Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

There was NO treaty whatsoever forbidding Ukraione joining NATO

WE read no such thing and YOU READ NO such thing.

The US has not tried to put nukes on their border since the sixtiers that is proven fact which you cannot refute.

We NEVER put nukes in poland nor did we ever try to put them in Poland


The Ukraine ran no death camps PERIOD


They US not only put nuclear ABM Sprite missiles in Poland, but even after Poland made them remove them, the US still likely have nuclear bombers that station in Poland.

On Friday, May 27th, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin again asserted that American President Barack Obama lies when saying that the reason America’s anti-ballistic missile (“ABM”) or Ballistic Missile Defense (“BMD”) system is being installed in Romania, and will soon be installed in Poland, is to protect Europe from Iranian missiles that don’t even exist and that Obama himself says won’t exist because of Obama’s deal with Iran. Putin is saying: I know that you are lying there, not being honest. You’re aiming to disable our retaliatory capacity here, not Iran’s. I’m not so dumb as to believe so transparent a lie as your assurances that this is about Iran, not about Russia.

Putin says that ABMs such as America is installing, disable a country’s (in this case, Russia’s) ability to retaliate against a blitz invasion — something increasingly likely from NATO now as NATO has extended right up to Russia’s very borders — and that Russia will not allow this disabling of Russia’s retaliatory forces.

He said that “NATO fend us off with vague statements that this is no threat to Russia … that the whole project began as a preventive measure against Iran’s nuclear program. Where is that program now? It doesn’t exist. … We have been saying since the early 2000s that we will have to react somehow to your moves to undermine international security. No one is listening to us.”

In other words, he is saying that the West is ignoring Russia’s words, and that therefore Russia will, if this continues, respond by eliminating the ABM sites before they become fully operational. To do otherwise than to eliminate any fully operational ABM system on or near Russia’s borders would be to leave the Russian people vulnerable to a blitz attack by NATO, and this will not be permitted.

He said: “At the moment the interceptor missiles installed have a range of 500 kilometers, soon this will go up to 1000 kilometers, and worse than that, they can be rearmed with 2400km-range offensive missiles even today, and it can be done by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians themselves won’t know.”

In other words: Only the Americans, who have designed and control the ABM system, will be able to know if and when Russia is left totally vulnerable. Not even the Romanians will know; and Putin says, “Russia has ‘no choice’ but to target Romania” — and later Poland, if they follow through with their plans to do the same.

By implication, Putin is saying that, whereas he doesn’t need to strike Romania’s site immediately, he’ll need to do it soon enough to block the ABM system’s upgrade that will leave Russia vulnerable to attack and (because of the fully functional ABM) with no ability on Russia’s part to counter-strike.

He is saying: Remove the ABM system, or else we’ll have to do it by knocking it out ourselves.

They US not only put nuclear ABM Sprite missiles in Poland, but even after Poland made them remove them, the US still likely have nuclear bombers that station in Poland.

On Friday, May 27th, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin again asserted that American President Barack Obama lies when saying that the reason America’s anti-ballistic missile (“ABM”) or Ballistic Missile Defense (“BMD”) system is being installed in Romania, and will soon be installed in Poland, is to protect Europe from Iranian missiles that don’t even exist and that Obama himself says won’t exist because of Obama’s deal with Iran. Putin is saying: I know that you are lying there, not being honest. You’re aiming to disable our retaliatory capacity here, not Iran’s. I’m not so dumb as to believe so transparent a lie as your assurances that this is about Iran, not about Russia.

Putin says that ABMs such as America is installing, disable a country’s (in this case, Russia’s) ability to retaliate against a blitz invasion — something increasingly likely from NATO now as NATO has extended right up to Russia’s very borders — and that Russia will not allow this disabling of Russia’s retaliatory forces.

He said that “NATO fend us off with vague statements that this is no threat to Russia … that the whole project began as a preventive measure against Iran’s nuclear program. Where is that program now? It doesn’t exist. … We have been saying since the early 2000s that we will have to react somehow to your moves to undermine international security. No one is listening to us.”

In other words, he is saying that the West is ignoring Russia’s words, and that therefore Russia will, if this continues, respond by eliminating the ABM sites before they become fully operational. To do otherwise than to eliminate any fully operational ABM system on or near Russia’s borders would be to leave the Russian people vulnerable to a blitz attack by NATO, and this will not be permitted.

He said: “At the moment the interceptor missiles installed have a range of 500 kilometers, soon this will go up to 1000 kilometers, and worse than that, they can be rearmed with 2400km-range offensive missiles even today, and it can be done by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians themselves won’t know.”

In other words: Only the Americans, who have designed and control the ABM system, will be able to know if and when Russia is left totally vulnerable. Not even the Romanians will know; and Putin says, “Russia has ‘no choice’ but to target Romania” — and later Poland, if they follow through with their plans to do the same.

By implication, Putin is saying that, whereas he doesn’t need to strike Romania’s site immediately, he’ll need to do it soon enough to block the ABM system’s upgrade that will leave Russia vulnerable to attack and (because of the fully functional ABM) with no ability on Russia’s part to counter-strike.

He is saying: Remove the ABM system, or else we’ll have to do it by knocking it out ourselves.

ABM missles are not nuclear you moron

The US has never tried to put nukes in POLAND that is an absolute fact
Reagan was the last great president.

Carter was a failure.

The national debt went from about $1 trillion, to about @2.9 trillion under Reagan.
That is an increase of 186%, the greatest increase of any president ever.

Reagan likely was the single worst president ever, and almost annihilated the whole world by trying to make it appear as if the US was putting nuclear weapons in to orbit, with SDI.

The national debt went from about $1 trillion, to about @2.9 trillion under Reagan.
That is an increase of 186%, the greatest increase of any president ever.

Reagan likely was the single worst president ever, and almost annihilated the whole world by trying to make it appear as if the US was putting nuclear weapons in to orbit, with SDI.

Reagan was the greatest president of the twentiieth century.

That debt defeated the most evil communist nation in history which was a blessing to humanity.

He never tried to make it appear as if the US was putting nukes in orbit. The SDI initiantive never involved putting nukes in orbit
ABM missles are not nuclear you moron

The US has never tried to put nukes in POLAND that is an absolute fact

That is really, really ignorant.
Of course ABMs are nuclear.
There is no way to intercept incoming nuclear missiles without the ABMs being nuclear.
Clearly you did NOT read what I linked already.
US ABM Sprite missiles ARE NUCLEAR!
Nor did Poland or Romania need any ABM to defend against Iranian missiles that did not even exist.
That is really, really ignorant.
Of course ABMs are nuclear.
There is no way to intercept incoming nuclear missiles without the ABMs being nuclear.
Clearly you did NOT read what I linked already.
US ABM Sprite missiles ARE NUCLEAR!
Nor did Poland or Romania need any ABM to defend against Iranian missiles that did not even exist.

]You are the ignorant one/

ABM missles are not nuclear.

Yes inded they are used to intercept incoming nukes and to do so they need QUICK maneuverability. which cannot be achieved with nuclear warheads which are massively heavy.

Nothing you linked to refutes that fact

ABMS are not nuclear and you are an ignorant FOOL and liar making crap up

US ABMS are not nuclear that is fact you cannot refute LIAR
Reagan was the greatest president of the twentiieth century.

That debt defeated the most evil communist nation in history which was a blessing to humanity.

He never tried to make it appear as if the US was putting nukes in orbit. The SDI initiantive never involved putting nukes in orbit

SDI was completely and only about attacking earth target from space, and of course that could only be nuclear.
Are you suggesting we would launch conventional bomb in to orbit, only to drop them by gravity later, using about 100 times more fuel then conventional bomb runs?
Clearly SDI was only a nuclear threat, and nothing else.

]You are the ignorant one/

ABM missles are not nuclear.

Yes inded they are used to intercept incoming nukes and to do so they need QUICK maneuverability. which cannot be achieved with nuclear warheads which are massively heavy.

Nothing you linked to refutes that fact

ABMS are not nuclear and you are an ignorant FOOL and liar making crap up

US ABMS are not nuclear that is fact you cannot refute LIAR

Oh come on.
How could anyone not remember the foolish nuclear Sprite ABM?

The Sprint was a two-stage, solid-fuel anti-ballistic missile (ABM), armed with a W66 enhanced-radiation thermonuclear warhead used by the United States Army from 1975-1976.

It was not just nuclear, but thermonuclear, and would have killed half the population of the US if it ever got used.
I didn’t. I didn’t expect him to be a “great” president. What I wanted was a person who respected his office and our democratic institutions, who would bring stability, accountability and a sense that we as a country can be relied on. That is what I wanted and got. I’m ok with that. Not every president needs to be “great”, sometimes “great” is not what the times are calling for. Sometimes boring is a good thing.

We did not get a president "who would bring stability, accountability, etc.".
Biden is risking Armageddon by pushing Putin with threats of NATO nukes on his border.
He also caused prices to double by the illegal economic sanctions on Russian civilians and civilian good.
Sanctions are only legal on weapons.
Biden is a criminal who is destroying the economy of the country and risking world war.
We did not get a president "who would bring stability, accountability, etc.".
Biden is risking Armageddon by pushing Putin with threats of NATO nukes on his border.
He also caused prices to double by the illegal economic sanctions on Russian civilians and civilian good.
Sanctions are only legal on weapons.
Biden is a criminal who is destroying the economy of the country and risking world war.
He never made any such threat the US has not trued to put nukes on their border for decades.

ABMS are not nuclear and no one tried to put them in Ukrain

you are a liar again.

Those sanctions are legal
Oh come on.
How could anyone not remember the foolish nuclear Sprite ABM?

The Sprint was a two-stage, solid-fuel anti-ballistic missile (ABM), armed with a W66 enhanced-radiation thermonuclear warhead used by the United States Army from 1975-1976.

It was not just nuclear, but thermonuclear, and would have killed half the population of the US if it ever got used.
You proved my point.

The US has not tried to put nukes on their border for DECADES
SDI was completely and only about attacking earth target from space, and of course that could only be nuclear.
Are you suggesting we would launch conventional bomb in to orbit, only to drop them by gravity later, using about 100 times more fuel then conventional bomb runs?
Clearly SDI was only a nuclear threat, and nothing else.
Wrong liar

SDI was strictly and exclusively about developing non nuclear weapons such as lasers and conventional issles to shoot down incoming warheads.

It was never a nucelar threat nor intended to be

you pull this crap from thin air and are posting manufactured lies
We did not get a president "who would bring stability, accountability, etc.".
Biden is risking Armageddon by pushing Putin with threats of NATO nukes on his border.
He also caused prices to double by the illegal economic sanctions on Russian civilians and civilian good.
Sanctions are only legal on weapons.
Biden is a criminal who is destroying the economy of the country and risking world war.
Once again you are a proven liar.

No one threatened to put on their border. There has been no effort or need for the US to put nukes on their border for decades.

Any sanctions are legal

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