America is falling apart. Congress....Republicans.....DO SOMETHING

Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!

Gee. Where were you when the Dems controlling things?? Didn't see you demanding they do something.

Oh wait. I forgot your and Obamabot and probably a Dem. You thought everything was okay. The economy in the toilet. UE through the roof. That was AOK in your book because the Dems controlled thing. Never mind.

Well, let's start with the 15 Million people who now have health insurance that did not before the ACA. But wait.....that initiative helped the lower and middle class. The GOP has never been interested in those sectors of America.

When bridges start falling and roads crumble MAYBE they will take their eyes off the 1% and do something.....but don't count on it.

Yup and how many of those 15 million are being payed for by we the taxpayer? Such a deal. My costs have gone up by 30% to pay for that POS ACA.

Yes the infrastructure has been decaying for decades. Clinton could have done something but he didn't and neither did any other president Dem or Rep. As for that 1% its not their job to fix the infrastructure you idiot.
Didn't we give this President nearly $1 trillion for infrastructure?

He probably used that for those vacations to Spain, China and England that Michelle, her kids and family members took. Not to mention
all those vacations to Hawaii.
Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!
1. Impeach Obama
2. Jail the Clintons

That'll do for a starter.
Yeah. That will stop ISIS, create jobs, reform health care, balance the budget, and create better cable reception.

Uh huh. Yep. Sure.

Your post just proves the modern day Right is absofuckingclueless when it comes to real solutions to real problems.
Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!
1. Impeach Obama
2. Jail the Clintons

That'll do for a starter.
Yeah. That will stop ISIS, create jobs, reform health care, balance the budget, and create better cable reception.

Uh huh. Yep. Sure.

Your post just proves the modern day Right is absofuckingclueless when it comes to real solutions to real problems.

Neither are you lefties... so, what's the Dem plan again? "Hope and Change? "Yes we can"? "Tax the 1%"? "You didn't build that"? Maybe Hillary's mantra can be "It takes a village"... again.

:lol: Palease.... Both sides suck.
Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!

They did do something. They blamed the black guy.

(it's all they know)
It's all you know.

Actually, its all we see.....

Another unsubstantiated lie by the board goof JimH52.

You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
They've done a lot, I posted a long list a few weeks ago. Your approval isn't the deciding factor.
Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!

Gee. Where were you when the Dems controlling things?? Didn't see you demanding they do something.

Oh wait. I forgot your and Obamabot and probably a Dem. You thought everything was okay. The economy in the toilet. UE through the roof. That was AOK in your book because the Dems controlled thing. Never mind.

Well, let's start with the 15 Million people who now have health insurance that did not before the ACA. But wait.....that initiative helped the lower and middle class. The GOP has never been interested in those sectors of America.

When bridges start falling and roads crumble MAYBE they will take their eyes off the 1% and do something.....but don't count on it.
I think that aside from being unable to solve the perpetual cycle of inner city grief - America is just fine, and will be for quite a while.

Chill the fuggout.

At least you acknowledge where the problem lies.
Thats where it is on a societal level

On a global level, im not all too worried about is falling apart. The big powers' economies are melding together, and when this exascerbates itself (as its been), this whole nationalistic themed tribal idiocy humans have developed may eventually subside.

A world wide connected economy is dangerous.
When one goes it can bring down the rest.
I liked the old days when there was some separation.
Not only does it help stop the domino effect it makes it much harder for companies like Gold Man Sachs to gain control of everything.
There is no rest if theres only one.

To clarify - im quite literally saying that as humans evolve, there becomes far less a need for several hundred "nations" all being raised in seperation.
Save America from falling apart Opinion -

The GOP boasts that they hold the purse string of the country. Now is time to put up or shut up. DO SOMETHING!

They did do something. They blamed the black guy.

(it's all they know)
It's all you know.

Actually, its all we see.....

Another unsubstantiated lie by the board goof JimH52.

You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
We passed a budget in our first year.
They did do something. They blamed the black guy.

(it's all they know)
It's all you know.

Actually, its all we see.....

Another unsubstantiated lie by the board goof JimH52.

You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
We passed a budget in our first year.

Yeah.....screwing everyone except your beloved 1%
WTF is wrong with the left? They blamed Bush when democrats held the majority in congress when Fannie Mae went under taking the economy with it and now they blame congress when the president's foreign policy is a shambles and democrat controlled cities are falling apart. Get rid of Hillary if you are serious lefties. It's your call.
It's all you know.

Actually, its all we see.....

Another unsubstantiated lie by the board goof JimH52.

You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
We passed a budget in our first year.

Yeah.....screwing everyone except your beloved 1%

They do something, you bitch. They don't do something, you bitch.

So who cares what you think because all you will do is bitch.
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Actually, its all we see.....

Another unsubstantiated lie by the board goof JimH52.

You can't prove incompetence. You just need to watch the republican controlled congress. The most Do Nothing group of loons in US History.
We passed a budget in our first year.

Yeah.....screwing everyone except your beloved 1%

They do something, you bitch. They don't do something, you bitch.

So who cares what you think because all you will do is bitch.

Do you call every you disagree with an obscene name often? It is beginning to look like that. Anger only makes you old and wrinkled......

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