Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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2. NO, it is the ads that are racist, and so is your reaction to them.
So, a black guy and white woman selling a product is racist but a white man and white woman is not? Please explain this.
Btw I don’t claim not to be racist.
top 1% tax was 37% in 2019, not 33.7.

My chart dealt with effective top tax rates from all sources.

taxPercentage 2.png
So, a black guy and white woman selling a product is racist but a white man and white woman is not? Please explain this.
Btw I don’t claim not to be racist.
Very simple explanation, which has been explained already at least a doazn times. It has nothing to do with the sexes of the people in the ads. It has to do with their races.

There is an abundance of blacks, far more than their proportion in the country (12%). Looking at these ads you would think we are living in sub-Saharan Africa.
Very simple explanation, which has been explained already at least a doazn times. It has nothing to do with the sexes of the people in the ads. It has to do with their races.

There is an abundance of blacks, far more than their proportion in the country (12%). Looking at these ads you would think we are living in sub-Saharan Africa.
How long has there been interracial commercials? I think since the invention of television there have been more years of whites only ads. As I have said many times, if the result of interracial ads was that they sold less, the advertisers would stop doing it.
How long has there been interracial commercials? I think since the invention of television there have been more years of whites only ads. As I have said many times, if the result of interracial ads was that they sold less, the advertisers would stop doing it.
As I said, it's not a queston of interracial. it is a matter of an abundance of blacks, far more than their proportion in the country (12%). You have reading comprehension trouble ?
As I said, it's not a queston of interracial. it is a matter of an abundance of blacks, far more than their proportion in the country (12%). You have reading comprehension trouble ?
Yes....exactly......when was the last time anyone saw a mexican in some commercial....the mexicans are way under doubt about that....someone in that community needs to sue for being discriminated has been pointed out these companies running these commericials are obviously hiring actors based on their race in blacks are being hired simply because of their race and others are not not being hired based on their race....obvious racial discrimination in the hiring place which is illegal...I wonder why we do not hear more about this?

One other thing....I was watching a basketball game the other night and both teams had all black players on the court....not one white guy on the entire court.

Can you imagagine the uproar of all the players had been white?

Now do not get me wrong.....I am all for a team having the freedom to select a player based on his ability be they white, black or whatever.

But the sports teams have been forced to play the race card....which amounts to a form of reverse in it appears to be ok to discriminate against certain races if they are not a minority which is certainly racist.....a racist policy allowing teams to choose players based on their color primarily.....does anyone actually believe that there was not even 1 white player qualified to play in that game? They could have at least had a token white.
Yet...this fallacious policy of promoting one particular group at the expense of other groups is quite widespread now and of course it permeates the whole society...not just the world of sports.

Can anyone say hypocricy....that is the essence of all this racist b.s. You cannot have racial justice by using are simply transferring racism from one group to another aka...... ok to be a black racist .....not ok to be a white racist....that is it in a nutshell.
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As I said, it's not a queston of interracial. it is a matter of an abundance of blacks, far more than their proportion in the country (12%). You have reading comprehension trouble ?
I understand you just fine. 12% black people equals 12% of actors in ads, according to you.
That is not how advertising works.
Yes....exactly......when was the last time anyone saw a mexican in some commercial....the mexicans are way under doubt about that....someone in that community needs to sue for being discriminated has been pointed out these companies running these commericials are obviously hiring actors based on their race in blacks are being hired simply because of their race and others are not not being hired based on their race....obvious racial discrimination in the hiring place which is illegal...I wonder why we do not hear more about this?

One other thing....I was watching a basketball game the other night and both teams had all black players on the court....not one white guy on the entire court.

Can you imagagine the uproar of all the players had been white?

Now do not get me wrong.....I am all for a team having the freedom to select a player based on his ability be they white, black or whatever.

But the sports teams have been forced to play the race card....which amounts to a form of reverse in it appears to be ok to discriminate against certain races if they are not a minority which is certainly racist.....a racist policy allowing teams to choose players based on their color primarily.....does anyone actually believe that there was not even 1 white player qualified to play in that game? They could have at least had a token white.
Yet...this fallacious policy of promoting one particular group at the expense of other groups is quite widespread now and of course it permeates the whole society...not just the world of sports.

Can anyone say hypocricy....that is the essence of all this racist b.s. You cannot have racial justice by using are simply transferring racism from one group to another aka...... ok to be a black racist .....not ok to be a white racist....that is it in a nutshell.
Black people are better at basketball than whites. That’s why more of them play the sport.
Black people are better at basketball than whites. That’s why more of them play the sport.
Not for 3 straight years (1984, 1985, 1986), when the NBA MVP was Larry Bird, a white guy. And the past 2 years, (2021, 2022), the NBA MVP also was a white guy - Nikola Jokic.
Also, the reason why there are more blacks in basketball (and the NFL) is due to Affirmative Action, not qualifications,
The question is WHY? What are they hoping to gain by acting as though 15% of the population is 90% of the population - and practically ignoring the majority population?
What do you hope to gain by repeating yourself over and over again?
Several marketing campaigns have kept me from buying their products.Gross ads ( Carls Jr). Targeted ads with an agenda ( Kellogg’s,Gillette,Amazon,Coke all the new Apps for travel etc. Ads dropped due to alleged lefty “ problematic” content targeting (Direct TV)etc.

So yeah. If it’s noticeable political bs. I won’t buy from these companies.
I see obviously gay men inserted in makeup ads. I see gay married couples bantering. I see mixed race couples (often gay) who frequently don’t include white people. And when advertisements do include white people, frequently they are presented as hapless dullards.

It’s all the advertising industry’s effort to increase the volume of their own virtue signaling. And to be quite frank about it, I don’t really care. As a general rule, I can’t recall the product or the name of the product they are pitching anyway.
The question is WHY? What are they hoping to gain by acting as though 15% of the population is 90% of the population - and practically ignoring the majority population?
Maybe psychiatrists can figure out why the left is so absorbed in pandering to blacks. Maybe it's because they know their vote is critical to them having political power.
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