Am I the only one?

The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?

Who knew the torture was an excuse for abandoning your wife?
Psychiatrists everywhere you stupid shit. It is well documented in PTSD studies, asshole.

when did psychologists begin to define morality? Who gave them this authority?

can you name one of those saying it's morally justified to cheat on your wife and abandon her for a young woman of you've been tortured?
It's not a lie. Plenty of his shipmates said he was responsible.

If that is the case, his shipmates are lying. The Navy has a firefighting training film to show how screwed up the firefighting efforts were that day and how things have changed. Sitting in your plane when it gets hit by a Zuni rocket is not your fault no matter how ridiculous anyone's claims might be.

You just prefer the lie because it fits your agenda.

McCain has never been asked to explain why he claims that the Zuni rocket struck his plane.
If a bomb or bombs subsequently fell from McCain’s plane as he has said, it seems to strongly suggests pilot error, and if a bomb or bombs did not fall from his plane, it suggests rash disregard for important facts in his accounts of the accident.

There is plenty more about this story that raises questions about McCain’s truthfulness and judgment. In the first hours after the fire, he apparently did not claim to have been injured. New York Times reporter R.W. Apple, who helicoptered out to the ship the day after the tragedy and sought out McCain as the “son and grandson of two noted admirals,” never mentioned him being wounded, although he reported on him more than on any other crew member. This would be an odd omission on Apple’s part if McCain indeed had been wounded, given that service wounds are usually highlighted in such reports during wartime. McCain’s own father, after seeing his son several weeks later, sent a letter to relatives and friends about the fire saying, “Happily for all of us, he [John] came through without a scratch.”2 A week after the fire, McCain made a statement in which he said that when he was on the hangar deck he noticed that he had a wound on his knee and small shrapnel cuts in his thigh and shoulder. He was not treated in sick bay, however, and he tells a story in “Faith of My Fathers” that seems to be at variance with the facts. He writes that he went to sick bay to have his wounds treated but when he got there, a “kid” who was “anonymous to me because the fire had burned off all of his identifying features” asked him if another pilot in the squadron was OK. When McCain replied that he was, the “kid” said “Thank God” and died before McCain’s eyes. McCain said that experience left him “unable to keep my composure,” and that is why he left sick bay without being treated.

Lt. j.g. Dave Dollarhide witnessed that encounter because he was in sick bay, having broken his hip escaping from his plane, which had been immediately to the left of McCain’s when the blaze started. Dollarhide knew McCain and also the “kid,” a young man whom McCain knew well because he was his own plane captain, Robert Zwerlein, who was terribly burned when the first bomb exploded on the ship. Notwithstanding McCain’s dramatic account of witnessing someone die before his eyes, Zwerlein did not die then but instead was evacuated to the hospital ship USS Repose, where he expired three days later. On the basis of Dollarhide’s account, if McCain left sick bay without being treated it was not because someone died before his eyes.
McCain’s actions after the fire show a determination to exit the ship as quickly as possible. When New York Times reporter Apple finished gathering his notes on the fire, McCain boarded a helicopter with him and flew to Saigon. Given that fires still burned on the ship and some of his fellow airmen were gravely wounded and dying, McCain’s assertion that he left the carrier for “some welcome R&R” in Saigon has a surreal air. Apple, now dead, said nothing in his news reports about inviting McCain to leave the ship, although he did report talking to him in Saigon later that day. McCain does not mention receiving permission to leave the still-burning ship. Merv Rowland, a commander and chief engineering officer of the Forrestal at the time of the fire, told me that he had not known that McCain left the ship within 30 hours of the fire and that he found this “extraordinary.” Rowland added that only the severely wounded were allowed to leave the ship and that no one, as far as he knew, would have been given permission to fly to Saigon for R&R. McCain’s quick flight off the Forrestal meant that he missed the memorial service for his dead comrades held the following day in the South China Sea.

Not long after McCain left, the Forrestal set off without him on its somber voyage to Subic Bay in the Philippines, where it would undergo initial repairs. He rejoined the ship a week later when it was docked at Subic Bay. There he gave an official statement and asked for a transfer to the aircraft carrier Oriskany.

Apple filed two stories about McCain’s time in Saigon. Apple’s first story said: “Today, hours after the fire that ravaged the flight deck and killed so many of his fellow crewmen, commander McCain sat in Saigon and shook his head. ‘It was such a great ship,’ he said.”4 Apple’s second story was filed three months later, just after McCain was shot down over Hanoi. In that story Apple wrote: “It was almost three months ago that the young, prematurely gray Navy pilot was sitting in a villa in Saigon, sipping a Scotch with friends and recalling the holocaust that he had managed to live through. He was John Sydney [sic — spelling is Sidney] McCain, 3rd, a lieutenant commander. The day before, he had watched from the cockpit of his Skyhawk attack plane as flames suddenly engulfed the flight deck of the Forrestal, on which his squadron was based. ‘It’s a difficult thing to say,’ he remarked after a long time. ‘But now that I’ve seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I’m not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam.’ ”5

The record suggests that after McCain left the burning Forrestal for the greater ease of Saigon, he saw his Navy career as being in jeopardy. Soon, he went to London, where his father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr., was stationed as commander in chief of the United States Naval Forces in Europe. Sen. McCain has written little about the fire, and his book does not mention any conversations with his father about bombs dropping from his plane on the Forrestal or his leaving the ship. However, it is difficult to imagine that he did not discuss the tragedy and his own personal difficulties because, by McCain’s own account, his father had intervened on his behalf before. After seeing the admiral in London, McCain went to the French Riviera, where he spent his nights gambling at the Palm Beach Casino.6 McCain’s book skips over the weeks after the Forrestal fire, but Timberg says that the young naval officer spent the months of August and September 1967 “unsure of his status.” Following McCain’s application for a transfer to the Oriskany, his orders were delayed, and in September he returned to his home in Jacksonville, Fla. There, an old friend, Chuck Larson, saw a change in McCain: The pilot was discouraged about his future. McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.”7 Aside from any questions about his Forrestal actions, McCain had, in his short Navy career, crashed two planes and flown a third into power lines in Spain because of, as he put it, “daredevil clowning.”
Investigating John McCain's Tragedy at Sea

You need to watch the flight deck camera system video. This is so much wrong in this account that it is ludicrous.

Mental midgets who have never served on board a ship should just shut their pie holes.

Well if there were video systems on McCain's life which this reporter was discussing and NOT the accident maybe I'd agree with you.

The video systems I'm sure report what you are advocating.
But is the events after that the reporter of the above article is discussing is the issue regarding McCain's moral turpitude. Maybe this quote sums up McCain's military career:
McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.

McCain was as his first wife said... "John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25."

I personally don't care about his personal life. I do mind when people lie about the Forrestal fire.
And I mind when treasonous Donald lies about his relationship with Russia.

See how that works.

And, no I don’t care who he bonks IF it is consensual which not al of the orange loon’s liaisons appear to have been.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

criticism and blind vitriol are not the same things
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

criticism and blind vitriol are not the same things

I don't believe I said they were, did I?
If that is the case, his shipmates are lying. The Navy has a firefighting training film to show how screwed up the firefighting efforts were that day and how things have changed. Sitting in your plane when it gets hit by a Zuni rocket is not your fault no matter how ridiculous anyone's claims might be.

You just prefer the lie because it fits your agenda.

McCain has never been asked to explain why he claims that the Zuni rocket struck his plane.
If a bomb or bombs subsequently fell from McCain’s plane as he has said, it seems to strongly suggests pilot error, and if a bomb or bombs did not fall from his plane, it suggests rash disregard for important facts in his accounts of the accident.

There is plenty more about this story that raises questions about McCain’s truthfulness and judgment. In the first hours after the fire, he apparently did not claim to have been injured. New York Times reporter R.W. Apple, who helicoptered out to the ship the day after the tragedy and sought out McCain as the “son and grandson of two noted admirals,” never mentioned him being wounded, although he reported on him more than on any other crew member. This would be an odd omission on Apple’s part if McCain indeed had been wounded, given that service wounds are usually highlighted in such reports during wartime. McCain’s own father, after seeing his son several weeks later, sent a letter to relatives and friends about the fire saying, “Happily for all of us, he [John] came through without a scratch.”2 A week after the fire, McCain made a statement in which he said that when he was on the hangar deck he noticed that he had a wound on his knee and small shrapnel cuts in his thigh and shoulder. He was not treated in sick bay, however, and he tells a story in “Faith of My Fathers” that seems to be at variance with the facts. He writes that he went to sick bay to have his wounds treated but when he got there, a “kid” who was “anonymous to me because the fire had burned off all of his identifying features” asked him if another pilot in the squadron was OK. When McCain replied that he was, the “kid” said “Thank God” and died before McCain’s eyes. McCain said that experience left him “unable to keep my composure,” and that is why he left sick bay without being treated.

Lt. j.g. Dave Dollarhide witnessed that encounter because he was in sick bay, having broken his hip escaping from his plane, which had been immediately to the left of McCain’s when the blaze started. Dollarhide knew McCain and also the “kid,” a young man whom McCain knew well because he was his own plane captain, Robert Zwerlein, who was terribly burned when the first bomb exploded on the ship. Notwithstanding McCain’s dramatic account of witnessing someone die before his eyes, Zwerlein did not die then but instead was evacuated to the hospital ship USS Repose, where he expired three days later. On the basis of Dollarhide’s account, if McCain left sick bay without being treated it was not because someone died before his eyes.
McCain’s actions after the fire show a determination to exit the ship as quickly as possible. When New York Times reporter Apple finished gathering his notes on the fire, McCain boarded a helicopter with him and flew to Saigon. Given that fires still burned on the ship and some of his fellow airmen were gravely wounded and dying, McCain’s assertion that he left the carrier for “some welcome R&R” in Saigon has a surreal air. Apple, now dead, said nothing in his news reports about inviting McCain to leave the ship, although he did report talking to him in Saigon later that day. McCain does not mention receiving permission to leave the still-burning ship. Merv Rowland, a commander and chief engineering officer of the Forrestal at the time of the fire, told me that he had not known that McCain left the ship within 30 hours of the fire and that he found this “extraordinary.” Rowland added that only the severely wounded were allowed to leave the ship and that no one, as far as he knew, would have been given permission to fly to Saigon for R&R. McCain’s quick flight off the Forrestal meant that he missed the memorial service for his dead comrades held the following day in the South China Sea.

Not long after McCain left, the Forrestal set off without him on its somber voyage to Subic Bay in the Philippines, where it would undergo initial repairs. He rejoined the ship a week later when it was docked at Subic Bay. There he gave an official statement and asked for a transfer to the aircraft carrier Oriskany.

Apple filed two stories about McCain’s time in Saigon. Apple’s first story said: “Today, hours after the fire that ravaged the flight deck and killed so many of his fellow crewmen, commander McCain sat in Saigon and shook his head. ‘It was such a great ship,’ he said.”4 Apple’s second story was filed three months later, just after McCain was shot down over Hanoi. In that story Apple wrote: “It was almost three months ago that the young, prematurely gray Navy pilot was sitting in a villa in Saigon, sipping a Scotch with friends and recalling the holocaust that he had managed to live through. He was John Sydney [sic — spelling is Sidney] McCain, 3rd, a lieutenant commander. The day before, he had watched from the cockpit of his Skyhawk attack plane as flames suddenly engulfed the flight deck of the Forrestal, on which his squadron was based. ‘It’s a difficult thing to say,’ he remarked after a long time. ‘But now that I’ve seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I’m not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam.’ ”5

The record suggests that after McCain left the burning Forrestal for the greater ease of Saigon, he saw his Navy career as being in jeopardy. Soon, he went to London, where his father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr., was stationed as commander in chief of the United States Naval Forces in Europe. Sen. McCain has written little about the fire, and his book does not mention any conversations with his father about bombs dropping from his plane on the Forrestal or his leaving the ship. However, it is difficult to imagine that he did not discuss the tragedy and his own personal difficulties because, by McCain’s own account, his father had intervened on his behalf before. After seeing the admiral in London, McCain went to the French Riviera, where he spent his nights gambling at the Palm Beach Casino.6 McCain’s book skips over the weeks after the Forrestal fire, but Timberg says that the young naval officer spent the months of August and September 1967 “unsure of his status.” Following McCain’s application for a transfer to the Oriskany, his orders were delayed, and in September he returned to his home in Jacksonville, Fla. There, an old friend, Chuck Larson, saw a change in McCain: The pilot was discouraged about his future. McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.”7 Aside from any questions about his Forrestal actions, McCain had, in his short Navy career, crashed two planes and flown a third into power lines in Spain because of, as he put it, “daredevil clowning.”
Investigating John McCain's Tragedy at Sea

You need to watch the flight deck camera system video. This is so much wrong in this account that it is ludicrous.

Mental midgets who have never served on board a ship should just shut their pie holes.

Well if there were video systems on McCain's life which this reporter was discussing and NOT the accident maybe I'd agree with you.

The video systems I'm sure report what you are advocating.
But is the events after that the reporter of the above article is discussing is the issue regarding McCain's moral turpitude. Maybe this quote sums up McCain's military career:
McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.

McCain was as his first wife said... "John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25."

I personally don't care about his personal life. I do mind when people lie about the Forrestal fire.
And I mind when treasonous Donald lies about his relationship with Russia.

See how that works.

And, no I don’t care who he bonks IF it is consensual which not al of the orange loon’s liaisons appear to have been.

So PROVE to me that Trump ASKED personally as Obama did ON an open microphone.

I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.

Also... how is it you are SO knowledgeable about Trump's sexual affairs to make the really rash assumption that "not al(sic) of the liaisons appear consensual"?
Are you:
A) a God and KNOW everything or
B) a peeping Tom
C) Or a personal confidante with ALL of the affairs that Trump has had?

Just WHERE do you come off making that statement?
McCain has never been asked to explain why he claims that the Zuni rocket struck his plane.
If a bomb or bombs subsequently fell from McCain’s plane as he has said, it seems to strongly suggests pilot error, and if a bomb or bombs did not fall from his plane, it suggests rash disregard for important facts in his accounts of the accident.

There is plenty more about this story that raises questions about McCain’s truthfulness and judgment. In the first hours after the fire, he apparently did not claim to have been injured. New York Times reporter R.W. Apple, who helicoptered out to the ship the day after the tragedy and sought out McCain as the “son and grandson of two noted admirals,” never mentioned him being wounded, although he reported on him more than on any other crew member. This would be an odd omission on Apple’s part if McCain indeed had been wounded, given that service wounds are usually highlighted in such reports during wartime. McCain’s own father, after seeing his son several weeks later, sent a letter to relatives and friends about the fire saying, “Happily for all of us, he [John] came through without a scratch.”2 A week after the fire, McCain made a statement in which he said that when he was on the hangar deck he noticed that he had a wound on his knee and small shrapnel cuts in his thigh and shoulder. He was not treated in sick bay, however, and he tells a story in “Faith of My Fathers” that seems to be at variance with the facts. He writes that he went to sick bay to have his wounds treated but when he got there, a “kid” who was “anonymous to me because the fire had burned off all of his identifying features” asked him if another pilot in the squadron was OK. When McCain replied that he was, the “kid” said “Thank God” and died before McCain’s eyes. McCain said that experience left him “unable to keep my composure,” and that is why he left sick bay without being treated.

Lt. j.g. Dave Dollarhide witnessed that encounter because he was in sick bay, having broken his hip escaping from his plane, which had been immediately to the left of McCain’s when the blaze started. Dollarhide knew McCain and also the “kid,” a young man whom McCain knew well because he was his own plane captain, Robert Zwerlein, who was terribly burned when the first bomb exploded on the ship. Notwithstanding McCain’s dramatic account of witnessing someone die before his eyes, Zwerlein did not die then but instead was evacuated to the hospital ship USS Repose, where he expired three days later. On the basis of Dollarhide’s account, if McCain left sick bay without being treated it was not because someone died before his eyes.
McCain’s actions after the fire show a determination to exit the ship as quickly as possible. When New York Times reporter Apple finished gathering his notes on the fire, McCain boarded a helicopter with him and flew to Saigon. Given that fires still burned on the ship and some of his fellow airmen were gravely wounded and dying, McCain’s assertion that he left the carrier for “some welcome R&R” in Saigon has a surreal air. Apple, now dead, said nothing in his news reports about inviting McCain to leave the ship, although he did report talking to him in Saigon later that day. McCain does not mention receiving permission to leave the still-burning ship. Merv Rowland, a commander and chief engineering officer of the Forrestal at the time of the fire, told me that he had not known that McCain left the ship within 30 hours of the fire and that he found this “extraordinary.” Rowland added that only the severely wounded were allowed to leave the ship and that no one, as far as he knew, would have been given permission to fly to Saigon for R&R. McCain’s quick flight off the Forrestal meant that he missed the memorial service for his dead comrades held the following day in the South China Sea.

Not long after McCain left, the Forrestal set off without him on its somber voyage to Subic Bay in the Philippines, where it would undergo initial repairs. He rejoined the ship a week later when it was docked at Subic Bay. There he gave an official statement and asked for a transfer to the aircraft carrier Oriskany.

Apple filed two stories about McCain’s time in Saigon. Apple’s first story said: “Today, hours after the fire that ravaged the flight deck and killed so many of his fellow crewmen, commander McCain sat in Saigon and shook his head. ‘It was such a great ship,’ he said.”4 Apple’s second story was filed three months later, just after McCain was shot down over Hanoi. In that story Apple wrote: “It was almost three months ago that the young, prematurely gray Navy pilot was sitting in a villa in Saigon, sipping a Scotch with friends and recalling the holocaust that he had managed to live through. He was John Sydney [sic — spelling is Sidney] McCain, 3rd, a lieutenant commander. The day before, he had watched from the cockpit of his Skyhawk attack plane as flames suddenly engulfed the flight deck of the Forrestal, on which his squadron was based. ‘It’s a difficult thing to say,’ he remarked after a long time. ‘But now that I’ve seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I’m not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam.’ ”5

The record suggests that after McCain left the burning Forrestal for the greater ease of Saigon, he saw his Navy career as being in jeopardy. Soon, he went to London, where his father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr., was stationed as commander in chief of the United States Naval Forces in Europe. Sen. McCain has written little about the fire, and his book does not mention any conversations with his father about bombs dropping from his plane on the Forrestal or his leaving the ship. However, it is difficult to imagine that he did not discuss the tragedy and his own personal difficulties because, by McCain’s own account, his father had intervened on his behalf before. After seeing the admiral in London, McCain went to the French Riviera, where he spent his nights gambling at the Palm Beach Casino.6 McCain’s book skips over the weeks after the Forrestal fire, but Timberg says that the young naval officer spent the months of August and September 1967 “unsure of his status.” Following McCain’s application for a transfer to the Oriskany, his orders were delayed, and in September he returned to his home in Jacksonville, Fla. There, an old friend, Chuck Larson, saw a change in McCain: The pilot was discouraged about his future. McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.”7 Aside from any questions about his Forrestal actions, McCain had, in his short Navy career, crashed two planes and flown a third into power lines in Spain because of, as he put it, “daredevil clowning.”
Investigating John McCain's Tragedy at Sea

You need to watch the flight deck camera system video. This is so much wrong in this account that it is ludicrous.

Mental midgets who have never served on board a ship should just shut their pie holes.

Well if there were video systems on McCain's life which this reporter was discussing and NOT the accident maybe I'd agree with you.

The video systems I'm sure report what you are advocating.
But is the events after that the reporter of the above article is discussing is the issue regarding McCain's moral turpitude. Maybe this quote sums up McCain's military career:
McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.

McCain was as his first wife said... "John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25."

I personally don't care about his personal life. I do mind when people lie about the Forrestal fire.
And I mind when treasonous Donald lies about his relationship with Russia.

See how that works.

And, no I don’t care who he bonks IF it is consensual which not al of the orange loon’s liaisons appear to have been.

So PROVE to me that Trump ASKED personally as Obama did ON an open microphone.

I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.
“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.

Also... how is it you are SO knowledgeable about Trump's sexual affairs to make the really rash assumption that "not al(sic) of the liaisons appear consensual"?
Are you:
A) a God and KNOW everything or
B) a peeping Tom
C) Or a personal confidante with ALL of the affairs that Trump has had?

Just WHERE do you come off making that statement?

What politician anywhere in any country in any time, DID NOT have more flexibility after his election?

What the fuck is WRONG with you?
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

For what? Because someone in this country expressed an opinion? Oh I see, it was an UNPOPULAR opinion. But I thought that was exactly what the 1st Amendment protected, the right to say things even when others don't agree? What are you, a McCant dick sucker? You have a hard on for the guy? So what are you criticizing, that Donald sees a POW as a POW and a War Hero as something more? If we make every person captured in war a War Hero, then what will be consider REAL war heroes?

Audie Murphy - Wikipedia

McCant was a POW. He did what every POW is supposed to do. He didn't have much choice, it wasn't his choice other than to sell out his country which he didn't do. Still doesn't make him a "war hero." McCant didn't sell out his country under torture. He survived. Had he not been shot down and captured, and his daddy a big shot, he would have been an undistinguished soldier among millions and you never would have even heard of him. Trump was absolutely right and McCant didn't deserve accolades that 100,000 other POWs never got.

But if you disagree with that, sure, disagree. But use your own father's or husband's FUNERAL as a platform to launch vitriol and attacks? One of the most shameful embarrassing moments in this nation's history. If the McCant family had any real class, they would have dropped all of that and simply offered an invitation to the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for which McCant served, and left it up to Trump to decide to come or not, and if he didn't, then SHAME ON HIM.
Last edited:
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

For what? Because someone in this country expressed an opinion? Oh I see, it was an UNPOPULAR opinion. But I thought that was exactly what the 1st Amendment protected, the right to say things even when others don't agree? What are you, a McCant dick sucker? You have a hard on for the guy? So what are you criticizing, that Donald sees a POW as a POW and a War Hero as something more? If we make every person captured in war a War Hero, then what will be consider REAL war heroes?

Audie Murphy - Wikipedia

McCant was a POW. He did what every POW is supposed to do. He didn't have much choice, it wasn't his choice other than to sell out his country which he didn't do. Still doesn't make him a "war hero." McCant didn't sell out his country under torture. He survived. Had he not been shot down and captured, and his daddy a big shot, he would have been an undistinguished soldier among millions and you never would have even heard of him. Trump was absolutely right and McCant didn't deserve accolades that 100,000 other POWs never got.

Okay, but an Orange chicken shit that didn't serve doesn't really deserve to comment about him, don't you agree? I mean, he can, it's certainly his right, but no one of substance is listening to such a gutter human being, amirite?
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

For what? Because someone in this country expressed an opinion? Oh I see, it was an UNPOPULAR opinion. But I thought that was exactly what the 1st Amendment protected, the right to say things even when others don't agree? What are you, a McCant dick sucker? You have a hard on for the guy? So what are you criticizing, that Donald sees a POW as a POW and a War Hero as something more? If we make every person captured in war a War Hero, then what will be consider REAL war heroes?

Audie Murphy - Wikipedia

McCant was a POW. He did what every POW is supposed to do. He didn't have much choice, it wasn't his choice other than to sell out his country which he didn't do. Still doesn't make him a "war hero." McCant didn't sell out his country under torture. He survived. Had he not been shot down and captured, and his daddy a big shot, he would have been an undistinguished soldier among millions and you never would have even heard of him. Trump was absolutely right and McCant didn't deserve accolades that 100,000 other POWs never got.

Okay, but an Orange chicken shit that didn't serve doesn't really deserve to comment about him, don't you agree? I mean, he can, it's certainly his right, but no one of substance is listening to such a gutter human being, amirite?

Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics? I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?

Libtards: Ha ha Trump wasn't invited to McCain's funeral.
Trump: What's that, I wasn't invited to a funeral I didn't want to attend anyway? Come here fake news :itsok:
But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?

Who knew the torture was an excuse for abandoning your wife?
Psychiatrists everywhere you stupid shit. It is well documented in PTSD studies, asshole.

when did psychologists begin to define morality? Who gave them this authority?

can you name one of those saying it's morally justified to cheat on your wife and abandon her for a young woman of you've been tortured?

Look, we are talking about McCain divorcing his first wife. Many returning soldier suffering from PSTD had failed marriages. I never said anything about morality - as a Trump voter don't you dare claim to have any.
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?

Libtards: Ha ha Trump wasn't invited to McCain's funeral.
Trump: What's that, I wasn't invited to a funeral I didn't want to attend anyway? Come here fake news :itsok:

I know it chapped his gigantic Orange ass, and it's awesome. Narcissists hate being excluded. He's sulking, just like the Orange Baby man role he plays daily. He couldn't help tweeting about Trumka for disagreeing with him. What a pussy you elected.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

I saw two minutes of the funeral when I just happened to wake up this morning and the bedroom TV was on and tuned to ABC. I listened for about two minutes as the ABC hosts were talking about the life of McCain? Nope. They were bashing Donald Trump. Click.

You don't believe the Orange Virus deserves criticism?

criticism and blind vitriol are not the same things

So, you are claiming these Trump issues are all fake news.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?

Who knew the torture was an excuse for abandoning your wife?
Psychiatrists everywhere you stupid shit. It is well documented in PTSD studies, asshole.

when did psychologists begin to define morality? Who gave them this authority?

can you name one of those saying it's morally justified to cheat on your wife and abandon her for a young woman of you've been tortured?

Look, we are talking about McCain divorcing his first wife. Many returning soldier suffering from PSTD had failed marriages. I never said anything about morality - as a Trump voter don't you dare claim to have any.
His marriage failed because he was partying and whoring around all over Washington DC.
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?

Libtards: Ha ha Trump wasn't invited to McCain's funeral.
Trump: What's that, I wasn't invited to a funeral I didn't want to attend anyway? Come here fake news :itsok:

I know it chapped his gigantic Orange ass, and it's awesome. Narcissists hate being excluded. He's sulking, just like the Orange Baby man role he plays daily. He couldn't help tweeting about Trumka for disagreeing with him. What a pussy you elected.

LMAO your Trump hatred...bro you are at risk of being dissolved by your own stomach acid. :auiqs.jpg:
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?

So in other words, another leftist jackass who when proven wrong falls back on ad hominem attacks. Now you have to be an "expert." Who here can PROVE they are an expert on anything even if they are? You are certainly not an expert on shit, you've presented nothing to support your position, so you have zero credibility nor does anyone else here for that matter by your own childish standards. BTW, the POTUS goes where he wants to go. He doesn't need an invitation and who was going to stop him at the doors had he chosen to go? You, dipshit?
5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?

Who knew the torture was an excuse for abandoning your wife?
Psychiatrists everywhere you stupid shit. It is well documented in PTSD studies, asshole.

when did psychologists begin to define morality? Who gave them this authority?

can you name one of those saying it's morally justified to cheat on your wife and abandon her for a young woman of you've been tortured?

Look, we are talking about McCain divorcing his first wife. Many returning soldier suffering from PSTD had failed marriages. I never said anything about morality - as a Trump voter don't you dare claim to have any.
His marriage failed because he was partying and whoring around all over Washington DC.

You people are such a pack of idiots.

You vote for the most immoral POS every to run for President & then ignore the effects of 5 years as a POW can have on a marriage to trash a war hero.
Oh, I see, so unless you've been a cop, you deserve no opinion on the police, unless you've been a teacher, you deserve no opinion on education, and unless you've worked in Washington, you deserve no opinion on government and politics?

Kind of. You're not an expert, you've presented nothing to support your nonsense. In short, you have zero credibility, so why cry when you get called out for spreading small, stupid, and partisan opinions? Are you a narcissist like the Orange turd? Lol.

I'm sorry, did you say something else? I don't listen to gutter human beings like Obama, McCain, his family and the chicken shits that sucked up to him at the funeral nor you. Trump was right in what he said (that was THREE years ago) and was the ONLY person during the entire funeral that acted civil.

I know reality is tough for the hyper-partisan douche canoe, but you know he wasn't invited to the funeral don't you, moron?

So in other words, another leftist jackass who when proven wrong falls back on ad hominem attacks. Now you have to be an "expert." Who here can PROVE they are an expert on anything even if they are? You are certainly not an expert on shit, you've presented nothing to support your position, so you have zero credibility nor does anyone else here for that matter by your own childish standards. BTW, the POTUS goes where he wants to go. He doesn't need an invitation and who was going to stop him at the doors had he chosen to go? You, dipshit?

Lol, :auiqs.jpg: quite a meltdown you had there. Need a time out, dip shit?

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