Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

Anyways, this current administration is a joke. Some of it's funny, but most of it is not. There's no way that Biden would have lasted so long in office if he was a Republican and neither would Kamala Harris,... although in her case being a black woman has a lot to do with it.
Poor liddle Republican victims. BooHoo.
Poor liddle Republican victims. BooHoo.

The thing is you democrats are victims too you just don't acknowledge it hoping that it'll all just disappear if you don't.
Btw I'm a libertarian now for your information bitch. :fu:
Either you guys are just so punked by the democrats and the liberals or progs as you call them, and too impotent and incompetent to do anything about it, or you are sniviling twits making up all this victim hood silliness up. Libertarians are mindless partisan hacks too.
Either you guys are just so punked by the democrats and the liberals or progs as you call them, and too impotent and incompetent to do anything about it, or you are sniviling twits making up all this victim hood silliness up. Libertarians are mindless partisan hacks too.

Triggered me? I ain't the one posting the word triggered several times on an orange background. I would say it is you who are triggered. Did you just realize what a victim you are?
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.
I wished he could of however during the campaign we saw he didn’t have the capability. I do understand not voting for Trump but we need to find a better way to get better candidates.
Not for a long time. But surely Trump was the bottom of the barrell. I would love to have a GW Bush or Obama back.
Hillary, Biden, Trump, Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore might be the eight worst ever. Time to get better candidates.
That is foolish because Russia has the most natural resources and unused wilderness on the entire planet.

russia is one giant gas station.

The last thing Russia would ever do is invade anyone else, except for defense.

lol ... uh-huh. & when - exactly - did ukraine attack russia?

And clearly the Ukraine stole oil, violated treaties, started stockpiling US weapons, massacred ethnic Russians, tried to join NATO, cut off negotiations, etc., which are all acts of war.

other than wanting to join NATO - what proof do you have that the rest of us don't to back up yer accusations?

So anyone claiming Russia started it is just lying.


Clearly the US took over the Ukraine in 2014 and was entirely at fault for deliberately starting this war.

it is ' ukraine' there is no 'the' ukraine. at least get that right.

And how does this war end?
There are only 2 possibilities.
One is we pull out and let the Ukraine lose, and the other is Russia is forced to do a full nuclear attack on the US.
Which do you prefer?

if ukraine loses - russia will go further & once they invade poland ... because of COURSE poland will do something to intigate it just like ukraine... right? when putin does that, then we will no longer be in a proxy war & then you can start to really worry.
Joe Biden

Beat trump...a huge plus

Got 100 million people vaccinated in just over a month

3/4 of the nation vaccinated/boosted

Got the US out of Afgan as well as a quarter million of our friends

Dealt with the "baby formula scandal"...poof problem gone

Dealt with the supply chain issues...problem largely gone

Dealt with high gas prices...back to least for now

Made NATO stronger than ever

Helped pass the biggest Climate Change Bill ever

And much much more

Joe's doing a great job
i wonder how good the OP will feel when the house starts holding the raising the debt ceiling hostage until her SSDI bennies get slashed.

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