America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

The anti-Iranian government protests were financed and supported most likely by the CIA and Mossad.

The average Iranian citizen is supporting of the government and against these malcontent anti-government rioters.

But the Zionist controlled western media only likes to show the one side of the issue .

Here is the Truth.

[ame=]‪Iran: Pro-government Rallies, New Warnings to Reformers‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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You don't get out much, do you?

Really, tell me where you meet all these people who support radical Islam and Al Qaeda as you seem to know so many.

"In a situation like this, of course you identify with everyone who's suffering. [But we must also think about] the terrorists who are creating such horrible future lives for themselves because of the negativity of this karma. It's all of our jobs to keep our minds as expansive as possible. If you can see [the terrorists] as a relative who's dangerously sick and we have to give them medicine, and the medicine is love and compassion. There's nothing better." -- Richard Gere

He's giving a buddhist response. This has zero to do with supporting. He just is choosing not to allow his mind to hate. He is not addressing the political.

"I don't know how you wage war against one person; it doesn't make sense. I can imagine a commando-type raid to capture Bin Laden, then a trial, with evidence, before the world court. But that would not address the vast global inequalities in which terrorism is ultimately rooted. What is so heartbreaking to me as a feminist is that the strongest response to corporate globalization and U.S. military domination is based on such a violent and misogynist ideology." -- Barbara Ehrenreich, The Village Voice, October 9, 2001

Well she clearly does not like them at all.

"They have struck us, and in their strike announced: We'd rather die—and take you with us—than go on living in the world you have forced us to occupy. Force will get us nowhere. It is reparations that are owing, not retribution." -- Vivian Gornick, The Village Voice, October 9, 2001

He is attempting a psychological interpretation.

"Melt their weapons, melt their hearts, melt their anger with love." -- Shirley MacLaine on her anti-terrorism policy

She is being far too romantic

"In a war on Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden will either be left alive, while thousands of impoverished, frightened people are bombed into oblivion around him, or he will be killed in a bombing attack for which he seems quite prepared. But what would happen to his cool armor if he could be reminded of all the good, nonviolent things he has done? Further, what would happen to him if he could be brought to understand the preciousness of the lives he has destroyed? I firmly believe the only punishment that works is love." -- Alice Walker, The Village Voice Who's The Real Enemy Here?

I also did not think the Afghan war was the right response.

"America, America. What did you do--either intentionally or unintentionally--in the world order, in Central America, in Africa where bombs are still blasting? America, what did you do in the global warming conference when you did not embrace the smaller nations? America, what did you do two weeks ago when I stood at the world conference on racism, when you wouldn't show up? Oh, America, what did you do?" -- Former San Francisco Supervisor Amos Brown on September 17.

It is getting a bit hard as I don't know most of these people and it is difficult to read something out of context but I certainly do not see him saying he supports Al Qaeda - come to think of it had the US invented the term Al Qaeda then?

"We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly." -- Bill Maher, Politically Incorrect

not a clue what this person is talking about

"The WTC was not just an architectural monstrosity, but also terrible for people who didn't work there, for it said to all those people: 'If you can't work up here, boy, you're out of it.' That's why I'm sure that if those towers had been destroyed without loss of life, a lot of people would have cheered. Everything wrong with America led to the point where the country built that tower of Babel, which consequently had to be destroyed. And then came the next shock. We had to realize that the people that did this were brilliant. It showed that the ego we could hold up until September 10 was inadequate." -- Norman Mailer

"Americans can't admit that you need courage to do such a thing. For that might be misunderstood. The key thing is that we in America are convinced that it was blind, mad fanatics who didn't know what they were doing. But what if those perpetrators were right and we were not? We have long ago lost the capability to take a calm look at the enormity of our enemy's position." -- Norman Mailer on 9/11

"I just think we are a little bit of an arrogant nation and maybe this is a little bit of a humbling experience ... what has our government done to provoke this action that we don't know about?" -- Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson

"If the word 'cowardly' is to be used, it might be more aptly applied to those who kill from beyond the range of retaliation, high in the sky, than to those willing to die themselves in order to kill others." -- Susan Sontag in New Yorker magazine

Let's get rid of all the economic (expletive) this country represents! Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win! -- Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders

The President wants to talk about a terrorist named bin Laden. I don’t want to talk about bin Laden. I want to talk about a terrorist called Christopher Columbus. I want to talk about a terrorist called George Washington. I want to talk about a terrorist called Rudy Giuliani. The real terrorists have always been the United Snakes of America. — Malik Zulu Shabazz

As to those in the World Trade Center…Let’s get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break. …If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it. — Ward Churchill

OK. I did about half. This offers nothing to suggest that people support Al Qaeda. It shows that people had different reactions to 9/11 as surprise, surprise you would expect after an incident of this magnitude.

The last quote seems sick and I didn't read the rest of the bottom half.

The point is 9/11 happened. It is over. You seem, like others I have come in contact with on forums, to be keeping a hatred alive inside yourself. What purpose does that serve?

I am not an extremist of the type of Al Qaeda. Nor am I an extremist of the kind that hates Muslims and wants to deport them all and sees them all as bad.

I know that the two are in a symbiotic relationship and I am interested in people who are interested in not being extremists and are interested in democracy and in their own nation whoever they are.
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You seem, like others I have come in contact with on forums, to be keeping a hatred alive inside yourself.
You seem, like others I have come in contact with on forums, to pay more attention to the stereotypes in your head than the people you have come in contact with on forums.

I was not the one who presented all that. If there is a stereotype it is of your own making.
You seem, like others I have come in contact with on forums, to be keeping a hatred alive inside yourself.
You seem, like others I have come in contact with on forums, to pay more attention to the stereotypes in your head than the people you have come in contact with on forums.

I was not the one who presented all that. If there is a stereotype it is of your own making.
So, you fuck up, and it's MY fault. :lol:
Alexas, I do better when people asked me questions one at a time rather than a group of multiple questions.

Overwhelmingly, the mosque's in America are Sunni mosque's. That is because historically the seed money to finance the building of a mosque many times came from Saudi Arabia. But the Saudi's took a very hands-off approach when it came to organizing our directing the direction and everyday activities of the mosque.

The Saudis practice a form of Islam called "Wahhabism" or sometimes called "Salafism". It is a combination of all 4 Sunni schools of thought.

So most mosque's in the United States have a strain of Salafi woven into their literature and teaching.

Thus, the vast majority of American mosque's are very conservative in outlook and religious practice.

Which suits me just fine. :cool:

OK Sunni, you have now confirmed you are a fundamentalist. What I feel some concern about is you seeming to think that that is the general position of Muslims in the US.

This article gives a description as to how things went in the UK. Our Muslims seem to be a bit more adventurous than you are describing the US, with one group only causing concern.

I was going to try and quote the relevant bits but it is too long but worth a read for anyone interested.

It certainly describes our Muslim Community as an evolving one. While the 90's saw Salifism arriving leading to the 'Super Salafis' a group who felt it was their responsibility to take action because of the First gulf war and led to them getting way over themselves trying to tell everyone else they were not Muslim enough


to many moving back to more tradition Islam and adorning yet again Sufism.

a good read not to put everyone in one basket

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: The Development of British Salafism
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I am no fan of Sufism.

It is mainly Indian and Pakistani .

There are so many schools and sects of Sufism that it is hard to keep count.

I am happy to hear that many people have left it and embrace the Salafi school of Islam.

And I hope that it continues to grow in the UK
Sunniman, do you know and understand arabic very well? Because there is a couple videos I'd like you to explain them to me
I am no fan of Sufism.

It is mainly Indian and Pakistani .

There are so many schools and sects of Sufism that it is hard to keep count.

I am happy to hear that many people have left it and embrace the Salafi school of Islam.

And I hope that it continues to grow in the UK

No Sunni you have got it wrong. Yes, when people were needing something and their own communities were not providing Saudi money brought Salifism.

...but the first gulf war caused problems with one group who came to be known as the 'super salafis' causing hell.

That resulted in a great many moving back to more traditional Islam including Sufism. Like I said Islam here appears to be evolving, not static. I know there has been talk of finding a 'British Islam'

Here you go

Another major factor in the evolution of Salafism in the UK has been the increasing appeal of “traditional Islam,” an activist and scholarly form of Sufism, which was initially popularized by charismatic American convert scholar Hamza Yusuf.6 He seemed to mesmerize audiences with the depth of his knowledge of Islam and apparent polymathic command of subjects as diverse as music, literature, and science. Prominent moderate Salafis at the time, though privately in awe of his learning, publicly dismissed him as Sufi. The traditional Islam trend in effect appropriated some of the authority from the Salafi scholars, resulting in a reduction of some of the aura of knowledgeability from British Salafis and offering a broader, richer understanding of Islam that emphasized the spiritual dimensions of religion. The impact of Hamza Yusuf’s message was reinforced and echoed by two other prominent convert scholars, the English Abdal Hakim Murad (b. 1960), a Cambridge professor of Islamic Studies, and the American Shaykh Nuh Keller (b.1954) who is based in Jordan. The three figures spearheaded a strategy of discrediting the politicized readings of Islam found in the literature of the reformist Islamists and deconstructing the claims to textual orthodoxy of the Salafi groupings. Especially Abdal Hakim Murad has been prolific in this regard; his writings consititute one of the most popular resources for “traditional Islam.”7

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: The Development of British Salafism
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[ame=]‪Father Zakaria - islam explained 1 (arabic and english)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

All are subtitles.. these vdieos explains ALL great teaching, and explainations, PROVED by their own books of Interpretations, and the Quran.. If you Sunni man have any questions. You can find alllllllll your answeres in these Videos..
People, Sunni man, and people like him, will never change, or listen to the voice of reason, he's like those who don't like to hear the bad about his beliefs, IF they were ever true.. he still can come up with sneaky explainations, like all muslims do.. Check it out people.. THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM videos.
Why would I want to listen to a Priest and a non-Muslim explain Islam?

Plus I doubt that he has anything to say that I haven't heard before many times.

Nahla, Would you be willing to listen to a Muslim Imam explain Christianity??
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Sunni, I know many soldiers who have returned from Irac and Afghanistan.
I'm told there are tons of prostitutes available and a lot of gambling going on there. They also say that the men use woman for child bearing only. The majority of muslin men like to suck dick and take it up the ass.

Did you know that?

Why would I want to listen to a Priest and a non-Muslim explain Islam?

Plus I doubt that he has anything to say that I haven't heard before many times.

Nahla, Would you be willing to listen to a Muslim Imam explain Christianity??

He is not EXPLAINING your religion.. no, at all. He is only discussing some points of your book, about women and their rights ( that only we (women) take half) which amazingily you see it is right, you? who thinks that women are equal. He's NOT telling people CONVERt or else, like your book, he's teeling them what it says that's all (in details) what are you afraid of? that you might question your faith? that you might NOT have answers?.. You don't have to see it. But the WHOLE arab ( and non-arab) world saw it and started to use that thing on top of your head, that called BRAIN, do you know it?.. lol. whatever dude.
Well American Muslim's must be doing something right. They identify as much with being American as with being a Muslim

Mohamed Younis, senior analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, summed up the findings of the new report titled "Muslim Americans: Faith, Freedom and the Future." "Muslim Americans are just that -- they're Americans. They care a lot about their faith, but they also care a lot about their country," he said.


"What we find are that Muslim Americans identify equally with the United States as they do with their religion," he said.

About 7 out of 10 Muslim Americans said they "very strongly" or "extremely strongly" identified with the United States, and a similar number expressed the same about Islam.

Researchers found that majorities of each major religious group surveyed said they do not believe that Muslim Americans sympathize with al-Qaida terrorists, but many also said Muslims need to speak out more against terrorism.

As for quality of life, Muslim Americans were the most optimistic about the future of all of the groups surveyed.


Researcher Mohamed Younis said Muslim Americans often are closest to Jewish Americans in their social and political views.

"Now, Jewish Americans are more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons to see Muslims as loyal to the United States. They are also in agreement with Muslim Americans -- and more likely than Catholics, Protestants and Mormons -- to believe that Muslims in the U.S. have no sympathy for the al-Qaida terrorist organization. They're actually more likely than Muslim Americans to say that the Muslims in the U.S. experience a lot of prejudice. And then Jewish and Muslim Americans are two of the most likely religious groups to also say that the Iraq War was a mistake," Younis said.

Panelist Imam Mohamed Magid said he was surprised by the findings.

"We work with the Jewish community very closely in many ways, but, for example, the percentage of Jewish Americans who have the same view of the Iraq War and other things like that, I was whispering to David, actually, I said, 'that's very surprising,'" he said.

The imam was referring to fellow panelist, Rabbi David Saperstein, who said he believes there are many reasons for the similar perceptions.

"Jews view themselves as the quintessential victims of religious persecution in the history of the world over the last 3,000 years, and therefore often identify with those who are subject to religious persecution and discrimination," Saperstein said.

Study: American Muslims Identify with US, Islam Equally | USA | English
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Why would I want to listen to a Priest and a non-Muslim explain Islam?

Plus I doubt that he has anything to say that I haven't heard before many times.

Nahla, Would you be willing to listen to a Muslim Imam explain Christianity??

He is not EXPLAINING your religion.. no, at all. He is only discussing some points of your book, about women and their rights ( that only we (women) take half) which amazingily you see it is right, you? who thinks that women are equal. He's NOT telling people CONVERt or else, like your book, he's teeling them what it says that's all (in details) what are you afraid of? that you might question your faith? that you might NOT have answers?.. You don't have to see it. But the WHOLE arab ( and non-arab) world saw it and started to use that thing on top of your head, that called BRAIN, do you know it?.. lol. whatever dude.
OK, I watched the video.

The Priest didn't explain anything.

In fact, he was asking for Islam to be explained to him. :cuckoo:
Why would I want to listen to a Priest and a non-Muslim explain Islam?

Plus I doubt that he has anything to say that I haven't heard before many times.

Nahla, Would you be willing to listen to a Muslim Imam explain Christianity??

He is not EXPLAINING your religion.. no, at all. He is only discussing some points of your book, about women and their rights ( that only we (women) take half) which amazingily you see it is right, you? who thinks that women are equal. He's NOT telling people CONVERt or else, like your book, he's teeling them what it says that's all (in details) what are you afraid of? that you might question your faith? that you might NOT have answers?.. You don't have to see it. But the WHOLE arab ( and non-arab) world saw it and started to use that thing on top of your head, that called BRAIN, do you know it?.. lol. whatever dude.
OK, I watched the video.

The Priest didn't explain anything.

In fact, he was asking for Islam to be explained to him. :cuckoo:

[ame=]‪Father Zakaria Explains Islam Was Spread by The Sword‬‏ - YouTube[/ame] :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: you
[ame=]‪How Could Islam Allow One Woman To Do this? (DQ1-8)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

your prophet Mohmmed said the women mind's are deficient, and religiously deficient.. what kind of equality you claim that Islam is giving to women?

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