Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

They got their cut, yet you refuse to prove the allegation with proof.
I am just a citizen not a reporter, investigator or prosecutor. However there does appear to be a substantial amount of evidence available. Of course our corrupt DOJ and FBI will ignore it or cover it up like a cat covering up its poop. The Bidens will likely waltz away scot-free like other high level Democrats.

Yeah, he’s done an INCREDIBLE amount of damage fucking up everything he touches with his absolute dementia-ridden incompetence, you stupid fuck…
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.

Great presidents are products of their circumstances, rather than the actual person. Look at the Ukraine, their president could have been a nobody, now he's well known.
awww you didn't?

No. I said that I had hoped that he would have been a great president, not that I think he's a great president. You need to get your eyes checked. 🙄
I expect nothing from elected "leaders". Just, please, don't leave a shitty situation for the next one.

Give me a "C" President and I'm fine. And that's what most of them are.
That's ridiculous.
It was proven by the world court in 2011 that the Ukraine was stealing billions in oil from Russia.
Moron, even Russia has never claimed any financial grievance as the basis for their invasion. Nor would it ever justify annexation of Ukranian lands.

It's just some made up bullshit floating around in your insane head.
Great presidents are products of their circumstances, rather than the actual person. Look at the Ukraine, their president could have been a nobody, now he's well known.
Semantics is who really rules.... insurrection and Joe pledging unity. Thats who rules. Lies.
Semantics is who really rules.... insurrection and Joe pledging unity. Thats who rules. Lies.

Funny how the ones who wanted to create an official Truth Commission to censor people and spread propaganda and disinformation - which they said undermines our republic - were already doing that on Twitter and other platforms with the help of Big Tech.

Progs are not honorable. They promote themselves as such. A much larger percentage of their politicians are lifers. Although all sides have their carpetbaggers. They also transmute from elected to non-elected positions in government, lobbyists change parties with ease, go into the media spectrum without missing a beat, practice nepotism to keep the power in a very limited fiefdom and more.
Progs are not honorable. They promote themselves as such. A much larger percentage of their politicians are lifers. Although all sides have their carpetbaggers. They also transmute from elected to non-elected positions in government, lobbyists change parties with ease, go into the media spectrum without missing a beat, practice nepotism to keep the power in a very limited fiefdom and more.

And what does that have to do with what I said?
How could anybody even hope that Potatohead would be a good President when he had a 46 year record of getting everything wrong?

Even Obama knew that Potatohead was a failure when he said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Potatohead to fuck things up".
How could anybody even hope that Potatohead would be a good President when he had a 46 year record of getting everything wrong?

Well, the guy first went to the senate over a hundred and eighty years ago so I was just hoping that experience would sink in.
Anyways, this current administration is a joke. Some of it's funny, but most of it is not. There's no way that Biden would have lasted so long in office if he was a Republican and neither would Kamala Harris,... although in her case being a black woman has a lot to do with it.

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