America is not the greatest country...

Seriously? That's the best you have? You do realize my entire OP is factual information that you can fact check on your own. Every country has problems, but tell me, how much debt is britain/canada/denmark etc in? How many unemployed people do they have? What's the cost of healthcare? You follow the idea that people need to be pushed into wage slavery to scrape up enough for braces, to that I say, fuck you. Congratulations, you earn enough money, and can afford healthcare if it pops up, tell that to the millions without insurance and those whose lives would be ruined financially if they got a severe illness.

Technically ... I didn't argue with your OP ... I just posted something along the lines of the fact it reminded me of a baby crapping his diaper.
Now do I need to explain that to you ... Again?

Facts don't exist in your world, I understand now.

Why do you keep talking about facts ... I never argued that foreign countries are not America.
I never said Americans get more maternity leave ... Or have lower heathcare costs.

You don't understand jack ... You cannot even follow a simple conversation.

Seriously? That's the best you have? You do realize my entire OP is factual information that you can fact check on your own. Every country has problems, but tell me, how much debt is britain/canada/denmark etc in? How many unemployed people do they have? What's the cost of healthcare? You follow the idea that people need to be pushed into wage slavery to scrape up enough for braces, to that I say, fuck you. Congratulations, you earn enough money, and can afford healthcare if it pops up, tell that to the millions without insurance and those whose lives would be ruined financially if they got a severe illness.

Technically ... I didn't argue with your OP ... I just posted something along the lines of the fact it reminded me of a baby crapping his diaper.
Now do I need to explain that to you ... Again?

Facts don't exist in your world, I understand now.

Why do you keep talking about facts ... I never argued that foreign countries are not America.
I never said Americans get more maternity leave ... Or have lower heathcare costs.

You don't understand jack ... You cannot even follow a simple conversation.

I did follow your conversation, it's nonsense that is simply a continuation of the circlejerk.
I could get protection from any country with a military....

Give it a try, big mouth.
If you want to keep personally gouging, please, continue.

So I guess you won't try, hypocrite.
Hold on a second, you do realize you've literally just said I'm a hypocrite if I state countries with a military offer protection, what the fuck are you talking about?

You claimed you could find protection elsewhere, but instead of trying to go find it you stay in this country and take advantage of what you don't deserve, hypocrite.
I could get protection from any country with a military....

Give it a try, big mouth.
If you want to keep personally gouging, please, continue.

So I guess you won't try, hypocrite.
Hold on a second, you do realize you've literally just said I'm a hypocrite if I state countries with a military offer protection, what the fuck are you talking about?

You claimed you could find protection elsewhere, but instead of trying to go find it you stay in this country and take advantage of what you don't deserve, hypocrite.
Alright, alright, I can't believe you're actually going down this route. Here we go then.. Imagine I'm an american living in the south who doesn't support slavery, I say we shouldn't have slavery, I'm labeled a hypocrite and told to go north by yourself in the past. Jesus, you're a sad excuse for someone worthy of talking to.
I did follow your conversation, it's nonsense that is simply a continuation of the circlejerk.

What circle jerk ... You are the one using cut and paste crud from Mother Jones (talk about a prog circle-jerk).
What nonsense ... Just because I think you are too foolish to tell the difference between America, our Constitution and the rest of the World?

You haven't even found where my conversation starts ... Much less where it could be going.
You keep thinking I am forced to engage your ridiculous dialog expressed in the OP ... And I am not ... But I will make fun of it and take potshots at whatever point you may make for as long as it humors me.

You catching on yet sticky britches?

I know this isn't a honest method to determine deaths and blame them on capitalism...

But you tried it anyway.
You did the same ...

No, I did not.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
I did follow your conversation, it's nonsense that is simply a continuation of the circlejerk.

What circle jerk ... You are the one using cut and paste crud from Mother Jones.
What nonsense ... Just because I think you are too foolish to tell the difference between America, our Constitution and the rest of the World?

You haven't even found where my conversation starts ... Much less where it could be going.
You keep thinking I am forced to engage your ridiculous dialog expressed in the OP ... And I am not ... But I will make fun of it and take potshots at whatever point you may make for as long as it humors me.

You catching on yet sticky britches?

Jesus.. attack the information, not the source.
I know this isn't a honest method to determine deaths and blame them on capitalism...

But you tried it anyway.
You did the same ...

No, I did not.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
Yes, and you more then likely believe every single death was caused by stalin/mao, despite the fact that the USSR/china have had periodic famines for centuries before mao/stalin.
But you tried it anyway.
You did the same ...

No, I did not.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
Yes, and you more then likely believe every single death was caused by stalin/mao, despite the fact that the USSR/china have had periodic famines for centuries before mao/stalin.

If you are going to reference history, you should study a little.

Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
You did the same ...

No, I did not.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
Yes, and you more then likely believe every single death was caused by stalin/mao, despite the fact that the USSR/china have had periodic famines for centuries before mao/stalin.

If you are going to reference history, you should study a little.

Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
No one agrees with the great leap forward, however..
List of famines in China - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No, I did not.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
Yes, and you more then likely believe every single death was caused by stalin/mao, despite the fact that the USSR/china have had periodic famines for centuries before mao/stalin.

If you are going to reference history, you should study a little.

Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
No one agrees with the great leap forward, however..
List of famines in China - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Those change what about mao's idiotic policies? What's that? Nothing? Correct. You are an illogical dope.
Yes, you did, especially when you implied every single death under mao/stalin were directly caused by mao/stalin.

I didn't "imply" anything, liar. I said what I meant. I referenced specific countries and specific communist dictators.
Yes, and you more then likely believe every single death was caused by stalin/mao, despite the fact that the USSR/china have had periodic famines for centuries before mao/stalin.

If you are going to reference history, you should study a little.

Mao s Great Leap Forward killed 45 million in four years - News - Books - The Independent
No one agrees with the great leap forward, however..
List of famines in China - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Those change what about mao's idiotic policies? What's that? Nothing? Correct. You are an illogical dope.
I never claimed to support mao's policies, but you have to realize china has a history of famine, and the famine under mao has many deaths linked to the weather, again, I'm calling for honesty.

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