America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Nahla - he does not espouse equality. He agrees with the Iranian treatment of women - inc. stoning. You're trying to educate a sociopath. Can't be done.

Chanel.. I know all muslims can't be tamed, as I already have SOOO many experience (not trying to tame one) but conversations and it end with them trying to convert me. How could a simple discussion turn to be a threat for my life? lollllllllll NOT surprised. but at least that the US is more educated and have brains that they use and won't agree to be dominated by 1400 century camel and sword users.. I WISH they STOP allowing muslims in the country and keep them where they are, or go to Turkey, it is very modernised country, for an islamic one.
I've learned a lot from your posts. Of course, I'm not a sociopath. Many Muslims in the U.S. have assimilated and contributed to our culture. But those that want a theocracy are traitors IMHO and should be condemned by all. Unfortunately, many are afraid of being called "Islamophobes". I'm not. There is nothing "irrational" or "bigoted" in rejecting oppression and human slavery.
I've learned a lot from your posts. Of course, I'm not a sociopath. Many Muslims in the U.S. have assimilated and contributed to our culture. But those that want a theocracy are traitors IMHO and should be condemned by all. Unfortunately, many are afraid of being called "Islamophobes". I'm not. There is nothing "irrational" or "bigoted" in rejecting oppression and human slavery.

I never hated any one in my life, but I hate people (mostly muslims) who try to impose and force they life style, and laws and Islam on everybody. Live your islam life, and let us live ours. Why everybody has to be like you, muslim? Jealousy? or applying what your book tells you LITERALLY?
B.S. Don't mean you chanel.. I have lots and lots of other videos to watch, unfortunatly not subtitled or translated.. not just that priest talking about all this shit in their book, but also their own sheiks, asking and questioning. SOOOOO many of them, even get executed for that, went to jail, escaped the country, and their books were removed from this country, like Saudi, and Egypt.. My dad had a hidden version of one of those books, written by a muslim ( he's an athiest now). It is a fairy, fancy world in that quran.. in their book it says that Mohammed went to the 7th skies on a camel!!! can you believe that? :lol::lol::lol:
Hysterically funny. The question is how can they make any sense of it and believe it that they would kill for it? dumb & dumber
Well American Muslim's must be doing something right. They identify as much with being American as with being a Muslim

Mohamed Younis, senior analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, summed up the findings of the new report titled "Muslim Americans: Faith, Freedom and the Future." "Muslim Americans are just that -- they're Americans. They care a lot about their faith, but they also care a lot about their country," he said.


"What we find are that Muslim Americans identify equally with the United States as they do with their religion," he said.

About 7 out of 10 Muslim Americans said they "very strongly" or "extremely strongly" identified with the United States, and a similar number expressed the same about Islam.

Researchers found that majorities of each major religious group surveyed said they do not believe that Muslim Americans sympathize with al-Qaida terrorists, but many also said Muslims need to speak out more against terrorism.

As for quality of life, Muslim Americans were the most optimistic about the future of all of the groups surveyed.


Researcher Mohamed Younis said Muslim Americans often are closest to Jewish Americans in their social and political views.

"Now, Jewish Americans are more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons to see Muslims as loyal to the United States. They are also in agreement with Muslim Americans -- and more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons -- to believe that Muslims in the U.S. have no sympathy for the al-Qaida terrorist organization. They're actually more likely than Muslim Americans to say that the Muslims in the U.S. experience a lot of prejudice. And then Jewish and Muslim Americans are two of the most likely religious groups to also say that the Iraq War was a mistake," Younis said.

Panelist Imam Mohamed Magid said he was surprised by the findings.

"We work with the Jewish community very closely in many ways, but, for example, the percentage of Jewish Americans who have the same view of the Iraq War and other things like that, I was whispering to David, actually, I said, 'that's very surprising,'" he said.

The imam was referring to fellow panelist, Rabbi David Saperstein, who said he believes there are many reasons for the similar perceptions.

"Jews view themselves as the quintessential victims of religious persecution in the history of the world over the last 3,000 years, and therefore often identify with those who are subject to religious persecution and discrimination," Saperstein said.

Study: American Muslims Identify with US, Islam Equally | USA | English

and that does have significance when you look at who American Christians identify with

Throughout Europe, most Christians think of themselves primarily in terms of their national identity. Fully 90% of French Christians take this view. The clear exception is the U.S., where Christians are divided: 46% primarily identify as American and 46% as Christian. Seven-in-ten white evangelical Christians in the U.S. identify first with their religion.

Muslim-Western Tensions Persist | Pew Global Attitudes Project

I have only just listened to the OP. The Sharia Law which the man says America already has is

1. The right to life

2. The Right to Liberty

3. The Right to Freedom of Religion

4. The Right to Family

5. The Right to Property

6. The Right to Mental well being.

he compares this to the US declaration of Independence which says

All are created equal

have certain rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

I am at a loss how something so simple and so positive could have turned into yet another Muslim hate thread.

America is more in danger of becoming a Fundamental Christian State.
Link please.

If fundamentalist Christians are advocating a non-secular form of government, they too should be exposed, stopped, and condemned.

My, my. It seems Sunni man has a new ally in his crusade against women. Is "alexa" your real name? Lol
Because this thread isn't about Jews.

Don't hear about the Jews stoning women in public (or in private)
Don't hear about the Jews patroling the streets looking for women that are alone to beat or rape
Don't hear about Jews beheading people
Don't hear about Jews disembowling women
Don't hear about Jews passing laws to make it "illegal" for women to ride in the passenger compartments of vehicles
Don't hear about Jews writing poetry to little boys that they molest
Don't hear about Jews celebrating their children have been killed by some terrorist group (and some manipulator told them that meant they would be held above all)
Don't hear about Jews gang raping news reporters in the street
Don't hear about Jews raping little girls until they "convert" to judism
Don't hear about Jews kidnapping officials children or murdering family members to influence gov't
Don't hear about Jews flying airplanes into buildings to murder people
Don't hear about Jews murdering people that are trying to help them
Don't hear about Jews making it illegal to carry a quran, punishible by death
Don't hear about Jews murdering people that have converted from judism
Don't hear about Jews joining the US military, and then murdering "fellow" soldiers
Don't hear about Jews going into India and blowing up hotels
Don't hear about Jews going into Indonesia and blowing up nightclubs
Don't hear about Jews murdering Christians in Africa
Don't hear about Jews planning to enslave the entire world
Don't hear about Jews forcing people to starve because they are a different religion
Don't hear about Jews murdering orthodox Jews because they believe differently
Don't hear about Jews disrupting traffic because they are "pretending" to pray
Don't hear about Jews lying about their "peaceful" intentions
Don't hear about Jews lying about the book of faith
Don't hear about Jews supporting terrorists groups
Don't hear about Jews destroying historical artifacts of other cultures (historical)
Don't hear about Jews declaring that their faith is perfect (if only the people practicing it were)
Don't hear about Jews raping homosexuals
Don't hear about Jews murdering homosexuals
Don't hear about Jews claiming to do criminal acts in the name of the Lord

What, not going to claim this is all western propoganda?

Don't hear about Jews having someone at a trial in a "cage"
What you posted does not change the fact that Iran is a democracy with an elected parliament.

The only point that I disagree with in your list of grievances against Iranian sharia law.

Is girls being forced to marry.

Islamicly, a girl should be able to say yes or no to a man who wants to marry her.

Everything else I wholeheartedly agree with. :cool:

Thank you for that useful post.

Does that mean he can be murdered by the more fundementalist muslims (for disagreeing with the teachings)?
Why would I want to listen to a Priest and a non-Muslim explain Islam?

Plus I doubt that he has anything to say that I haven't heard before many times.

Nahla, Would you be willing to listen to a Muslim Imam explain Christianity??

Yes, all you have to do is ask them some tough questions about TRUTH, and they run away or get tripped up in their own lies.
Sunni, I know many soldiers who have returned from Irac and Afghanistan.
I'm told there are tons of prostitutes available and a lot of gambling going on there. They also say that the men use woman for child bearing only. The majority of muslin men like to suck dick and take it up the ass.

Did you know that?


That is okay as long as they use a "child" for sexual pleasure (sarcasm). Yes isn't that "religion" full of ......
Link please.

I already provided a link

Throughout Europe, most Christians think of themselves primarily in terms of their national identity. Fully 90% of French Christians take this view. The clear exception is the U.S., where Christians are divided: 46% primarily identify as American and 46% as Christian. Seven-in-ten white evangelical Christians in the U.S. identify first with their religion.

Muslim-Western Tensions Persist | Pew Global Attitudes Project

You can clearly see that 46% of American Christians and 70% of Evangelical American Christians define themselves as first Christian.

This is in sharp contrast with the new gallop poll on the attitudes of Muslims who identify equally with the being US citizens and being Muslim.

Study: American Muslims Identify with US, Islam Equally | USA | English

Both these links have already been left.

My, my. It seems Sunni man has a new ally in his crusade against women. Is "alexa" your real name? Lol

You see you just show how brainless you are with comments like this. You don't read threads and when someone points out something which does not fit in with your blinkered mind's prejudiced views you claim the person is a misogynist. You just shout insults with no possible validity.

You fail to have even noticed that I was myself drilling Sunni in this thread.

Well it is my first meeting of you but I can put down in my notebook that you are nothing but a lot of meaningless xenophobic hot air.
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Ha ha. I guess anyone who supports women's rights is "xenophobic" and "prejudiced" then. The fact that you would agree with a misogynist who believes in stoning adulterers is what I would call "brainless hot air" or more simply "fucked up' You can put that in your notebook.

This thread is about Sharia Law in the US. I said, " If fundamentalist Christians are advocating a non-secular form of government, they too should be exposed, stopped, and condemned." I'd like to see a link please.
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Ha ha. I guess anyone who supports women's rights is "xenophobic" and "orejudiced" then. The fact that you would agree with a misogynist who believes in stoning adulterers is what I would call "brainless hot air" or more simply "fucked up' You can put that in your notebook.

Did you find that link yet

Clearly you're blind.

Let's just be clear on one thing. My post was not in agreement with Sunni. For the second time, in this thread I was questioning his beliefs so that little girl is a silly red herring from your one tract dead mind.

I was working for women's rights before your mother was born...and anyone who believes that anyone who is not an Islaophobe must be a misogynist is an extremely mindless prejudiced person with no skills of debate.

Now I have my grandchildren about to arrive so better things to do than to stroke the ego of a mindless xenophobe.
Well American Muslim's must be doing something right. They identify as much with being American as with being a Muslim

Mohamed Younis, senior analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, summed up the findings of the new report titled "Muslim Americans: Faith, Freedom and the Future." "Muslim Americans are just that -- they're Americans. They care a lot about their faith, but they also care a lot about their country," he said.


"What we find are that Muslim Americans identify equally with the United States as they do with their religion," he said.

About 7 out of 10 Muslim Americans said they "very strongly" or "extremely strongly" identified with the United States, and a similar number expressed the same about Islam.

Researchers found that majorities of each major religious group surveyed said they do not believe that Muslim Americans sympathize with al-Qaida terrorists, but many also said Muslims need to speak out more against terrorism.

As for quality of life, Muslim Americans were the most optimistic about the future of all of the groups surveyed.


Researcher Mohamed Younis said Muslim Americans often are closest to Jewish Americans in their social and political views.

"Now, Jewish Americans are more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons to see Muslims as loyal to the United States. They are also in agreement with Muslim Americans -- and more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons -- to believe that Muslims in the U.S. have no sympathy for the al-Qaida terrorist organization. They're actually more likely than Muslim Americans to say that the Muslims in the U.S. experience a lot of prejudice. And then Jewish and Muslim Americans are two of the most likely religious groups to also say that the Iraq War was a mistake," Younis said.

Panelist Imam Mohamed Magid said he was surprised by the findings.

"We work with the Jewish community very closely in many ways, but, for example, the percentage of Jewish Americans who have the same view of the Iraq War and other things like that, I was whispering to David, actually, I said, 'that's very surprising,'" he said.

The imam was referring to fellow panelist, Rabbi David Saperstein, who said he believes there are many reasons for the similar perceptions.

"Jews view themselves as the quintessential victims of religious persecution in the history of the world over the last 3,000 years, and therefore often identify with those who are subject to religious persecution and discrimination," Saperstein said.

Study: American Muslims Identify with US, Islam Equally | USA | English

and that does have significance when you look at who American Christians identify with

Throughout Europe, most Christians think of themselves primarily in terms of their national identity. Fully 90% of French Christians take this view. The clear exception is the U.S., where Christians are divided: 46% primarily identify as American and 46% as Christian. Seven-in-ten white evangelical Christians in the U.S. identify first with their religion.

Muslim-Western Tensions Persist | Pew Global Attitudes Project

I have only just listened to the OP. The Sharia Law which the man says America already has is

1. The right to life

2. The Right to Liberty

3. The Right to Freedom of Religion

4. The Right to Family

5. The Right to Property

6. The Right to Mental well being.

he compares this to the US declaration of Independence which says

All are created equal

have certain rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

I am at a loss how something so simple and so positive could have turned into yet another Muslim hate thread.

America is more in danger of becoming a Fundamental Christian State.

You obviously know very little about the Sharia Index Project, headed by Imam Rauf. It might be hard to research, because they deleted their website during the GZ controversy. However, snapshots are available through PJM and excerpts from Imam Rauf's book are widely available.

"Women's rights advocates" should care about the rights of ALL women - inc. Muslim women. Cheerleading for a "separate but equal" educational, legal, and financial system is misogynistic and fucked up. You can put that one in your notebook too.
"Women's rights advocates" should care about the rights of ALL women - inc. Muslim women. Cheerleading for a "separate but equal" educational, legal, and financial system is misogynistic and fucked up. You can put that one in your notebook too.

If American Muslim parents would rather have their children educated in separate classrooms divided between boys and girls .

Is that not the parents right ?
You may do that. In PRIVATE schools.

In certain areas of the United States the schools are predominately Muslim children.

So if the local school board decides to divide the school into boys and girls sections.

They are within their legal rights and there is nothing unconstitutional about doing so.

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