Amazon to pay U.S. employees up to $4,000 to travel for abortions

This is great. And it won’t just be Amazon.

The forced birthers aren’t going to win. That’s the only relevant message, that needs to be understood.

Slave owners used to sterilize their female slaves so they could work longer and harder without the "distraction" of children. This is the same thing, and you love it.
Amazon announced on Monday that it will pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for employees to get abortions.

Well just imagine how you are helping out , why your tax dollars get to pay for these freaks to spread their legs shopping for that male part the male species has. Only to find out You can actually live with out getting laid by 30 men by the time your 45……….( and no not all ladies are this ) some do have some self respect left for themselves.

If you want cock that bad , your pretty pathetic and might just be a hoe. PUt the male pecker down and pull up your big girl pants & up keep them up and wait until you get married, today going back to the 1800’s lmfao might be the safest way to keep from getting all the sexually trans. disease coming in from the savages entering the US.
You shouldn't judge all women by the behavior of the ones you are close to.
Slave owners used to sterilize their female slaves so they could work longer and harder without the "distraction" of children. This is the same thing, and you love it.
That would suit authoritarians like skews just fine. He hates people that have an opinion differing from himself.

Yes, he is narrow minded and intolerant.
You shouldn't judge all women by the behavior of the ones you are close to.

It’s not all women which maybe I should have put little parenth. Around that or something LOL, but it’s geared towards “ keep the dam legs shut” when it’s a choice and the horney chemistry is talking.
Amazon announced on Monday that it will pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for employees to get abortions.

Well just imagine how you are helping out , why your tax dollars get to pay for these freaks to spread their legs shopping for that male part the male species has. Only to find out You can actually live with out getting laid by 30 men by the time your 45……….( and no not all ladies are this ) some do have some self respect left for themselves.

If you want cock that bad , your pretty pathetic and might just be a hoe. PUt the male pecker down and pull up your big girl pants & up keep them up and wait until you get married, today going back to the 1800’s lmfao might be the safest way to keep from getting all the sexually trans. disease coming in from the savages entering the US.
Can’t they pay these wackos to get themselves sterilized?
It’s not all women which maybe I should have put little parenth. Around that or something LOL, but it’s geared towards “ keep the dam legs shut” when it’s a choice and the horney chemistry is talking.
You're one sick little bastard, aren't you?
Best scenario. . Somebody uses Texas law to sue Amazon for assisting abortion, and Amazon has enough time and money to crush the Texas law.
Best scenario. . Somebody uses Texas law to sue Amazon for assisting abortion, and Amazon has enough time and money to crush the Texas law.
Because corporations should dictate law and not citizens?

And you call us “fascists”?
You're one sick little bastard, aren't you?

Well that depends can females be bastards, must suck not to face reality.
Man if you only knew how indoctrinated tv makes people and how music has pushed ppl do things they wouldn’t have,

Only because you don’t understand pysc. Warfare shame you don’t other wise you;d be calling yourself the sick little bastard .

If we were not taught via many avenues on how to “ drop our drawers” and oh you just gotta get laid by the time you get out of high school or you just the school fkn geek…………. TV PUSHES IDEAS and KIDS pick it up , then they GROW UP and push the idealogy onto the public.

That’s just one easy way Eistein and your clueless to it all…..

They don't want women to stop working in order to have children.

Slave owners used to sterilize their female slaves for the same reason. Pregnant women lower productivity.
Of course slaves were not sterilized. Every slave baby increases the owners financial worth. Many slave women were deliberately bred to slave men to create or maintain bloodlines.

Arabs on the other hand castrated the men. There are no descendants of slaves in Arab countries. This practice vastly reduced the occurrence of slave uprisings.
Well that depends can females be bastards, must suck not to face reality.
Man if you only knew how indoctrinated tv makes people and how music has pushed ppl do things they wouldn’t have,

Only because you don’t understand pysc. Warfare shame you don’t other wise you;d be calling yourself the sick little bastard .

If we were not taught via many avenues on how to “ drop our drawers” and oh you just gotta get laid by the time you get out of high school or you just the school fkn geek…………. TV PUSHES IDEAS and KIDS pick it up , then they GROW UP and push the idealogy onto the public.

That’s just one easy way Eistein and your clueless to it all…..

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Something is seriously wrong in your head.
How would that be dictating the law?
You’re the one who said “Amazon has enough time and money to crush the Texas law”.

Because you fascists support big corporations fighting state legislation that is passed with the consent of the people. You know, the “democracy” you lefties keep claiming you want to protect.
You’re the one who said “Amazon has enough time and money to crush the Texas law”.

Because you fascists support big corporations fighting state legislation that is passed with the consent of the people. You know, the “democracy” you lefties keep claiming you want to protect.
Texas state law is not near representative of the voters. The right gerrymandered the state quite a while back, and gained a death grip on elected offices.
Amazon announced on Monday that it will pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses annually for employees to get abortions.

Well just imagine how you are helping out , why your tax dollars get to pay for these freaks to spread their legs shopping for that male part the male species has. Only to find out You can actually live with out getting laid by 30 men by the time your 45……….( and no not all ladies are this ) some do have some self respect left for themselves.

If you want cock that bad , your pretty pathetic and might just be a hoe. PUt the male pecker down and pull up your big girl pants & up keep them up and wait until you get married, today going back to the 1800’s lmfao might be the safest way to keep from getting all the sexually trans. disease coming in from the savages entering the US.'s been a while since I read a few paragraphs that are this badly written.
And made so little sense.

You do know what 'schools' are for...right?

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