Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

You'er the only one pretending.

Biden has got more done in 2 years than your blob got done in 4. And he's only built 45 fewer miles of new border wall too.
Yeah, he’s done an INCREDIBLE amount of damage fucking up everything he touches with his absolute dementia-ridden incompetence, you stupid fuck…
I am not at all happy with Biden, even though I am far left.

First of all, Biden has a terrible history.
He is the author of the 1994 Federal Crime Bill, which created the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, and many illegal and immoral laws.
Second is that there is no question Biden was illegally involved in the US takeover of the Ukraine in 2014.

But Biden has also done terribly.
He totally bungled covid, with masks mandates that prevent it from ending, and mRNA vax mandates which obviously not only does not work, but could never possible have worked since coronavirus spikes mimic our own exosome spike.
He also greatly increased the national debt to the point we may never recover, and deliberately risked WWIII with the illegal arming of the Ukraine.
I do not care what people claim by manipulating statistic.
What I actually see is lots of empty businesses, prices doubling, and tons of homeless.
Lowest standard of living in decades.

There NEVER WAS a trake over of Ukraine in 2014

The arms for Ukraine are LEGAL
Since Bin Laden was in Pakistan all the time, it was always illegal and immoral for the US to attack Afghanistan at all.
In fact, if people remember, the Taliban offered to extradite bin Laden way back in 2001.
Anyone at all involved in hostilities against Iraq or Afghanistan, should be imprisoned for it.
It was absolutely legal and moral to attack Afghnaistan
You miss the point.
Any US forces in Afghanistan were CRIMINALS.
The Taliban were our allies, as part of the 1979 Mujahideen created by the CIA.
The Taliban not only never committed any crimes, but if anything, were TOO moral, ethical, and strict.
Your point is historic revisionism and an outright lie.
But Joe has done very badly.
He clearly illegally covered up Hunter's corruption with Burisma Holdings.
He clearly illegally stockpiled arms to the Ukraine.
The US has clearly promised to never encroach on former Warsaw Pact countries.
What Biden did was not only criminal, but forced the invasion and will force Russia to launch nukes on the US eventually.
Stupidest and most unethical thing in US history.

And while normally one can not blame presidents for rising prices and a terrible economy, but in this case you can, because Biden clearly is at fault for the price increased due to his illegal economic sanctions against Russia, and his total bungle of covid with masks, lockdowns, and a vax that makes things worse instead of better.
The arms to the Ukrain are legal.

The arms in the Ukraine were sent only after Putin launched his illegal war

Russia will never launch nukes and commit suicide
Biden personally demanding Shokin be fired illegally was seen by all.
All a GOP finding shows is that they got their cut.

There were lots of US promises treaties, etc. around 1991-1995.
But clearly the US was illegally bribing, arming, and taking over the Ukraine since 2014.
Look it up.
Many Ukraine cabinet members were even US citizens, illegally.
Nor were elections at all free or fair.
In 2014 is when the genocide of ethnic Russians started as well.

Putin is not guilty of anything.
It was Zelensky who deliberately declared war by cutting off all negotiations.

Trump clearly was against Fauci's disastrous covid policies.

Earnings are way down, not "up".
the US did not and was not taking over Ukraine in 2014.

What is clear is that you are a liar.

Putin is a guilty piece of shit who started this war unilaterally
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.

Everyone HOPED Biden would not suck as badly as they knew he would.

His own team was doping him up just so he could seem normal and get through an hour-long campain 'rally' consisting of 12 people sitting in chairs in the middle of circles marked on the floors...


Totally wrong.

Presidents signing congressional bills is not a presidential accomplishment.

Biden should be jailed for starting Ukraine war.
Covid vax total failure.
Biden did not start the war nor even precipitate it.

Putin is exclusively responsible for staering it with no justification
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.
I didn’t. I didn’t expect him to be a “great” president. What I wanted was a person who respected his office and our democratic institutions, who would bring stability, accountability and a sense that we as a country can be relied on. That is what I wanted and got. I’m ok with that. Not every president needs to be “great”, sometimes “great” is not what the times are calling for. Sometimes boring is a good thing.
Carter being "ineffective" is about the highest praise anyone can give any president.
Reagan should have been arrested for pulling those solar panels off the roof of the White House, that Carter had installed.
Reagan was the worst by far, because of the trillions he added to the national debt with his fake SDI spending.
Reagan was the last great president.

Carter was a failure.
SDI was about the stupidest risk anyone ever pulled off.
It is true Reagan won the SDI bluff and destroyed the USSR, but that was not a good thing.
First of all, the USSR had the choice of simply launching a first strike on the US before the US could illegally orbit nukes.
And second is that the USSR really was good for the world, since it was the US that invaded and enslaved more than anyone else.
Just look at the history of evil dictators the US supported and the USSR prevented.
Khang Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Diem in Vietnam, etc.
The US has the worst track record the world for colonial imperialism.
As bad as they were, the USSR came off like saints in comparison.
Yes it was a good thing for humanity to destroy the USSR>

The USSr could never have survived a fierst struke and Russia still cannot.

The Communist government of The USSR was the worst and largest slave state in human history.
Russia did not steal billions of oil from its own pipelines, massacre over 30k ethnic Russians, outlaw all political opposition, start stockpiling US weapons, violate alliance treaties, try to illegally put NATO nukes on Russia's border, cut off negotiations, etc.

There is no question at all that Zelensky deliberately started this war, with the urging, funding, and weapons of the US.
Russia started it

Your excuses are all provenn lies.
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.

I knew he was going to be a trainwreck, but he has done significantly more damage in just 2 years alone than i ever expected. More damage than one would think is even possible.
Doesn't change my question. You said you really hoped Biden would do a good job. What did you expect from a socialist with a socialist House and Senate?

TBH he wasn't a socialist for the first 50 years.
Wrong about everything
Huge racist.
Low intelligence level compared to other Senators.
Tax and spend progressive for sure.
The woke socialist thingy is a new wrinkle
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