Am I more like the MAGA supporters than I am willing to admit?

No, I don't believe in open borders. I believe congress needs to get their shit together and pass immigration reform. I support being more aggressive going after US compaies who hire illegals. The majority of illegals come for jobs. If the can't get jobs a lot less will try to come. I believe in an open economy, not closing the economy like Trump discussed. May I remind you that socialism is a closed economy. But I believe in regulations in our economy that encourages jobs being kept in the US.
I believe war is a last resort. The only military action I supported since WWII was are actions in Afghanistan.
So there you go.
Yea sure, so you support the policies of MAGA but do nothing but attack it. You’re a fraud.
You mean the flood of ILLEGALS in this country?

You are the problem

Yea sure, so you support the policies of MAGA but do nothing but attack it. You’re a fraud.
I am not a closed market socialist like MAGA. I believe in a controlled border but I believe giving immigrants opportunity. I believe in DACA.
But what I disagree with MAGA the most is their lack of morality, ethics and empathy for people not like them. That comes through in everything they do.
The movement is driven by the needs of Donald Trump. Not our country.
LOL incredibly dishonest Democrat. Only way you would know the truth is if it were rammed up your ass.
You are a dumbass. I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican, I am an independent.
You idiots think all anti-MAGA are Democrats. There are many Republicans and the number of Republicans is growing daily. The majority of independents are anti-MAGA
You are a dumbass. I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican, I am an independent.
You idiots think all anti-MAGA are Democrats. There are many Republicans and the number of Republicans is growing daily. The majority of independents are anti-MAGA
No we just think anti-maga are stupid. There's no reason to be such a dumbass. See my psa.
I am not a closed market socialist like MAGA. I believe in a controlled border but I believe giving immigrants opportunity. I believe in DACA.
But what I disagree with MAGA the most is their lack of morality, ethics and empathy for people not like them. That comes through in everything they do.
The movement is driven by the needs of Donald Trump. Not our country.
“Closed market socialist”? So drawing back trade from China makes us “socialists”? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. All we are talking about is some manufacturing, especially important stuff like micro chips and essential pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Free trade with non-communist countries is fine.
You are a dumbass. I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican, I am an independent.
You idiots think all anti-MAGA are Democrats. There are many Republicans and the number of Republicans is growing daily. The majority of independents are anti-MAGA
What a croc of shit. All one has to do is look at all the threads you started. 99% of them are ranting about TRUMP or Trump supporters. You have never opened a thread attacking radical leftwing lunatics, not once. You aren’t “independent“, you have a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You believe every stupid MSM hoax and lie about Trump. You are a dumb, low IQ, MSM consumer that will believe ANY negative story about President Trump.
What a croc of shit. All one has to do is look at all the threads you started. 99% of them are ranting about TRUMP or Trump supporters. You have never opened a thread attacking radical leftwing lunatics, not once. You aren’t “independent“, you have a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You believe every stupid MSM hoax and lie about Trump. You are a dumb, low IQ, MSM consumer that will believe ANY negative story about President Trump.
You are right. I have not attacked any real Republicans, only fake conservative Donald Trump.
I have said the extreme left and MAGA are a lot a like. They don't deal in the real world. Nobody from ANTIFA is running for the Dem nominaton.
I can't believe the Democrats cannot do better than Biden in 2024. There would be no Trump if it were not for an inept Democratic party and idiots like you. You have been conned. How can you be so stupid?
“Closed market socialist”? So drawing back trade from China makes us “socialists”? That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. All we are talking about is some manufacturing, especially important stuff like micro chips and essential pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Free trade with non-communist countries is fine.
Open markets - Closed markets,
Democracies are mainly open markets. Socialist, Communist are closed markets.
Trump talked a better game than he actually did. He promised a lot of out of work people he would bring all their jobs back. He brought some but nothing like he promised.
How do you explain Biden's unemployment numbers are lower than Trump's?
Trump so far otherwise how would we know.... all those rich GOP politicians and lobbyists at the same time, who can't write a good book or give a good speech...
Yet another specious accusation devoid of any substance or specifics from you. I showed you explicit violation of public trust from Democrats where they abused power of the office and money of the taxpayer to reward themselves by breaking the law.; ultimately hurting the city they were entrusted to serve.

Be intellectually accountable to yourself.
What is dumb is NOT believing people of different cultures can live peacefully together in one country.
It can be done if people are opened minded, understanding and not a prejudice toward people of other cultures.
Multicultural nations can be stronger than homogenious nations.

Educated people do much better than those less educated in a multicultural nation. That education includes traveling the world and understanding and respecting other cultures.

I think this is a complex issue.

1) Humans have an inbuilt sense of what people are theirs.
Go to China, and a small baby might cry because they see a westerner or someone who doesn't look Chinese.
When we're very young, first six months, we're trying to make sense of the world and we're literally learning certain skills first. It's survival technique.
Some kids learn quickly, others more slowly. Those who are slower might be less inclined to against their basic senses.

2) When you think of Japan, you have this sense of "this is what Japan is", it's got it's strong sense of culture. China is the same, though the Chinese are the biggest destroyers of Chinese culture (think the "Cultural Revolution").
I used to travel a lot, and you go to other countries to see other cultures. It's not the same if other cultures are coming to you. Suddenly your country is losing its culture and being replaced. So, what do people see when they go to France? Instead of all things French, suddenly half the things are African or Arab.

3) People can live together peacefully, the biggest problem is often when there's a huge influx of people with different ideals. I think safety is one of the biggest concerns. Many less educated immigrants will not be so inclined to have a safe society, more likely to be criminals and the like. So, it causes friction.

4) There are plenty of "open minded people" who are not very "open minded" when it comes to opinions they don't like. People who are opposed to mass immigration might have a point, like points one, two and three. But these "open minded people" will dismiss them without a thought, and that's dangerous and hypocritical.
You are right. I have not attacked any real Republicans, only fake conservative Donald Trump.
I have said the extreme left and MAGA are a lot a like. They don't deal in the real world. Nobody from ANTIFA is running for the Dem nominaton.
I can't believe the Democrats cannot do better than Biden in 2024. There would be no Trump if it were not for an inept Democratic party and idiots like you. You have been conned. How can you be so stupid?
The Dems fully promote Antifa and BLM. They refuse to condemn them. The White House is covered with Tranny flags. They are nothing but extremists, not one Dem stands up to the radicals, they are all radicals. Why would they want anyone else but Biden? He is their perfect representative: an old racist corrupt white guy who uses the system to enrich himself. He’s also very likely a pedophile which seems to be a basic requirement for positions of high leadership in the Dem Party. They abuse their authority to punish political opponents. They are authoritarians, who hate personal freedom.

By “real conservatives” I suppose you mean the McCain/Romney types? Warmongers and “free trade” with China com artists.
Yet another specious accusation devoid of any substance or specifics from you. I showed you explicit violation of public trust from Democrats where they abused power of the office and money of the taxpayer to reward themselves by breaking the law.; ultimately hurting the city they were entrusted to serve.

Be intellectually accountable to yourself.
Your anecdote proves nothing, both parties have crooks. There is one conspiracy in the United States, rich people being greedy and getting the GOP to give them tax cuts, and lying. Deregulating and taking away oversight is another coup for rich investment class, usually followed by a bubble and bust that regular people end up having to pay for with a recession or depression. Black corruption is caught more often that's for sure. and has no giant system behind it. Your GOP system of the last 40 years has given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere you don't know about... not to mention two or three corrupt bubbles and busts and the stupidest wars ever....
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I think this is a complex issue.

1) Humans have an inbuilt sense of what people are theirs.
Go to China, and a small baby might cry because they see a westerner or someone who doesn't look Chinese.
When we're very young, first six months, we're trying to make sense of the world and we're literally learning certain skills first. It's survival technique.
Some kids learn quickly, others more slowly. Those who are slower might be less inclined to against their basic senses.

2) When you think of Japan, you have this sense of "this is what Japan is", it's got it's strong sense of culture. China is the same, though the Chinese are the biggest destroyers of Chinese culture (think the "Cultural Revolution").
I used to travel a lot, and you go to other countries to see other cultures. It's not the same if other cultures are coming to you. Suddenly your country is losing its culture and being replaced. So, what do people see when they go to France? Instead of all things French, suddenly half the things are African or Arab.

3) People can live together peacefully, the biggest problem is often when there's a huge influx of people with different ideals. I think safety is one of the biggest concerns. Many less educated immigrants will not be so inclined to have a safe society, more likely to be criminals and the like. So, it causes friction.

4) There are plenty of "open minded people" who are not very "open minded" when it comes to opinions they don't like. People who are opposed to mass immigration might have a point, like points one, two and three. But these "open minded people" will dismiss them without a thought, and that's dangerous and hypocritical.
In our world that is so interconnected, it is difficult not to have diversity. But it takes work to make it work.
It is easier to just say, I will not accept others not like me.
Black neighborhoods are centers of poverty and crime thanks to GOP policies and give away to the rich tax rates The last forty years. They've always been against the nonrich so the blacks do worst of all... thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, racist dupe...
And here I've educated you so much on this subject. It's sad, really, to see that you so actively resist education. Sad. And you forgot to mention Murdoch. You know that means you won't get paid for this post, right?

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