America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

And you rightwing white Christians will be in the sub minority of the minority
You libtards always have to go racist on every issue.

Do you have a picture of Hitler of Mugabe on your walls?

Why does it bother you so much about people discussing the demographic shift?

Race? Your party has made it the cornerstone of your narrative using dog whistle language

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

95% of all new hispanics are really "meso's" or natives of central America. I seriously, doubt more then a few percent of the 17.5% of hispanics are white.

You are mistaken, Matthew.

First of all it depends on the nation that they come from. Argentina is populated mostly by immigrants from Southern Europe, like Italy and Greece and Spain. They are as l illy white as anyone here in the USA, they just speak Spanish and last time I checked that doesnt change one's race.

Secondly the mestizo mix (for some bizarre reason (but then all the pseudo-science of racism is bullshit) mixed asians and whites have always been considered white, even if lower on the racial scale. There are proud families in the US with lots of money and influence that have Amerindian blood and they boast of it. I have Amerindian blood on both sides of my mothers family and no one has ever considered me or my family to be anything other than white.

Thirdly, it doesnt matter as a whole lot of mixed white and Amerindian folks easily pass for white and generally think of themselves as white. The portion of people who think Amerindian/whites are not white are miniscule and getting more so.

Fourthly, racial theory is all bullshit. It is a cultural thing and few bother with it any more. IF the Democrats with their stupid shit Identity Politics ideology had not enshrined racial categorizations into our law with Affirmative ACtion being solely based on group identity, racism would be entirely dead now.
Guys, why do we let goon boy get his jollies ?

This is his millionth thread on this very same subject. He's just trying to get your goat.
Best thing to do is just ignore him and his threads and he'll die a slow painful death as his threads slowly slip away into the abyss.
In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yet not a single one of them would ever say 'Whites should have the laws revised so that white people dont go to jail so often.'

Democrats want to push more racism into aour laws, while the corporations want to use it to get more H1-Bs allowed in, counting Asian Indians as black.

You stupid Democrats give them an ideological basis for that racism.
Guys, why do we let goon boy get his jollies ?

This is his millionth thread on this very same subject. He's just trying to get your goat.
Best thing to do is just ignore him and his threads and he'll die a slow painful death as his threads slowly slip away into the abyss.

Batshit is a typical leftwing racist.

I am glad he is here to illustrate what that means.
If the Republican Party continues to demean minorities and women and attaches itself to rightwing White Christians and not broadening their base they will go the way of the Whig party.

There are 324 million Americans.

The Pew Research Center projects that there will be 441 million by 2065.

And by the time the country gets there, our electorate will have changed in a profound way: In 50 years, no ethnic group will be a majority.
From an Oct 9th 2015 article
America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

What we're shifting from is a nation that used to have more people willing to work for a living. We're shifting to one, thanks to the Democrats, where more people now vote for a living and for those willing to work for one to fund it for them.
What we're shifting from is a nation that used to have more people willing to work for a living. We're shifting to one, thanks to the Democrats, where more people now vote for a living and for those willing to work for one to fund it for them.

I think it is a lot more complicated than that. I know well qualified people who have been looking for work for years in their field of specialization. One graduated with honors in her department, had the highest grades, is a hard qorker and is a bone marrow donater and spent two summers working in unpaind charitable work positions, the last one she had to commute over 90 miles to get to her position. She has still not been able to find a job.

Meanwhile the feds are agreeing to let in about 200k more H1-Bs to compete with her for work (they will get the jobs before she will as they work more cheaply) and she had one job lined up until Obama announced his EO to let in more immigrants, to include another 200k H1-Bs that the IT companies badly wanted.

Also the technology that is the new frontier of our time has been able to be completely capitalized within a few years of being introduced, meaning we are losing new tech industry jobs too quickly to produce careers that can give people employment.

It's a Brave New world, dude, and it will usher in a new age of Socialism.
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!

What is it about speaking Spanish that changes your race from white?
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!

What is it about speaking Spanish that changes your race from white?
"I'll take 'Non Sequiturs' for $500, Alex."
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!

What is it about speaking Spanish that changes your race from white?
"I'll take 'Non Sequiturs' for $500, Alex."

Well, it is implied by the hysterical headline about whites becoming a minority in 2050 and such.

Good grief, Anglos have been a minority to descendants of German speakers and Scots-Irish for decades. I fail to see why suddenly the immigration of Spanish speaking people is threatening to put other whites into the minority..

That is horse manure.
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!

What is it about speaking Spanish that changes your race from white?
"I'll take 'Non Sequiturs' for $500, Alex."

Well, it is implied by the hysterical headline about whites becoming a minority in 2050 and such.

Good grief, Anglos have been a minority to descendants of German speakers and Scots-Irish for decades. I fail to see why suddenly the immigration of Spanish speaking people is threatening to put other whites into the minority..

That is horse manure.

Couple of things (aside from the fact that, except in terms of genetic predispositions to certain illnesses, this whole "race" thing in and of itself is horse manure):

First, Latinos tend to identify (and to be asked on questionnaires) as either White Hispanic or Black Hispanic.

Second, there are bigots who consider themselves whiter than white (except when they want to claim Native ancestry) and who still subscribe to the "one-drop" rule. You can stand one of them next to a Hidalgo who's three shades pinker than they are and they'll still scream racial slurs.

They're among the ones having a meltdown in this thread.
I don't really trust these types of predictions at all. They go by prior growth and that is what they base their projections on. It's a guesstimate and nothing more than that. Nobody really knows. First generation immigrants might be having more children. This trend could slow down with subsequent generations.
Why does it bother you so much about people discussing the demographic shift?

It doesnt bother me, because I know that most hispanics consider themselves white, and as they assimilate they will blend into the white demographic much like every other white language variant has. What amuses me is that you celebrate this looming fantasy of whites becoming a minority and let me tell you, the corporations are not going to let that happen because they are led by people who are as racist as you are and use similar methods to conceal it.

I look forward to the day when people wont care what race someone is, but that wont happen as long as the corporations run the two parties and the Marxist left is attached at the hip to Identity Politics.

Race? Your party has made it the cornerstone of your narrative using dog whistle language

I dont have a party, but I am guessing you mean the lame ass Republicans who are in the process of electing a dictator for the Speaker of the House.

They are not my party.
Most Hispanics consider themselves white? :laugh:
Ooo, scary, scary facts! America is becoming more diverse, and Whitebread's lashing out!

Consider what that leftist socialist (not) Lindsey Graham said during the first GOP debate: "Strom Thurmond had four kids after age 67. If you're not willing to do that, we need to come up with a new immigration system."

Now do please continue running and screaming from the scary, scary facts!

What is it about speaking Spanish that changes your race from white?
Youre not white unless you are pure european. Even then only the whitest of white people have no other mix of African or Asian blood in them. Unless you change the concept of white...white people are a dying breed.
What we're shifting from is a nation that used to have more people willing to work for a living. We're shifting to one, thanks to the Democrats, where more people now vote for a living and for those willing to work for one to fund it for them.

I think it is a lot more complicated than that. I know well qualified people who have been looking for work for years in their field of specialization. One graduated with honors in her department, had the highest grades, is a hard qorker and is a bone marrow donater and spent two summers working in unpaind charitable work positions, the last one she had to commute over 90 miles to get to her position. She has still not been able to find a job.

Meanwhile the feds are agreeing to let in about 200k more H1-Bs to compete with her for work (they will get the jobs before she will as they work more cheaply) and she had one job lined up until Obama announced his EO to let in more immigrants, to include another 200k H1-Bs that the IT companies badly wanted.

Also the technology that is the new frontier of our time has been able to be completely capitalized within a few years of being introduced, meaning we are losing new tech industry jobs too quickly to produce careers that can give people employment.

It's a Brave New world, dude, and it will usher in a new age of Socialism.

Socialism is the problem. It allows people to vote for a living.
If the Republican Party continues to demean minorities and women and attaches itself to rightwing White Christians and not broadening their base they will go the way of the Whig party.

There are 324 million Americans.

The Pew Research Center projects that there will be 441 million by 2065.

And by the time the country gets there, our electorate will have changed in a profound way: In 50 years, no ethnic group will be a majority.
From an Oct 9th 2015 article
America is in the middle of an extreme demographic shift

In 50 years the default color of Americans will be a brownish tan as well. :)

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