Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing. How does taxing people less result in them being kept in poverty? You make absolutely no sense.

The biggest factor in determining anyone’s future prosperity is whether or not they live in a two parent home. That is a FACT no one can dispute. Blacks used to have very low divorce rates, then they started voting for Dems, got on welfare, and black fathers began to disappear. Abandoning their “conservative” values is what keeps them poor. Every other minority in our nation thrives: Asians, Jews, Indians, and Latinos.

There are a lot of factors keeping blacks down, and behind all of them is a Democrat policy.

Demokkkrats want to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on the government. It is right out of the communist playbook.

Republicans want blacks to be prosperous, low crime, taxpayers who contribute to society, not be a burden on it.
And you are talking about the GOP brainwash that federal income tax is the only tax that matters. Even the lowest quintile pays 18% in all taxes while the richest pay twenty seven percent along with everyone else basically on average...
Conservatives and MAGA are two different animal. I support many conservative philosophies. I used to be a registered Republican.

I dislike, disrespect and am disgusted by MAGA supporters but I don't hate them.
So what, you are a neocon that supports open borders, “free trade” with China, and infinite wars?
This quote by Rush sums it up “I will do all your reading, and I will tell you what to think of it.”

But more specifically, an example, and I quote the article I mentioned:
"Then, of course, after he dramatically made the case that there was no violent insurrection on January 6th, Limbaugh justified and praised the violent insurrection on January 6th. “We’re supposed to be horrified by the protesters,” he said, feigning perplexity. “There’s a lot of people out there calling for an end to violence” — even, can you believe it, “a lot of conservatives, social media, who say that any violence or aggression at all is unacceptable regardless of the circumstances.” Pause for effect, here it comes: “I am glad Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, the actual tea-party guys, the men at Lexington and Concord, didn’t feel that way.”
How is that brainwashing?

There was no “insurrection” on J6. It was a protest of a rigged election. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it, it was their right to protest.

Besides, here is what AOC said about violent protests:
BS. Cutting taxes on the rich is the main GOP policy and leaves us with not enough money to invest in infrastructure and cheap education and training so we get the worst poverty ever by far, and homelessness. Thanks GOP!
Since when does collecting tax money stop the government from spending? All they do is print and borrow it now.

Also, why do you assume that more tax money is going to magically make black people prosper?
Great Patriots don't fight the constitution and our public servants with garbage misinformation that is also divisive anti-americanism,,,,
I agree they don’t. That’s why we are great patriots, we fight to preserve the constitution from the radical leftwing maniacs that hate it.

Your side hates the Second Amendment, and you hate the First Amendment.
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
…. While corrupt Democrats in blue cities cried about poverty to get federal money so they could reward their friends and punish enemies.

try and blame this on the GOP:

So what, you are a neocon that supports open borders, “free trade” with China, and infinite wars?
No, I don't believe in open borders. I believe congress needs to get their shit together and pass immigration reform. I support being more aggressive going after US compaies who hire illegals. The majority of illegals come for jobs. If the can't get jobs a lot less will try to come. I believe in an open economy, not closing the economy like Trump discussed. May I remind you that socialism is a closed economy. But I believe in regulations in our economy that encourages jobs being kept in the US.
I believe war is a last resort. The only military action I supported since WWII was are actions in Afghanistan.
So there you go.
I fully respect other people, religions and cultures. That is why I am a nationalist, I believe all people should have their own nation if they are big enough and capable enough to sustain it.

What is dumb is believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
We are witnessing the abject failure of multiculturalism in America and the West due to ridiculous immigration policies that have destroyed the national identities of them.

You white liberals claim you don’t fear “people of color”, yet the vast majority of white liberals don’t want to live in a black neighborhood.

By the way, lefties are not more educated than “MAGA” types. The black people that vote Dem are the most uneducated group in the nation. So the Democrats actually attract the lowest IQ people.
Funny, I look like a Neo-Nazi and yet I pick up everyone even those I can not communicate with because that is my business.

I can give a damn about the skin color as long as they pay me!

My neighbors are from Mexico and Central America and I enjoy them and they watch my place all the time.
BS. Cutting taxes on the rich is the main GOP policy and leaves us with not enough money to invest in infrastructure and cheap education and training so we get the worst poverty ever by far, and homelessness. Thanks GOP!
the 3 richest people in America aint conservatives pal .
How is that brainwashing?

There was no “insurrection” on J6. It was a protest of a rigged election. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it, it was their right to protest.

Besides, here is what AOC said about violent protests:
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How is that brainwashing? Jesus. But I get it. Until you extricate yourself from the cult, you will not see any of it as brainwashing

Well seemingly Rush would disagree with you. Or maybe not depending which answer of his you want to believe

The Capitol was closed that day.

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