Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Maybe stop with the racism, sexism, misogyny and Amazon will sell their books. But then, if they did that they wouldn't have a book to sell would they?
if the rules were applied equally across the board they wouldnt have any books to sell,, its they are singling out a specific group/ideology,,,

but thanks for stopping by,,
The rules are applied equally. You just want special rules so your owners can spread propaganda unfettered. Just like all fascists, these freedoms are your greatest enemies.
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking the baker for being a fascist OR defending Amazon for deciding not to participate.
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Sadly, there is no way to compel Amazon to sell books which offend Progressives.

Hopefully, Conservative sites selling these books will make a good profit.

There actually is a way. It's called "anti-trust law".
Anti-Trust law says I have to carry pepsi in my restaurant? Lot's of restaurants in the Atlanta area would have problems with that.

You are clearly confused by what anti-trust is.
ne hes not,, hes choosing to not participate,,
But when Amazon chooses not to participate, it’s censorship.

See, you have different rules for different people. That’s your problem.
He's engaging in the logical fallacy of "false equivalency" The baker/candelstick maker is refusing to provide a specific service it provides to all other people who want to buy his goods because it doesn't like the way a specific buyer "looks." The baker/candlestick maker is saying "it offends me personally to do business with a person who looks like this."

Amazon never offers to do business with all authors seeking to sell a book.
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Maybe stop with the racism, sexism, misogyny and Amazon will sell their books. But then, if they did that they wouldn't have a book to sell would they?
if the rules were applied equally across the board they wouldnt have any books to sell,, its they are singling out a specific group/ideology,,,

but thanks for stopping by,,
The rules are applied equally. You just want special rules so your owners can spread propaganda unfettered. Just like all fascists, these freedoms are your greatest enemies.
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking the baker for being a fascist OR defending Amazon for deciding not to participate.

They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
And then...just like that, conservatives decide businesses are no longer allowed the right to determine their own rules on what they will or won't sell.

1) I would support any legal punitive measure against Progressive Totalitarians.

2) I understand that in USA no such measure can pass.

3) The best solution to Leftist Totalitarianism is formation of Conservative businesses and Media to take up the opportunity.

I have no idea what that gobbledygook is actually supposed to say.

Let business' determine their own ToS within the code of law that applies to them. If there are anti-trust concerns inhibiting competition, then those should be addressed separately.

Conservatives whine about unfair censorship (despite the fact that left extremists have also been banned for violating ToS)....if you don't like the rules and don't want to play by the rules, form a new company or join a new company. Biggest snowflakes ever.
I bet if I took time to go back and look you would have been one of the biggest voices demanding the bakers provide the cake for the gay couple,,,

so once again your lies are just pathetic,,,


Maybe. Or Maybe not.

You make or provide a product. Laws say you have to provide equal access to the product.

Laws don't say you can't set limitations on the product. You can't force a baker to make a pornographic gay wedding cake if it doesn't ordinarily do so. Or a platform to host content against it's terms of service.
but the baker didnt offer a gay cake,,

your play on words is noted and just more proof youre a lyin skank,,

Who said he did? It's just a wedding cake. Something he customarily provides.

You're hypocrisy is duly noted, without vulgarity.
they were free to purchase any wedding cake they have sold for yrs,, what they wanted was something theyve never sold before,,,

the only hypocrisy is yours,, you know damn good and well youre lying and so do we,,,

What specifically did they want that had never been sold?

And again, your hypocrisy is duly noted since you clearly do not apply the same standards to platforms.
you even asking that question shows your nothing but a lying skank,,

you know damn good and well what the issue was,,,

The baker makes custom wedding cakes routinely. That's part of his business. He does not routinely make custom pornographic cakes (used just as an example). If he is refusing to make a custom cake based solely on the couple being same sex then that is violating Colorado's public accommodation law. Yes or no?

So (you lying skank since you can't seem to avoid the gutter) - why don't YOU apply the same standards to platforms? Can't do that can you? Because it doesn't fit your way wah-wah's conservative victimization syndrome.
they have never offered a gay themed cake,,

your lies and hypocrisy is noted and mocked,,,
The wedding cake case was about Freedom of Religion.
The Left purposely targeted Christian Bakers.
They violated the Baker's 1'st amendment rights, and they Left lost their case.

Also, I note that the baker did not control 85% of all cake sales in the area, let alone the country. One could easily drive two miles in any direction and find another bakery. His refusal to participate in this event was in no way going to shut down the possibility of that event, or other such events in the future, taking place.
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??

Now you people believe you can tell a business what they should or shouldn't sell.

Amazon has all the right in the world to sell or not sell whatever books they want.

If you don't like Amazon do what I do, don't shop there.

Did you know that Amazon isn't the only bookseller in this nation?

Not selling a book isn't censorship, it's not purging anything or anyone and you can buy whatever books you want at any store that sells them.

Stop with the lies. It's getting so old.
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??

Now you people believe you can tell a business what they should or shouldn't sell.

Amazon has all the right in the world to sell or not sell whatever books they want.

If you don't like Amazon do what I do, don't shop there.

Did you know that Amazon isn't the only bookseller in this nation?

Not selling a book isn't censorship, it's not purging anything or anyone and you can buy whatever books you want at any store that sells them.

Stop with the lies. It's getting so old.

of course they do,, but as weve seen many times it doesnt go the other way when a baker is forced to sell a product they dont want to or a florist and photographer to provide a service they dont want to,,,

the problem is the dbl standard
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??

Now you people believe you can tell a business what they should or shouldn't sell.

Amazon has all the right in the world to sell or not sell whatever books they want.

If you don't like Amazon do what I do, don't shop there.

Did you know that Amazon isn't the only bookseller in this nation?

Not selling a book isn't censorship, it's not purging anything or anyone and you can buy whatever books you want at any store that sells them.

Stop with the lies. It's getting so old.
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
what if millions of people find gay wedding offensive??

if you use the government gun to force compliance is also wrong,,,
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??

It's OK really..... the real problem is not Amazon....they can do as they please.... the real problem is the liberal legislature who will arrest Amazon's competitors for doing the same.
That's where the problem is.


I have no problem with the idea that Amazon can run its company however it likes. My problem is that Amazon should not be allowed to maintain monopolistic control of book sales in this country, particularly if they're going to use it to impose their personal political beliefs onto others.
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
you are aware that both the 1st A and free speech is for protecting words you find offensive
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
what if millions of people find gay wedding offensive??

if you use the government gun to force compliance is also wrong,,,
No one’s gay wedding has anything to do with anyone else.

No guns involved in any of these scenarios.
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
you are aware that both the 1st A and free speech is for protecting words you find offensive
Who or what does the first amendment protect those words from?
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
what if millions of people find gay wedding offensive??

if you use the government gun to force compliance is also wrong,,,
No one’s gay wedding has anything to do with anyone else.

No guns involved in any of these scenarios.

it does when they are forced by the government to be involved,,

and everything the government does is backed up by the barrel of a gun,,,
They rules aren’t being applied equally. Otherwise you’d be attacking amazon for being a fascist OR defending baker for deciding not to participate.
Discrimination based on identity is wrong. Discrimination based on actions is not.

If you refuse service to a black man because he’s black, it’s wrong. If you refuse service to a black man because he harasses the staff, it’s okay.

Refusing to serve a gay couple because they’re gay is wrong. Refusing to sell a book because the book is offensive to millions of people is fine.
you are aware that both the 1st A and free speech is for protecting words you find offensive
Who or what does the first amendment protect those words from?

thats not what I said,,,

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