Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

It was absolutely legal and moral to attack Afghnaistan

We can argue about the Ukraine because its fairly complex, but not Afghanistan.
Clearly the Taliban had NOTHING at all to do with bin Laden's secret activities, the Taliban had arrested bin Laden on suspicion several times, and had offered to extradite bin Laden to Saudi Arabia, or any Islamic court.

So anyone claiming the Taliban ever did anything wrong, is just lying.
We can argue about the Ukraine because its fairly complex, but not Afghanistan.
Clearly the Taliban had NOTHING at all to do with bin Laden's secret activities, the Taliban had arrested bin Laden on suspicion several times, and had offered to extradite bin Laden to Saudi Arabia, or any Islamic court.

So anyone claiming the Taliban ever did anything wrong, is just lying.
You lost every argument about the Ukraine. Every statement you have posted about Ukraine is an absoolute manufactured LIE

Same here

It is you lying and in fact they had everything to do with it liar

Being arrested does not challenge THAT FACT
Russia started it

Your excuses are all provenn lies.

That's ridiculous.
It was proven by the world court in 2011 that the Ukraine was stealing billions in oil from Russia.
There is no question Kyiv authorized the Azov Battalion to murder over 30k ethnic Russians.
Are you trying to claim the Zelensky did NOT try to join NATO, in violation of every single treaty the Ukraine ever signed?
Clearly it was Zelensky who cut off negotiations with Moscow, leaving Russia absolutely no alternative but to invade, in order to prevent NATO nukes on its border.
What would you expect Russia to do?
That's ridiculous.
It was proven by the world court in 2011 that the Ukraine was stealing billions in oil from Russia.
There is no question Kyiv authorized the Azov Battalion to murder over 30k ethnic Russians.
Are you trying to claim the Zelensky did NOT try to join NATO, in violation of every single treaty the Ukraine ever signed?
Clearly it was Zelensky who cut off negotiations with Moscow, leaving Russia absolutely no alternative but to invade, in order to prevent NATO nukes on its border.
What would you expect Russia to do?
Wronjg LIAR

There is no evidence WHATSOEVER that any such murder was AUTHORIZED. NO evidence of any kind.

It has been proven that there was NO SUCH TREATY . There was NOTHING illegal about them joining NATO. You are a liar who cannot cite any such treaty

NATO never wanted to or tried to put nukes there ABSOLUTE FACT

You have LONG since been proven an absolute coward and liar on ALL OF YOUR CLAIMS
You lost every argument about the Ukraine. Every statement you have posted about Ukraine is an absoolute manufactured LIE

Same here

It is you lying and in fact they had everything to do with it liar

Being arrested does not challenge THAT FACT

That is ridiculous.
It is well documented fact the Taliban were not involved with bin Laden, disliked him and all Arabs, and only tolerated him because the CIA paid them both to get along.

From "The Guardian":

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over​

Sun 14 Oct 2001 17.19 EDT

President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan.
Returning to the White House after a weekend at Camp David, the president said the bombing would not stop, unless the ruling Taliban "turn [bin Laden] over, turn his cohorts over, turn any hostages they hold over." He added, "There's no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty". In Jalalabad, deputy prime minister Haji Abdul Kabir - the third most powerful figure in the ruling Taliban regime - told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, but added: "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country".

Anyone claiming the Taliban had any complicity in the 9/11 attack is lying.
The Taliban have their faults, but lying and terrorism are not any of them.
Their main problem is they are far too moral, not liars or terrorists.
Yes you are

Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?​

That is ridiculous.
It is well documented fact the Taliban were not involved with bin Laden, disliked him and all Arabs, and only tolerated him because the CIA paid them both to get along.

From "The Guardian":

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over​

Sun 14 Oct 2001 17.19 EDT

President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan.
Returning to the White House after a weekend at Camp David, the president said the bombing would not stop, unless the ruling Taliban "turn [bin Laden] over, turn his cohorts over, turn any hostages they hold over." He added, "There's no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty". In Jalalabad, deputy prime minister Haji Abdul Kabir - the third most powerful figure in the ruling Taliban regime - told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, but added: "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country".

Anyone claiming the Taliban had any complicity in the 9/11 attack is lying.
The Taliban have their faults, but lying and terrorism are not any of them.
Their main problem is they are far too moral, not liars or terrorists.
Anyone denying that the Taliban was involved is a weak liar and you are a PROVEN liar with every post.

They are terrorists and you have failed to refute that fact
Wronjg LIAR

There is no evidence WHATSOEVER that any such murder was AUTHORIZED. NO evidence of any kind.

It has been proven that there was NO SUCH TREATY . There was NOTHING illegal about them joining NATO. You are a liar who cannot cite any such treaty

NATO never wanted to or tried to put nukes there ABSOLUTE FACT

You have LONG since been proven an absolute coward and liar on ALL OF YOUR CLAIMS

We all read the statements from all the leaders back in 1992 to 1994.
All the leaders agree the Ukraine should be demilitarized, its Soviet weapons removed, and no eastward encroachment by NATO.

And of course the US wants to and is stilly trying to put nukes on Russia's border.
We put nukes on Russia's border already, in Turkey and Poland.
They only reason they are gone is Russia objected and threatened retaliation.
So once again the US is obviously trying to put nukes on Russia's border, and that is the ONLY reason for the US spending so much on the Ukraine.
Otherwise the US would not care anything at all about the Ukraine.
And since the Ukraine ran Hitler's death camps, no one should care anything at all about the Ukraine.
Biden is an imbecile

The World knows he could have never been a good President

What a question....Fuck that
Yes it was a good thing for humanity to destroy the USSR>

The USSr could never have survived a fierst struke and Russia still cannot.

The Communist government of The USSR was the worst and largest slave state in human history.

The government in the USSR advanced the people from Tzarist feudalism, into be a modern and properous world in less than 50 years.
It is the most successful government that ever existed, in terms of advancing the standard of living of its people.
We all read the statements from all the leaders back in 1992 to 1994.
All the leaders agree the Ukraine should be demilitarized, its Soviet weapons removed, and no eastward encroachment by NATO.

And of course the US wants to and is stilly trying to put nukes on Russia's border.
We put nukes on Russia's border already, in Turkey and Poland.
They only reason they are gone is Russia objected and threatened retaliation.
So once again the US is obviously trying to put nukes on Russia's border, and that is the ONLY reason for the US spending so much on the Ukraine.
Otherwise the US would not care anything at all about the Ukraine.
And since the Ukraine ran Hitler's death camps, no one should care anything at all about the Ukraine.
There was NO treaty whatsoever forbidding Ukraione joining NATO

WE read no such thing and YOU READ NO such thing.

The US has not tried to put nukes on their border since the sixtiers that is proven fact which you cannot refute.

We NEVER put nukes in poland nor did we ever try to put them in Poland


The Ukraine ran no death camps PERIOD

The government in the USSR advanced the people from Tzarist feudalism, into be a modern and properous world in less than 50 years.
It is the most successful government that ever existed, in terms of advancing the standard of living of its people.

That government enslaved all and plunged them into endless poverty

It was the worst and most failed government of the twentieth century
Biden did not start the war nor even precipitate it.

Putin is exclusively responsible for staering it with no justification

That's ridiculous.
All Zelensky had to do in order to prevent the outbreak of hostilities, was to NOT cut off negotiations.
Putin was satisfied as long as there were meetings.
But by cutting off negotiations, that was a deliberate slap in the face, that gave Putin absolutely no choice at all.
Anyone blaming Putin, is totally ignorant of what actually went on.
That's ridiculous.
All Zelensky had to do in order to prevent the outbreak of hostilities, was to NOT cut off negotiations.
Putin was satisfied as long as there were meetings.
But by cutting off negotiations, that was a deliberate slap in the face, that gave Putin absolutely no choice at all.
Anyone blaming Putin, is totally ignorant of what actually went on.


NOTHING was being negotiated justifying war which the Russians are losing
Bidet a good President!


This is unbelievable....what to do with this stupid questions?
to puke?

may be!
You'er the only one pretending.

Biden has got more done in 2 years than your blob got done in 4. And he's only built 45 fewer miles of new border wall too.
I agree ! Increased inflation, CRT, energy DEPENDENCE on Foreign Countries, Shutting down businesses and schools for over two years, stopping the border Wall funding, encouraging ILLEGALS pouring into the Country including increased FENTANYL and TRANSGENDER FEMALES competing with BIOLOGICAL FEMALES

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