Am I The Only One Here That Hoped That Joe Biden Would Have Been A Great President?

Speaking of Piglosi, why didn't that immature bitch hand over the gavel? That's the kind of playground antics that bitch has exhibited during her entire run in the house. Typical democrat actions along with riots, lies, character assassination, arson, murder etc. etc etc.
Our leaders in the past in Congress would be fierce and passionate in their debates, but always treated each other with respect. Pelosi is responsible for the nastiness and disrespectful behavior in our political system.
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.
What is it you thought would make him great exactly?

What policy or actions were you expecting, but didn't get?
Nixon and Jimmy Carter, for sure, and it is quite arguable that W. Son-Of-A-Bush, should also be counted. We all know about Nixon. Carter was just ineffective, poor judgement, and unluckiest guy to ever hold the office. W. for starting unnecessary war, based on BS, being a pawn of the far right neo-cons (including his VP) and of course, the economy crashed on his watch, taking out the branch I worked for, then wiping 35% plus of my retirement, while I was laying on a beach out of contact or knodwledge there had been a crash, but that is personal animus on my part, so all I really hold against him is the lives of friends and subordinates killed or maimed in his BS war.

Carter being "ineffective" is about the highest praise anyone can give any president.
Reagan should have been arrested for pulling those solar panels off the roof of the White House, that Carter had installed.
Reagan was the worst by far, because of the trillions he added to the national debt with his fake SDI spending.
i'm just gonna pick one to argue for now & that's ukraine.

they are the only thing stopping the rooooskies from invading poland, ect. you think putin would stop with ukraine?

That is foolish because Russia has the most natural resources and unused wilderness on the entire planet.
The last thing Russia would ever do is invade anyone else, except for defense.
And clearly the Ukraine stole oil, violated treaties, started stockpiling US weapons, massacred ethnic Russians, tried to join NATO, cut off negotiations, etc., which are all acts of war.
So anyone claiming Russia started it is just lying.
Clearly the US took over the Ukraine in 2014 and was entirely at fault for deliberately starting this war.
And how does this war end?
There are only 2 possibilities.
One is we pull out and let the Ukraine lose, and the other is Russia is forced to do a full nuclear attack on the US.
Which do you prefer?
They got their cut, yet you refuse to prove the allegation with proof.

Oviously no one can "prove" anything unless they had an illegal wiretap or something.
But all you have to do is "follow the money".
The Ukraine deserved no US foreign aid, and Burisma Holding deserved no millions in unearned payments.
Anyone claiming the whole deal was not criminal, would have to also be a criminal.
Carter being "ineffective" is about the highest praise anyone can give any president.
Reagan should have been arrested for pulling those solar panels off the roof of the White House, that Carter had installed.
Reagan was the worst by far, because of the trillions he added to the national debt with his fake SDI spending.
He was a great poker player, before Alzheimer took him over. I vote for him twice, even though it was literally my ass on the line he was betting, and raising. Hardly St Ronald, but I give credit where credit is due.
Even the disgraced Nixon and the inept Carter were head and shoulders above the performance of this boneheaded vegetable that inhabits the WH today. Bushes? They were also morons, and I had no use for those two either, but they simply set the stage for the "New World Order" globalist bullshit that Obama and now Potatohead are promoting. Forty-nine years of lying and incompetence place Biden firmly at the top of the list for WORST excuse for a POTUS in US history.

I tend to agree.
Forcing WWIII with the Ukraine is insane, expensive, and immoral.
Its also way past time to admit the mRNA vax is a total failure.
I seriously hoped and prayed that for the sake of our country that he would have been even though he isn't from my party. Clearly all those hopes and dreams were for nothing, but I still had them in the very beginning despite the fact that our 2020 election wasn't legit.
Why would he be a great president when he didn't accomplish anything important in almost 50 years in congress.
What is it you thought would make him great exactly?

What policy or actions were you expecting, but didn't get?

It would have been nice if Biden had not started yet another illegal and expensive war in the Ukraine.
It would have been nice if Biden had ended the foolish mRNA fiasco and done something real for covid.
It would have been nice if Biden had actually helped people by subsidizing low cost housing instead of making prices go through the roof with illegal sanctions on Russia.
Only in the democrat party could a candidate who had to drop out of a Presidential campaign for lying be elected President years later when he's suffering from dementia.

Lying is one of the major qualifications for being in the democratic party.

Why would he be a great president when he didn't accomplish anything important in almost 50 years in congress.

You have a point as that's one hundred percent true.
I always wish for the best for my country. I wished Trump would be a great President. Very dissapointing. Biden too, not nearly as crazy stupid, but I dont like Dem polices.
He was a great poker player, before Alzheimer took him over. I vote for him twice, even though it was literally my ass on the line he was betting, and raising. Hardly St Ronald, but I give credit where credit is due.

SDI was about the stupidest risk anyone ever pulled off.
It is true Reagan won the SDI bluff and destroyed the USSR, but that was not a good thing.
First of all, the USSR had the choice of simply launching a first strike on the US before the US could illegally orbit nukes.
And second is that the USSR really was good for the world, since it was the US that invaded and enslaved more than anyone else.
Just look at the history of evil dictators the US supported and the USSR prevented.
Khang Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, Diem in Vietnam, etc.
The US has the worst track record the world for colonial imperialism.
As bad as they were, the USSR came off like saints in comparison.

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