Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

In our world that is so interconnected, it is difficult not to have diversity. But it takes work to make it work.
It is easier to just say, I will not accept others not like me.
If you have a true melting pot, it works, but you have to have a common culture into which all groups assimilate. When you have, as we do, increasing numbers of subgroups that not only refuse to assimilate, but actively demand that the rest of society accommodate them, it doesn't.
And here I've educated you so much on this subject. It's sad, really, to see that you so actively resist education. Sad. And you forgot to mention Murdoch. You know that means you won't get paid for this post, right?
By which you mean you are totally FOS LOL... There is no other media in the entire world that agrees with your crap conspiracy theories.....
If you have a true melting pot, it works, but you have to have a common culture into which all groups assimilate. When you have, as we do, increasing numbers of subgroups that not only refuse to assimilate, but actively demand that the rest of society accommodate them, it doesn't.
Baloney. Just like every new immigrants, it is the second generation that is purely American- that is assimilation. What we need is educational and economic equality that would translate into assimilation in the United States. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again. College and training. The other modern countries after World War Two got cheap college and training and basically socialism (Always Democratic fair capitalism). We got the GI bill which was basically socialism but it ended and now we're becoming a G O P backwater again.....
By which you mean you are totally FOS LOL... There is no other media in the entire world that agrees with your crap conspiracy theories.....
I see that you continue residing in your echo chamber, where all the news is already filtered to agree with your biases. See, you don't even have a clue where I get information from, yet you carry on like you think you do. I keep telling you that those foil helmets you order from the back page of your comic books don't give you mind-reading abilities, but here we are...

You don't even use logic, insisting simultaneously that the democrats have been helpless little creatures for decades now, but if you keep voting for them, THIS time they'll discover a backbone and actually give you what you think they intend to give you. Here's a clue for you. they won't.

Here's something for you to consider, What would you do if one of your favorite hate sites said something positive about a Republican? Would you accept it as truth since you insist that they alone are arbiters of what is true? Would you reject it as false because you can't stand anyone saying anything positive about any Republican, thus violating your own standards of truth in journalism and eject them from your echo chamber? Or would you drop to the floor and begin spinning madly in a circle, unable to bear the dissonance between the beliefs you so desperately cling to and the sources you trust so absolutely?
The Dems fully promote Antifa and BLM. They refuse to condemn them. The White House is covered with Tranny flags. They are nothing but extremists, not one Dem stands up to the radicals, they are all radicals. Why would they want anyone else but Biden? He is their perfect representative: an old racist corrupt white guy who uses the system to enrich himself. He’s also very likely a pedophile which seems to be a basic requirement for positions of high leadership in the Dem Party. They abuse their authority to punish political opponents. They are authoritarians, who hate personal freedom.

By “real conservatives” I suppose you mean the McCain/Romney types? Warmongers and “free trade” with China com artists.
Ok, don't vote for a Democrat but we need a Republican who does not try to change our elections. Who respects classified documents. Someone who puts the country over themself.

Who does not fire cabinet and staff just because they disagree with him.

We have never had a President who put themself over the country as much as Trump. There is too much drama with Trump. He is a drama queen.
Baloney. Just like every new immigrants, it is the second generation that is purely American- that is assimilation. What we need is educational and economic equality that would translate into assimilation in the United States. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again. College and training. The other modern countries after World War Two got cheap college and training and basically socialism (Always Democratic fair capitalism). We got the GI bill which was basically socialism but it ended and now we're becoming a G O P backwater again.....
The first generation has to be willing to assimilate, or the second won't either. Everyone in this country has access to education and the economy and can assimilate. I've already educated you on taxing the rich. Simply put, all it would do is make you feel good about yourself for maybe a week, until you realize that:

1. There isn't enough income among the rich to pay for all the free crap you want.
2. Any new revenue would be met in Congress by even greater spending, thus wiping out any dent it can put in the deficit. Forget the debt, it wouldn't get anywhere near it.
3. You might get a one-time bump in revenue that would be lost when the wealthy move their income elsewhere and you once again are taxing billionaires on a million dollars of income. IOW, peanuts.

Sure, bring back the tax rates of the 50's. Also bring back the credit card interest deduction as well as all the other loopholes Reagan got rid of. That would work.
If you have a true melting pot, it works, but you have to have a common culture into which all groups assimilate. When you have, as we do, increasing numbers of subgroups that not only refuse to assimilate, but actively demand that the rest of society accommodate them, it doesn't.
Those are the ones being lazy. It is easier to just say, I will not accept others not like me. You have to respect the established culture of the country you live in.
Ok, don't vote for a Democrat but we need a Republican who does not try to change our elections. Who respects classified documents. Someone who puts the country over themself.

Who does not fire cabinet and staff just because they disagree with him.

We have never had a President who put themself over the country as much as Trump. There is too much drama with Trump. He is a drama queen.
You’re a drama queen. So what if he fired staffers? It’s obvious a lot of RINOs infiltrated his admin, pretending to like him but didn’t. These people have been so entrenched in DC politics for so long they are genuinely terrified of a man not apart of the Establishment.
You’re a drama queen. So what if he fired staffers? It’s obvious a lot of RINOs infiltrated his admin, pretending to like him but didn’t. These people have been so entrenched in DC politics for so long they are genuinely terrified of a man not apart of the Establishment.
There are almost no Trump former staff and cabinet members that support him for the Republican nomination? Why is that.
He said he would only hire the best. He sure fired a lot of the best.
To work for Trump, the number 1 qualification is you need to kiss his ass. Everything else is secondary.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.

You would shovel all of us into ovens if you thought you could get away with it.
Your anecdote proves nothing, both parties have crooks. There is one conspiracy in the United States, rich people being greedy and getting the GOP to give them tax cuts, and lying. Deregulating and taking away oversight is another coup for rich investment class, usually followed by a bubble and bust that regular people end up having to pay for with a recession or depression. Black corruption is caught more often that's for sure. and has no giant system behind it. Your GOP system of the last 40 years has given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere you don't know about... not to mention two or three corrupt bubbles and busts and the stupidest wars ever....
Do you have some numbers to back up your claim about Black corruption vs. white corruption?
There are almost no Trump former staff and cabinet members that support him for the Republican nomination? Why is that.
He said he would only hire the best. He sure fired a lot of the best.
To work for Trump, the number 1 qualification is you need to kiss his ass. Everything else is secondary.
Almost none? Yea sure. :cuckoo:
You would shovel all of us into ovens if you thought you could get away with it.
Will not do that.
The number of MAGA minions is declining. Their power is being reduced.
Donald Trump is hurting himself and MAGA more than anyone else. I love it.
There are almost no Trump former staff and cabinet members that support him for the Republican nomination? Why is that.
He said he would only hire the best. He sure fired a lot of the best.
To work for Trump, the number 1 qualification is you need to kiss his ass. Everything else is secondary.
When did you work for him, and how did you convince him you were the best?
Almost none? Yea sure. :cuckoo:
Please give me a list. There are no big names from his administration supporting him.
Those who are not
Bill Barr
John Bolton
Mick Mulvaney
John Kelley
Mark Esper
Mike Pence

Are all saying Trump is not fit to be President.
But how did you convince TRUMP!? He doesn't care what everyone knows.
I told him he is the best President ever. He is the best Businessman ever. The best family man. The very, very best con man in the history of the world.
I told him he is the best President ever. He is the best Businessman ever. The best family man. The very, very best con man in the history of the world.
Okay, so you kissed his butt. I thought that's what he said but wasn't sure.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
I guess I don't know any MAGA supporters who are hateful or negative toward immigrants, minorities, or people of different religions. There are some claiming to be MAGA supporters on sites like this that say they are that way, but I don't know a single one personally who is like that. And I know a LOT of MAGA supporters.

MAGA supporters do oppose illegal migration as an unhealthy thing, oppose legalization of those who by law are illegal, and can be pretty negative to those who are engaging in sex and child trafficking, smuggling in dangerous drugs, who are vandalizing, stealing, assaulting, murdering people, etc. and a rough estimate of 10% of those coming in are guilty of one or more of those offenses.

MAGA supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.

MAGA supporters embrace, welcome, and include people of all races and religion who share the MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous, honorable America.

MAGA supporters oppose all those of all races and creeds who are in our faces demanding we ditch our values and adopt theirs, who think they have privilege to break our laws and do whatever scams or damage they choose and that we should just take it.

Maga supporters don't understand how leftists are not bothered by that.

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