America is a


Feb 14, 2012
America used to be a country of a pillar of strength and liberty...

America has evolved to a corrupt regime where there are laws in place to specifically uphold any entity in power.....

My next posts will explain how the corrupt America created a government that can arrest anyone and not give them one of our original constitutional rights about legal process.

America is evolving laws that every true American should wake up to.

When will the laws be abused that are in place?

How this connects to 9/11 I will bring to the table

Any American can be arrested and held forever without due process of the law. Any American can be arrested and not be elegible for the right to a trial with the show of evidence. Any American can be arrested simply by someone at the top of the pyramid scheme saying they are a terror suspect.

The arrested American accused of being a terror suspect does not have the right to a show of evidence in front of a trial by jury of their peers.

How can any true American justify supporting the direction America is going?

It is worse than this and will be back with more......
murka lost it's :A: in 1963. It takes a long tome to bring down the worlds largest, richest empire but it's mission accomplished. murka is sliding out of control and right at the edge of the cliff that kills it.
The cliff has a name. Iran.
In the ancient regime of France, you know, the monarchy before the French people lost their sense of humor (or in some cases their heads), the administration process of internment without charges or trail was call Lettres de cachet.

There never has been, nor will there ever be a nation as important as the United States of America.

It's just a simple fact.
We ain't goin nowhere, bitches!

Now, our tables are full, who wants in first?

Now, now, no need to rush the gates--everyone who actually wants a place at the table of democracy will be served.

This world ain't perfect, and neither are we.



Wait a minute. . .there wouldn't even be a discussion w/o. . .wait for it. . .wait for it. . .


Tips are not allowed, although gratitude is appreciated. Yes, you can be rude, we still got yer back.
Kinda. . .one never knows what the Chef is up to and one can always count on the crowd being restless.

It is a busy place.

murka lost it's :A: in 1963. It takes a long tome to bring down the worlds largest, richest empire but it's mission accomplished. murka is sliding out of control and right at the edge of the cliff that kills it.
The cliff has a name. Iran.

Yes it will be Iran that is the pivotal that changes the world. Todays people are on the brink of seeing the worst war disaster on this planets history.
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I have always been fascinated by conspiracy theories. I've never ever believed any of them but I love to listen.

Please, do go on.
Hey Max, try finding a forum like this anywhere else in the world. If you do, join it with your other anti-American pals and leave the discussions for people who have a higher IQ than an ox.
America used to be a country of a pillar of strength and liberty...

America has evolved to a corrupt regime where there are laws in place to specifically uphold any entity in power.....

My next posts will explain how the corrupt America created a government that can arrest anyone and not give them one of our original constitutional rights about legal process.

America is evolving laws that every true American should wake up to.

When will the laws be abused that are in place?

How this connects to 9/11 I will bring to the table

Any American can be arrested and held forever without due process of the law. Any American can be arrested and not be elegible for the right to a trial with the show of evidence. Any American can be arrested simply by someone at the top of the pyramid scheme saying they are a terror suspect.

The arrested American accused of being a terror suspect does not have the right to a show of evidence in front of a trial by jury of their peers.

How can any true American justify supporting the direction America is going?

It is worse than this and will be back with more......

"My next posts will explain how the ..."

Oh. Be still my heart.

I can hardly wait.

There never has been, nor will there ever be a nation as important as the United States of America.

It's just a simple fact.
What is most important about America is its Constitution -- which is being nibbled away right before the trusting eyes of citizens who simply refuse to believe what they are seeing.

"The man in the street does not recognize the devil even when the devil is holding him by the throat." [Johann von Goethe]

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are concerned, there can be no rule-making or legislation that would abrogate them."
(US Supreme Court, Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436)

"It often takes a great deal of intelligence to see that which is right before our eyes." [Edmond Duranty]
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America used to be a country of a pillar of strength and liberty...

America has evolved to a corrupt regime where there are laws in place to specifically uphold any entity in power.....

My next posts will explain how the corrupt America created a government that can arrest anyone and not give them one of our original constitutional rights about legal process.

America is evolving laws that every true American should wake up to.

When will the laws be abused that are in place?

How this connects to 9/11 I will bring to the table

Any American can be arrested and held forever without due process of the law. Any American can be arrested and not be elegible for the right to a trial with the show of evidence. Any American can be arrested simply by someone at the top of the pyramid scheme saying they are a terror suspect.

The arrested American accused of being a terror suspect does not have the right to a show of evidence in front of a trial by jury of their peers.

How can any true American justify supporting the direction America is going?

It is worse than this and will be back with more......

Good grief, the stilted syntax of this post suggests the author is not a native speaker of our language or suffers from a traumatic brain injury.
America used to be a country of a pillar of strength and liberty...

America has evolved to a corrupt regime where there are laws in place to specifically uphold any entity in power.....

My next posts will explain how the corrupt America created a government that can arrest anyone and not give them one of our original constitutional rights about legal process.

America is evolving laws that every true American should wake up to.

When will the laws be abused that are in place?

How this connects to 9/11 I will bring to the table

Any American can be arrested and held forever without due process of the law. Any American can be arrested and not be elegible for the right to a trial with the show of evidence. Any American can be arrested simply by someone at the top of the pyramid scheme saying they are a terror suspect.

The arrested American accused of being a terror suspect does not have the right to a show of evidence in front of a trial by jury of their peers.

How can any true American justify supporting the direction America is going?

It is worse than this and will be back with more......

Welcome to the board, Max

Before you conclude as you have, I recommend reading reading a piece that, it is reported, President Obama studied..."Not Fade Away."

In part:

1. Is the United States in decline, as so many seem to believe these days? Or are Americans in danger of committing pre-emptive superpower suicide out of a misplaced fear of their own declining power?

2. The present world order—characterized by an unprecedented number of democratic nations; a greater global prosperity, even with the current crisis, than the world has ever known; and a long peace among great powers—reflects American principles and preferences, and was built and preserved by American power in all its political, economic, and military dimensions. If American power declines, this world order will decline with it.

3. Much of the commentary on American decline these days rests on rather loose analysis, on impressions that the United States has lost its way, that it has abandoned the virtues that made it successful in the past, that it lacks the will to address the problems it faces.

4. Unfortunately, the present world order—with its widespread freedoms, its general prosperity, and its absence of great power conflict—is as fragile as it is unique. Preserving it has been a struggle in every decade, and will remain a struggle in the decades to come. Preserving the present world order requires constant American leadership and constant American commitment.

In the end, the decision is in the hands of Americans. Decline, as Charles Krauthammer has observed, is a choice. It is not an inevitable fate—at least not yet. Empires and great powers rise and fall, and the only question is when. But the when does matter. Whether the United States begins to decline over the next two decades or not for another two centuries will matter a great deal, both to Americans and to the nature of the world they live in.
Not Fade Away: Against the Myth of American Decline - Brookings Institution
12 hours later and nothing from the OP that he said would be posted.

My guess is it will be the same old shit all over again.:lol::lol:

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