Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??
How odd that the Right can't seem to stop with their Hate Speech..............
what "Hate speech" is in the Best selling book?

When the left says "hate speech", what they mean is "speech that we hate".
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??
I'm not sure how this works. I buy used books from indep sellers listed on Amazon all the time. I just did a search for this Ryan Anderson guy, thought I'd never read a book he wrote, and got all kinds of hits on amazon for kindle editions.

I'm not sure what video amazon sells beyond amazon prime's site that works pretty much like netflix. I'm watching Charles II miniseries this week.
whos treating them like 2nd class??
The baker. He’d bake a cake for a straight couple but would refuse to bake the exact same cake for them.

Second class.
thats his right to not participate,,,

but again youre response is to point the government gun at his head and force him,,

which of those two is the fascist act??
Apparently they both are based on your framing of the action.

The baker is trying to silence and censor people he disagrees with, which is the first step to fascism.
whos treating them like 2nd class??
The baker. He’d bake a cake for a straight couple but would refuse to bake the exact same cake for them.

Second class.
thats his right to not participate,,,

but again youre response is to point the government gun at his head and force him,,

which of those two is the fascist act??
Apparently they both are based on your framing of the action.

The baker is trying to silence and censor people he disagrees with, which is the first step to fascism.
no the baker chose to not participate in thier wedding,, if he kicked them out and refused to sell them anything you would have a point,,

so tell me which is the fascist act??
a private person choosing to not participate or using the government to force them to participate??

I wait in longing for your answer
If you are demanding that sexual perverts be accepted as normal people this is a waste of everone’s time
And you think homosexuality is a sexual perversion?
Well it that's the premise of a book, don't you think Amazon would prefer to not have it "on it's shelves?" LOL

I'm sure there are "religious" online retailers who'd offer it though
And then...just like that, conservatives decide businesses are no longer allowed the right to determine their own rules on what they will or won't sell.

And then . . . just like that, leftists decide that businesses should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Guess it's too bad the cake guy didn't have billions to donate to the DNC.
whos treating them like 2nd class??
The baker. He’d bake a cake for a straight couple but would refuse to bake the exact same cake for them.

Second class.
thats his right to not participate,,,

but again youre response is to point the government gun at his head and force him,,

which of those two is the fascist act??
Apparently they both are based on your framing of the action.

The baker is trying to silence and censor people he disagrees with, which is the first step to fascism.
no the baker chose to not participate in thier wedding,, if he kicked them out and refused to sell them anything you would have a point,,

so tell me which is the fascist act??
a private person choosing to not participate or using the government to force them to participate??

I wait in longing for your answer
I do have a point. He’s censoring their sexual orientation.

That’s fascism to you.
Hopefully, a Conservative book dealer will take the opportunity to make a good profit.

Yeah, that's not how the publishing world works. Oh, since Anderson's book is already published, people will be able to find other places to buy it eventually. The problem is, if Amazon makes it clear that they won't carry books from a conservative perspective, then publishing companies will simply stop putting such books out at all. They're not going to buy and publish a book that can't be sold on Amazon.

The biggest problem with this action isn't the effect it will have on THIS book; it's the effect of preventing future books from ever existing at all.
whos treating them like 2nd class??
The baker. He’d bake a cake for a straight couple but would refuse to bake the exact same cake for them.

Second class.
thats his right to not participate,,,

but again youre response is to point the government gun at his head and force him,,

which of those two is the fascist act??
Apparently they both are based on your framing of the action.

The baker is trying to silence and censor people he disagrees with, which is the first step to fascism.
no the baker chose to not participate in thier wedding,, if he kicked them out and refused to sell them anything you would have a point,,

so tell me which is the fascist act??
a private person choosing to not participate or using the government to force them to participate??

I wait in longing for your answer
I do have a point. He’s censoring their sexual orientation.

That’s fascism to you.

ne hes not,, hes choosing to not participate,,

are you going to answer my simple question or not???
‘END OF CONSERVATIVE BOOKS’: Amazon using ‘hate speech’ excuse to CENSOR & PURGE the right from existence.

From The Daily Wire:

As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson’s book critical of gender theory, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.

remind me again what party/group keeps accusing the other of being fascist??
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Maybe stop with the racism, sexism, misogyny and Amazon will sell their books. But then, if they did that they wouldn't have a book to sell would they?
if the rules were applied equally across the board they wouldnt have any books to sell,, its they are singling out a specific group/ideology,,,

but thanks for stopping by,,
The rules are applied equally. You just want special rules so your owners can spread propaganda unfettered. Just like all fascists, these freedoms are your greatest enemies.
ne hes not,, hes choosing to not participate,,
But when Amazon chooses not to participate, it’s censorship.

See, you have different rules for different people. That’s your problem.
are you going to answer or not???

I have no problem with amazon if thats their choice,, my problem is the dbl standard that you are showing right now,,
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Sadly, there is no way to compel Amazon to sell books which offend Progressives.

Hopefully, Conservative sites selling these books will make a good profit.
Let's correct that for you...

Sadly, there's no way to force Trump's sites to sell Obama's book but that's OK because Amazon and the rest make more money.

You're welcome.
Amazon has every right to determine what will and will not be sold in their store. After all, I don't see them selling Obama's books on Trump's site.

Sadly, there is no way to compel Amazon to sell books which offend Progressives.

Hopefully, Conservative sites selling these books will make a good profit.

There actually is a way. It's called "anti-trust law".

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