ground areas that either side will allow to meet in the middle. It's really even pointless to discuss. That's why I don't like party hacks.
99% of the world believes the GOP base is totally misinformed and technically insane, Super Duper. Different opinions are fine but you have different facts With ridiculous Anti America conspiracies for everything....
99% of the world believes the GOP base is totally misinformed and technically insane, Super Duper. Different opinions are fine but you have different facts With ridiculous Anti America conspiracies for everything....
I am an Independent. I don't believe 99 percent of the world believes GOP is misinformed. We have a huge world. People should debate the issues that concern them and not worry about what this party or that party says. Just support your own ideology. What is wrong with just deciding for yourself and not blindly following any party?

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