Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

Possibly. It’s fine for a nation to have a small minority, so long as they can live with each other in peace and if immigrants conform to the dominate culture. The point is there can only be one dominate culture. Without a shared culture, a nation will be torn apart. When people won’t even respect the flag and national anthem, then you’ve got major problems.
So conform or else. That's how you want things run.
Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?
I have an issue with the hateful and negative actions MAGA supporter show towards, immigrants, racial minorities, people of a different religion, LGBTQ, liberals, the government, anyone not like them, balanced education and so much more. They appear to be riddled with fear towards all these groups.

I realize that I have those same negative feelings toward the MAGA minions. I do not fear them but I fear what they could do toward our country.

But no, there is no way I am like the MAGA minions.
Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing. How does taxing people less result in them being kept in poverty? You make absolutely no sense.

The biggest factor in determining anyone’s future prosperity is whether or not they live in a two parent home. That is a FACT no one can dispute. Blacks used to have very low divorce rates, then they started voting for Dems, got on welfare, and black fathers began to disappear. Abandoning their “conservative” values is what keeps them poor. Every other minority in our nation thrives: Asians, Jews, Indians, and Latinos.

There are a lot of factors keeping blacks down, and behind all of them is a Democrat policy.

Demokkkrats want to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on the government. It is right out of the communist playbook.

Republicans want blacks to be prosperous, low crime, taxpayers who contribute to society, not be a burden on it.
Hawk said
"Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing."

This shows the absolute stupidity of Hawk. He says, "Since when have tax policies been race based?" then immediately refers to taxes as raced base, "Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks"
Can you provide an example of Rush “brainwashing” people?
When you take a non political person, and turn them into an angry, hate filled person who hates certain types of people, that is brainwashing. Hell there have been docs made specifically about this. On a daily basis Rush would remind his white listeners of their supremacy and their victimhood. Rush made being a racist and bigot seem acceptable. You want examples? Read this entire article.
Hawk said
"Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing."

This shows the absolute stupidity of Hawk. He says, "Since when have tax policies been race based?" then immediately refers to taxes as raced base, "Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks"
The taxes aren’t race based, but since whites make up most of the country and the middle class, they pay most of the taxes.

Blacks are poorer and thus get taxed less. So how is the tax rate “unfair” for blacks when they are literally being taxed less?
When you take a non political person, and turn them into an angry, hate filled person who hates certain types of people, that is brainwashing. Hell there have been docs made specifically about this. On a daily basis Rush would remind his white listeners of their supremacy and their victimhood. Rush made being a racist and bigot seem acceptable. You want examples? Read this entire article.
Nope, you read it and point out once example of this “brainwashing”.

Have you ever listened to one of his shows? 90% of his show was playing audio tapes of Democrats talking. All he did was expose what lying sacks of shit Democrats were.
Like I said, assimilating is the best way for a country to thrive.

Should Japan allow 30 million Chinese immigrants into its country overnight?
Am I to assume you think we let in 30 million illegals in a day as well?
Because too many people are people are NOT opened minded, ARE NOT understanding and ARE prejudice toward people of other cultures.
That describes MAGA.
Kind of like you? You hate conservatives. You hate MAGA. You refuse to listen to alternate viewpoints.
Am I to assume you think we let in 30 million illegals in a day as well?
No I am just giving a hypothetical scenario.

If multiculturalism is so great then would it benefit Japan to import millions of foreigners?
Japan has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.
Kind of like you? You hate conservatives. You hate MAGA. You refuse to listen to alternate viewpoints.
Conservatives and MAGA are two different animal. I support many conservative philosophies. I used to be a registered Republican.

I dislike, disrespect and am disgusted by MAGA supporters but I don't hate them.
Nope, you read it and point out once example of this “brainwashing”.

Have you ever listened to one of his shows? 90% of his show was playing audio tapes of Democrats talking. All he did was expose what lying sacks of shit Democrats were.
This quote by Rush sums it up “I will do all your reading, and I will tell you what to think of it.”

But more specifically, an example, and I quote the article I mentioned:
"Then, of course, after he dramatically made the case that there was no violent insurrection on January 6th, Limbaugh justified and praised the violent insurrection on January 6th. “We’re supposed to be horrified by the protesters,” he said, feigning perplexity. “There’s a lot of people out there calling for an end to violence” — even, can you believe it, “a lot of conservatives, social media, who say that any violence or aggression at all is unacceptable regardless of the circumstances.” Pause for effect, here it comes: “I am glad Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, the actual tea-party guys, the men at Lexington and Concord, didn’t feel that way.”
No I am just giving a hypothetical scenario.

If multiculturalism is so great then would it benefit Japan to import millions of foreigners?
Japan has one of the strictest immigration policies in the world.
Maybe because they don't have the land mass to handle it?
Since when have tax policies been race based? Whites are taxed at way higher rates and poor blacks taxed nothing. How does taxing people less result in them being kept in poverty? You make absolutely no sense.

The biggest factor in determining anyone’s future prosperity is whether or not they live in a two parent home. That is a FACT no one can dispute. Blacks used to have very low divorce rates, then they started voting for Dems, got on welfare, and black fathers began to disappear. Abandoning their “conservative” values is what keeps them poor. Every other minority in our nation thrives: Asians, Jews, Indians, and Latinos.

There are a lot of factors keeping blacks down, and behind all of them is a Democrat policy.

Demokkkrats want to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on the government. It is right out of the communist playbook.

Republicans want blacks to be prosperous, low crime, taxpayers who contribute to society, not be a burden on it.
BS. Cutting taxes on the rich is the main GOP policy and leaves us with not enough money to invest in infrastructure and cheap education and training so we get the worst poverty ever by far, and homelessness. Thanks GOP!

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