Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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During Clinton's last three years in office the national debt declined.


That is a lie. The accumulative national debt was higher when Slick Willy left office than when he he was elected.

Of course there was some hocus pocus accounting between agencies while the dishonest sonofabitch was in office that hid the real debt.
That is a lie. The accumulative national debt was higher when Slick Willy left office than when he he was elected.

Of course there was some hocus pocus accounting between agencies while the dishonest sonofabitch was in office that hid the real debt.
Hector is a whiny Dimmer. That is his Achillles heel.
That is a lie. The accumulative national debt was higher when Slick Willy left office than when he he was elected.

Of course there was some hocus pocus accounting between agencies while the dishonest sonofabitch was in office that hid the real debt.
During the last three years of Clinton's presidency the national debt declined, as I proved that it did.
Republicans support businesses which creates jobs which keeps the economy booming.
Dims raise taxes to support their lazy ilk, global warming, and mutilation of children among other evil things.
Get a job whiner.
Not that is any of your business, but I am retired after a reasonably successful career as a computer programmer.

Moreover, attacking me, rather than refuting my arguments is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.
During the last three years of Clinton's presidency the national debt declined, as I proved that it did.
The damn debt was higher when the sonofabitch left office than when he was elected so that means he ran up the debt just like other Presidents. His Presidency lasted eight years.

Slick Willy was a piece of shit.

Even though he was a piece of shit he was politically astute. As fucked up as he was he understood that the Newt was much better at governoring than he was and basically let the Republicans set the budgetary priorities. He signed nine out of ten items in their Contract for America. That kept his filthy tax increase from being being more of a disaster than it would have been.

By the way, the shithead would not have been reelected if the Monica story had broken a few weeks earlier.
Reagan cut the top tax rate to 28%. During his presidency the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product rose from 32% to 59%.

US National Debt by Year

Clinton did not raise taxes on the rich nearly as high as he should have, but he did raise them.

For years public opinion surveys have indicated majority support for a more progressive tax system.

poll + taxes + rich - Google Search

This is a winning issue for the Democrats. I wish they would exploit it skillfully.
Reagan had a tax rate on the top 1% of 50-69% for 6 of his 8 years. Clinton had 39.6% for ALL of his 8 years. Clinton was loved by the rich. Reagan not as much.

As a Democrat for 40 years, I always supported high taxes on the rich, as Republicans have traditionally done. But did Democrats do that ? Nope.
Johnson - lowered it from 91% to 70% (later raised it slightly but still < 91%.
Clinton - 39.6%
Obama - 35-39.6
Biden 37%
All WAAAY less than the Republican rates.

In the 2020 campaign debate with Trump, Biden said, if elected, he would raise taxes on the rich.
The top tax then (37%) ; The top tax now (37%)

Now as a Republican, I still support higher taxes on the rich - but that's not happening, is it ? Not even when Democrats had full control of the White House & Congress. You know why ? Take look at Hillary Clinton's monstrous Wall St donations$$$$$$$$$$$$. That'll tell ya.
The damn debt was higher when the sonofabitch left office than when he was elected so that means he ran up the debt just like other Presidents. His Presidency lasted eight years.

Slick Willy was a piece of shit.

Even though he was a piece of shit he was politically astute. As fucked up as he was he understood that the Newt was much better at governoring than he was and basically let the Republicans set the budgetary priorities. He signed nine out of ten items in their Contract for America. That kept his filthy tax increase from being being more of a disaster than it would have been.

By the way, the shithead would not have been reelected if the Monica story had broken a few weeks earlier.
A mountain of evidence has ammassed on Clintons murdering people for years (usually to prevent them from testifying in court). Amazing how they have been free all these years (going back to the 80s)
What does that have to do with the post you quoted ?
Yeah. What better way to reach the American people than through TV commercials? Ask any politician.
The only thing they are reaching a large number of people to say is buy my product. That is the whole point of advertising. Your conspiracy theory falls way short. Your view that POC should not be in ads is pure racist.
As is always the case when Republicans cut taxes, the rich get the most. Most Americans get a pittance. Cutting taxes during a period of large budget deficits is fiscally irresponsible. What happened to the Republican concern for balanced budgets and the national debt?


Manhattan Institute,

Trump’s Fiscal Legacy: A Comprehensive Overview of Spending, Taxes, and Deficits​

Brian Riedl
May 12, 2022

President Donald Trump’s tax, spending, and deficit legacy is still being defined. Critics point out that Trump’s tax cuts and spending increases led to a $3 trillion budget deficit. They note that Trump’s presidency saw the debt surpass 100% of the economy, even though he came into office with a healthy economy, declining interest rates, and relative peace after 15 years of global military conflict...


  • When President Trump entered the Oval Office, CBO projected the cumulative 2017–2027 budget deficits would be $10.0 trillion. When he left office four years later, CBO’s projected deficits for the same period were $13.9 trillion. The president signed or enacted $7.8 trillion in new initiatives, the costs of which were partially offset by $3.9 trillion saved from economic growth revenues and technical re-estimates of taxes and spending levels...

  • Trump left the White House with the largest peacetime budget deficit in American history and a national debt exceeding 100% of the economy for the first time since World War II.
  • Trump’s Fiscal Legacy: A Comprehensive Overview of Spending, Taxes, and Deficits | Manhattan Institute
The rich get the most when taxes are cut because they PAY the most. You could just as well argue that the half of all Americans who pay no federal income tax don’t get a tax break when taxes are lowered.
What about the record increase in the national debt?

"Listen, you’ve got a president right now, he wants full credit for an economy that he inherited, he wants zero blame for the pandemic he ignored," Obama said.

1) He didn’t ignore the pandemic. That’s a left-wing talking point.

2) You can’t consider the debt added due to the pandemic. Trump had his arm twisted by leftists who shut down the economy and then pushed for massive payments that ended up being MORE than people got when they were working.
Republicans support businesses which creates jobs which keeps the economy booming.
Dims raise taxes to support their lazy ilk, global warming, and mutilation of children among other evil things.
Get a job whiner.
The Dims WANT people on the dole. That’s why a single woman with two teens gets the equivalent of $50,000 in welfare freebies. Why work?
1) He didn’t ignore the pandemic. That’s a left-wing talking point.

2) You can’t consider the debt added due to the pandemic. Trump had his arm twisted by leftists who shut down the economy and then pushed for massive payments that ended up being MORE than people got when they were working.

Increases in national spending require tax increases to pay for it.
The rich get the most when taxes are cut because they PAY the most. You could just as well argue that the half of all Americans who pay no federal income tax don’t get a tax break when taxes are lowered.
taxPercentage 2.png

The only thing they are reaching a large number of people to say is buy my product. That is the whole point of advertising. Your conspiracy theory falls way short. Your view that POC should not be in ads is pure racist.
1. I didnt say that POC should not be in ads, you said that (and I am a POC myself)

2. NO, it is the ads that are racist, and so is your reaction to them.

3. NO, they are NOT just for advertising. They are social engineering, putting an overexposure of blacks in commercials, for some reason that is only known in their scatterbrained heads.

PS- the "conspiracy theory" catch phrase is waaay out of date, and died from overuse years ago.
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