The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

One must Fundamentally Change America from a Nation based on Individual Liberties, to a Nation responsive and compliant with Collectivist Ideologies if America is to become part of The New World order and Subservient to a Globalist Government. This was the goal of Marxist Socialist Globalist Barak Hussein Obama.

  • This is why America is the focus of ANGER for Globalists.
  • This is why Anti-Globalist President Trump is the Focus of Anger for The Left, and The Corrupt Establishment Globalist Right.
  • This is why America is The Focus of Anger for Jihadists who feel that they would be Masters of a Globalist Government and who seek to complete the Mission of Dar Al Islam (Global Domination of Islam)
  • This is why President Trump is The Focus of Anger for Socialists, Communists, and Liberals, who believe in Globalist Government, Open Borders, & The Abolishment of State's Rights, Individual Rights, Ownership of Property, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Commerce (note: Obamacare Mandate), Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Expression, Freedom to Dissent, The Rights of a Sovereign Nation to Engage in Commerce, Manage Immigration, Negotiate Treaties, and The Rights of a Free People to Govern themselves.
  • This is why The President, and his staff, who believe in Economic Freedom of Commerce are the Focus of Anger for the Global Warming Faith.
Think of Globalism and implementing it in America and absorbing and subjugating America in to Globalist Government as a Relay Race. There were many with the baton before Obama, but he was one of the most notable and primary runners with The Globalist Baton.

Bill Clinton was one of the runners before Obama, and Hillary Clinton was to be handed the baton by Obama. But a funny thing happened in The Globalist Relay Race. Hillary Clinton Dropped The Baton.

And this again, is why, The Left, and Globalists on The Right, being so used to being able to pass The Baton off to the next Runner in Their Race to Globalism were INCREDULOUS that they were not able to pass the Baton and push us closer towards their Globalist Finish Line.

Globalism = Tyranny.
Constitutional Nationalism Based on Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights Declared to be Endowed By a Universal Eternal Supreme Lawgiver = Liberty

Globalism = TOTAL POLITICAL CONTROL over your personal data, finances, freedom of movement, your right to think and act for yourself, and your life.

Globalism is Run by Appointed Bureacrats, not elected by THE PEOPLE nor Beholden to them, nor Appointed by a Duly Elected Representative. An example on a small scale is Mueller and McCabe Running THE FBI, and Rosenstein effectively Running The DOJ. None of these men were appointed by the current administration nor elected by the people, and THE DULY APPOINTED Heads of these two organizations nominated by The Duly Elected President, are hamstrung and hogtied by THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION who is NO LONGER IN POWER or IN OFFICE..."Allegedly."

If Globalism is implemented in THE US, you will expect to see a BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and More POWERFUL BUREAUCRACIES that LEGISLATE OUTSIDE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. THAT IMPOSE THE WILL OF THE ELITE UPON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Think about Obama's EPA as an example of this. Think about the abuse of power by The IRS when you want to imagine an example of this.

The President and his emphasis on America First is a THREAT to GLOBALISTS and represents a HUGE Setback for them. It represents a "Dropping of THE GLOBALIST BATON"!

Globalism is ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-LIBERTY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-SEMETIC, & Pro Eugenics, Population Control, and Pro Control of Large Economies of Scale.

If you want an example of this, think about Obamacare and it's takeover of 1/6th of The US Economy. It was mandated that the entire populous purchase health insurance in VIOLATION of THE COMMERCE CLAUSE, and was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, until a Corrupt Supreme Court made it CONSTITUTIONAL. Nuns were then forced to pay for Birth Control and Abortions. Christian Bakers were Eviscerated for refusing to bake cakes for homosexuals. In both instances this is a GROSS VIOLATION of Religious Liberties.

National Sovereignty and an Independent Economic system with a Native Currency is a Threat to Globalism. This is why attempts to renegotiate the National Debt with The Federal Reserve are Scorned, and why every attempt by any politician like JFK, and President Trump to place America back on it's Constitutional Currency has been met with Resistance, sometimes deadly resistance.

A Federal Reserve Note is not Currency. It is a debt instrument, and an obligation by you as a taxpayer to serve as an indentured servant to toil for The Federal Reserve to pay back the loan they gave you in the form of excessive taxation. Every time you use a privately owned Federal Reserve Note, you are creating debt by an illegal contractual obligation between The Treasury and The Federal Reserve for The Fed to be paid to carry out the Constitutional Duties of The US Treasury and bill THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER FOR IT.

The Federal Reserve system and ones like it are Globalist Monetary Debt Schemes that established itself through the help of corrupt globalist politicians who moved to destroy our Constitutional Economy and Currency, and who through guile and deceit, destroyed the Independent Privately Owned Banking System, confiscated all of our Treasury Notes, and Precious Metals, and replaced them with Federal Reserve Notes, wiping out 30,000 privately owned community banks by shorting them, and shackling them with debt and then using an Illegal Asset Forfeiture Law to confiscate not only THE BANKS, but the equivalent of Trillions of Dollars of personal property, land, homes, farms, savings and wealth.

If you want historical context for this, watch any movie or documentary that gets in to the details of why Bonnie & Clyde were folk heroes, and why George Bailey in the Movie "It's a Wonderful Life" was representative of The Little Man and his dreams and his Privately Owned Community Bank vs. a Powerful Government, The IRS, and Federal Reserve Banking System.

The Federal Reserve and THE IRS with it's new asset forfeiture powers, implemented the Debt-Credit economy in America, & Physical Slavery was replaced with ECONOMIC SLAVERY for the Masses while The Elites, never missed a meal, or lacked of any number of servants to cater to their every whim.

Yet, We still have some financial independence but that is only because in my opinion that we have not been completely made docile and compliant or dependent upon a hand that would enslave us to sustain us. Even the little financial Independence we have is Illusionary and based in a Debt-Credit economy run by The Federal Reserve and World Banking System. The only way to reverse this is to reject The Federal Reserve System, and re-implement Constitutional Currencies and a Constitutional Economy and Banking. This may be an impossible task, because The People are being DOMESTICATED, Pacified, and increasingly being made dependent, compliant and unaware as all slaves are, when they come to accept the chains and shackles that bind them and then begin to long for them.


Globalism is here in parts and pieces. But we are still the freest Nation on Earth. All that is left for Globalists to remove America from Hindering The Globalist Agenda is to declare The Constitution as a Antiquated Document, Bring Our Courts and Economy under the Jurisdiction of Foreign Bodies, and Fundamentally Transform America from a Nation based on Independence and Individualism to DEPENDENCE and COLLECTIVISM.

So when you see Globalists, rail against Liberty, Nationalism, Individualism, Independence, and The Freedom to Financially Govern your Life, and Pursue your Dreams and Aspirations, and decry the fact that there are Winners and Losers in life, KNOW that they do not rail against such things because they are UNFAIR, UNJUST, or DISCRIMINATORY. NO, They rail against such things because they stand in the way of Equivalent Poverty, Justified Mass Governance, And Prejudice against People Who want to be Free and Independent.

When you hear Globalists God DAMN America, Criticize America, & Tell you that America is NOT Exceptional.... KNOW THAT they do not do this to ASK AMERICA TO DO BETTER......They do this to BREAK AMERICA because THEY ARE BITTER.

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proud to be part of that.
One must Fundamentally Change America from a Nation based on Individual Liberties, to a Nation responsive and compliant with Collectivist Ideologies if America is to become part of The New World order and Subservient to a Globalist Government. This was the goal of Marxist Socialist Globalist Barak Hussein Obama.
  • This is why America is the focus of ANGER for Globalists.
  • This is why Anti-Globalist President Trump is the Focus of Anger for The Left, and The Corrupt Establishment Globalist Right.
  • This is why America is The Focus of Anger for Jihadists who feel that they would be Masters of a Globalist Government and who seek to complete the Mission of Dar Al Islam (Global Domination of Islam)
  • This is why President Trump is The Focus of Anger for Socialists, Communists, and Liberals, who believe in Globalist Government, Open Borders, & The Abolishment of State's Rights, Individual Rights, Ownership of Property, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Commerce (note: Obamacare Mandate), Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Expression, Freedom to Dissent, The Rights of a Sovereign Nation to Engage in Commerce, Manage Immigration, Negotiate Treaties, and The Rights of a Free People to Govern themselves.
  • This is why The President, and his staff, who believe in Economic Freedom of Commerce are the Focus of Anger for the Global Warming Faith.
Think of Globalism and implementing it in America and absorbing and subjugating America in to Globalist Government as a Relay Race. There were many with the baton before Obama, but he was one of the most notable and primary runners with The Globalist Baton.

Bill Clinton was one of the runners before Obama, and Hillary Clinton was to be handed the baton by Obama. But a funny thing happened in The Globalist Relay Race. Hillary Clinton Dropped The Baton.

And this again, is why, The Left, and Globalists on The Right, being so used to being able to pass The Baton off to the next Runner in Their Race to Globalism were INCREDULOUS that they were not able to pass the Baton and push us closer towards their Globalist Finish Line.

Globalism = Tyranny.
Constitutional Nationalism Based on Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights Declared to be Endowed By a Universal Eternal Supreme Lawgiver = Liberty

Globalism = TOTAL POLITICAL CONTROL over your personal data, finances, freedom of movement, your right to think and act for yourself, and your life.

Globalism is Run by Appointed Bureacrats, not elected by THE PEOPLE nor Beholden to them, nor Appointed by a Duly Elected Representative. An example on a small scale is Mueller and McCabe Running THE FBI, and Rosenstein effectively Running The DOJ. None of these men were appointed by the current administration nor elected by the people, and THE DULY APPOINTED Heads of these two organizations nominated by The Duly Elected President, are hamstrung and hogtied by THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION who is NO LONGER IN POWER or IN OFFICE..."Allegedly."

If Globalism is implemented in THE US, you will expect to see a BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and More POWERFUL BUREAUCRACIES that LEGISLATE OUTSIDE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. THAT IMPOSE THE WILL OF THE ELITE UPON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Think about Obama's EPA as an example of this. Think about the abuse of power by The IRS when you want to imagine an example of this.

The President and his emphasis on America First is a THREAT to GLOBALISTS and represents a HUGE Setback for them. It represents a "Dropping of THE GLOBALIST BATON"!

Globalism is ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-LIBERTY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-SEMETIC, & Pro Eugenics, Population Control, and Pro Control of Large Economies of Scale.

If you want an example of this, think about Obamacare and it's takeover of 1/6th of The US Economy. It was mandated that the entire populous purchase health insurance in VIOLATION of THE COMMERCE CLAUSE, and was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, until a Corrupt Supreme Court made it CONSTITUTIONAL. Nuns were then forced to pay for Birth Control and Abortions. Christian Bakers were Eviscerated for refusing to bake cakes for homosexuals. In both instances this is a GROSS VIOLATION of Religious Liberties.

National Sovereignty and an Independent Economic system with a Native Currency is a Threat to Globalism. This is why attempts to renegotiate the National Debt with The Federal Reserve are Scorned, and why every attempt by any politician like JFK, and President Trump to place America back on it's Constitutional Currency has been met with Resistance, sometimes deadly resistance.

A Federal Reserve Note is not Currency. It is a debt instrument, and an obligation by you as a taxpayer to serve as an indentured servant to toil for The Federal Reserve to pay back the loan they gave you in the form of excessive taxation. Every time you use a privately owned Federal Reserve Note, you are creating debt by an illegal contractual obligation between The Treasury and The Federal Reserve for The Fed to be paid to carry out the Constitutional Duties of The US Treasury and bill THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER FOR IT.

The Federal Reserve system and ones like it are Globalist Monetary Debt Schemes that established itself through the help of corrupt globalist politicians who moved to destroy our Constitutional Economy and Currency, and who through guile and deceit, destroyed the Independent Privately Owned Banking System, confiscated all of our Treasury Notes, and Precious Metals, and replaced them with Federal Reserve Notes, wiping out 30,000 privately owned community banks by shorting them, and shackling them with debt and then using an Illegal Asset Forfeiture Law to confiscate not only THE BANKS, but the equivalent of Trillions of Dollars of personal property, land, homes, farms savings and wealth.

If you want historical context for this, watch any movie or documentary that gets in to the details of why Bonnie & Clyde were folk heroes, and why George Bailey in the Movie "It's a Wonderful Life" was representative of The Little Man and his dreams and his community bank vs. a Powerful Government, The IRS, and Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve and THE IRS with it's new asset forfeiture powers, implemented the Debt-Credit economy in America, & Physical Slavery was replaced with ECONOMIC SLAVERY for the Masses while The Elites, never missed a meal, or lacked of any number of servants to cater to their every whim. We still have some financial independence but that is only because in my opinion that we have not been completely made docile and compliant. Even the little financial Independence we have is Illusionary and based in a Debt-Credit economy run by The Federal Reserve and World Banking System.


Globalism is here in parts and pieces. But we are still the freest Nation on Earth. All that is left for Globalists to remove America from Hindering The Globalist Agenda is to declare The Constitution as a Antiquated Document, Bring Our Courts under the Jurisdiction of Foreign Bodies, and Fundamentally Transform America from a Nation based on Independence and Individualism to DEPENDENCE and COLLECTIVISM.

So when you see Globalists, rail against Liberty, Nationalism, Individualism, Independence, and The Freedom to Financially Govern your Life, and Pursue your Dreams and Aspirations, and decry the fact that there are Winners and Losers in life, KNOW that they do not rail against such things because they are UNFAIR, UNJUST, or DISCRIMINATORY. NO, They rail against such things because they stand in the way of Equivalent Poverty, Justified Mass Governance, And Prejudiced against People Who want to be Free and Independent.
we're also the ones with the military every country umbrellas under, and then bitches about.
proud to be part of that.
One must Fundamentally Change America from a Nation based on Individual Liberties, to a Nation responsive and compliant with Collectivist Ideologies if America is to become part of The New World order and Subservient to a Globalist Government. This was the goal of Marxist Socialist Globalist Barak Hussein Obama.
  • This is why America is the focus of ANGER for Globalists.
  • This is why Anti-Globalist President Trump is the Focus of Anger for The Left, and The Corrupt Establishment Globalist Right.
  • This is why America is The Focus of Anger for Jihadists who feel that they would be Masters of a Globalist Government and who seek to complete the Mission of Dar Al Islam (Global Domination of Islam)
  • This is why President Trump is The Focus of Anger for Socialists, Communists, and Liberals, who believe in Globalist Government, Open Borders, & The Abolishment of State's Rights, Individual Rights, Ownership of Property, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Commerce (note: Obamacare Mandate), Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Expression, Freedom to Dissent, The Rights of a Sovereign Nation to Engage in Commerce, Manage Immigration, Negotiate Treaties, and The Rights of a Free People to Govern themselves.
  • This is why The President, and his staff, who believe in Economic Freedom of Commerce are the Focus of Anger for the Global Warming Faith.
Think of Globalism and implementing it in America and absorbing and subjugating America in to Globalist Government as a Relay Race. There were many with the baton before Obama, but he was one of the most notable and primary runners with The Globalist Baton.

Bill Clinton was one of the runners before Obama, and Hillary Clinton was to be handed the baton by Obama. But a funny thing happened in The Globalist Relay Race. Hillary Clinton Dropped The Baton.

And this again, is why, The Left, and Globalists on The Right, being so used to being able to pass The Baton off to the next Runner in Their Race to Globalism were INCREDULOUS that they were not able to pass the Baton and push us closer towards their Globalist Finish Line.

Globalism = Tyranny.
Constitutional Nationalism Based on Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights Declared to be Endowed By a Universal Eternal Supreme Lawgiver = Liberty

Globalism = TOTAL POLITICAL CONTROL over your personal data, finances, freedom of movement, your right to think and act for yourself, and your life.

Globalism is Run by Appointed Bureacrats, not elected by THE PEOPLE nor Beholden to them, nor Appointed by a Duly Elected Representative. An example on a small scale is Mueller and McCabe Running THE FBI, and Rosenstein effectively Running The DOJ. None of these men were appointed by the current administration nor elected by the people, and THE DULY APPOINTED Heads of these two organizations nominated by The Duly Elected President, are hamstrung and hogtied by THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION who is NO LONGER IN POWER or IN OFFICE..."Allegedly."

If Globalism is implemented in THE US, you will expect to see a BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and More POWERFUL BUREAUCRACIES that LEGISLATE OUTSIDE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. THAT IMPOSE THE WILL OF THE ELITE UPON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Think about Obama's EPA as an example of this. Think about the abuse of power by The IRS when you want to imagine an example of this.

The President and his emphasis on America First is a THREAT to GLOBALISTS and represents a HUGE Setback for them. It represents a "Dropping of THE GLOBALIST BATON"!

Globalism is ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-LIBERTY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-SEMETIC, & Pro Eugenics, Population Control, and Pro Control of Large Economies of Scale.

If you want an example of this, think about Obamacare and it's takeover of 1/6th of The US Economy. It was mandated that the entire populous purchase health insurance in VIOLATION of THE COMMERCE CLAUSE, and was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, until a Corrupt Supreme Court made it CONSTITUTIONAL. Nuns were then forced to pay for Birth Control and Abortions. Christian Bakers were Eviscerated for refusing to bake cakes for homosexuals. In both instances this is a GROSS VIOLATION of Religious Liberties.

National Sovereignty and an Independent Economic system with a Native Currency is a Threat to Globalism. This is why attempts to renegotiate the National Debt with The Federal Reserve are Scorned, and why every attempt by any politician like JFK, and President Trump to place America back on it's Constitutional Currency has been met with Resistance, sometimes deadly resistance.

A Federal Reserve Note is not Currency. It is a debt instrument, and an obligation by you as a taxpayer to serve as an indentured servant to toil for The Federal Reserve to pay back the loan they gave you in the form of excessive taxation. Every time you use a privately owned Federal Reserve Note, you are creating debt by an illegal contractual obligation between The Treasury and The Federal Reserve for The Fed to be paid to carry out the Constitutional Duties of The US Treasury and bill THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER FOR IT.

The Federal Reserve system and ones like it are Globalist Monetary Debt Schemes that established itself through the help of corrupt globalist politicians who moved to destroy our Constitutional Economy and Currency, and who through guile and deceit, destroyed the Independent Privately Owned Banking System, confiscated all of our Treasury Notes, and Precious Metals, and replaced them with Federal Reserve Notes, wiping out 30,000 privately owned community banks by shorting them, and shackling them with debt and then using an Illegal Asset Forfeiture Law to confiscate not only THE BANKS, but the equivalent of Trillions of Dollars of personal property, land, homes, farms savings and wealth.

If you want historical context for this, watch any movie or documentary that gets in to the details of why Bonnie & Clyde were folk heroes, and why George Bailey in the Movie "It's a Wonderful Life" was representative of The Little Man and his dreams and his community bank vs. a Powerful Government, The IRS, and Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve and THE IRS with it's new asset forfeiture powers, implemented the Debt-Credit economy in America, & Physical Slavery was replaced with ECONOMIC SLAVERY for the Masses while The Elites, never missed a meal, or lacked of any number of servants to cater to their every whim. We still have some financial independence but that is only because in my opinion that we have not been completely made docile and compliant. Even the little financial Independence we have is Illusionary and based in a Debt-Credit economy run by The Federal Reserve and World Banking System.


Globalism is here in parts and pieces. But we are still the freest Nation on Earth. All that is left for Globalists to remove America from Hindering The Globalist Agenda is to declare The Constitution as a Antiquated Document, Bring Our Courts under the Jurisdiction of Foreign Bodies, and Fundamentally Transform America from a Nation based on Independence and Individualism to DEPENDENCE and COLLECTIVISM.

So when you see Globalists, rail against Liberty, Nationalism, Individualism, Independence, and The Freedom to Financially Govern your Life, and Pursue your Dreams and Aspirations, and decry the fact that there are Winners and Losers in life, KNOW that they do not rail against such things because they are UNFAIR, UNJUST, or DISCRIMINATORY. NO, They rail against such things because they stand in the way of Equivalent Poverty, Justified Mass Governance, And Prejudiced against People Who want to be Free and Independent.
we're also the ones with the military every country umbrellas under, and then bitches about.

It's because globalists are never satisfied with what they have, and neither are socialists, or communists. They want more of what you have...more of your money, your rights, your property... And if it is defense and you are paying for it, they want you to pay for more of it. If it is foreign aide, economic concessions, one-sided trade deals, and unfair advantages, no amount of giving them what they want will ever appease them.

They'll want more of it, but they'll want you to pay for it.
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proud to be part of that.
One must Fundamentally Change America from a Nation based on Individual Liberties, to a Nation responsive and compliant with Collectivist Ideologies if America is to become part of The New World order and Subservient to a Globalist Government. This was the goal of Marxist Socialist Globalist Barak Hussein Obama.
  • This is why America is the focus of ANGER for Globalists.
  • This is why Anti-Globalist President Trump is the Focus of Anger for The Left, and The Corrupt Establishment Globalist Right.
  • This is why America is The Focus of Anger for Jihadists who feel that they would be Masters of a Globalist Government and who seek to complete the Mission of Dar Al Islam (Global Domination of Islam)
  • This is why President Trump is The Focus of Anger for Socialists, Communists, and Liberals, who believe in Globalist Government, Open Borders, & The Abolishment of State's Rights, Individual Rights, Ownership of Property, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Commerce (note: Obamacare Mandate), Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Expression, Freedom to Dissent, The Rights of a Sovereign Nation to Engage in Commerce, Manage Immigration, Negotiate Treaties, and The Rights of a Free People to Govern themselves.
  • This is why The President, and his staff, who believe in Economic Freedom of Commerce are the Focus of Anger for the Global Warming Faith.
Think of Globalism and implementing it in America and absorbing and subjugating America in to Globalist Government as a Relay Race. There were many with the baton before Obama, but he was one of the most notable and primary runners with The Globalist Baton.

Bill Clinton was one of the runners before Obama, and Hillary Clinton was to be handed the baton by Obama. But a funny thing happened in The Globalist Relay Race. Hillary Clinton Dropped The Baton.

And this again, is why, The Left, and Globalists on The Right, being so used to being able to pass The Baton off to the next Runner in Their Race to Globalism were INCREDULOUS that they were not able to pass the Baton and push us closer towards their Globalist Finish Line.

Globalism = Tyranny.
Constitutional Nationalism Based on Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights Declared to be Endowed By a Universal Eternal Supreme Lawgiver = Liberty

Globalism = TOTAL POLITICAL CONTROL over your personal data, finances, freedom of movement, your right to think and act for yourself, and your life.

Globalism is Run by Appointed Bureacrats, not elected by THE PEOPLE nor Beholden to them, nor Appointed by a Duly Elected Representative. An example on a small scale is Mueller and McCabe Running THE FBI, and Rosenstein effectively Running The DOJ. None of these men were appointed by the current administration nor elected by the people, and THE DULY APPOINTED Heads of these two organizations nominated by The Duly Elected President, are hamstrung and hogtied by THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION who is NO LONGER IN POWER or IN OFFICE..."Allegedly."

If Globalism is implemented in THE US, you will expect to see a BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and More POWERFUL BUREAUCRACIES that LEGISLATE OUTSIDE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. THAT IMPOSE THE WILL OF THE ELITE UPON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Think about Obama's EPA as an example of this. Think about the abuse of power by The IRS when you want to imagine an example of this.

The President and his emphasis on America First is a THREAT to GLOBALISTS and represents a HUGE Setback for them. It represents a "Dropping of THE GLOBALIST BATON"!

Globalism is ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-LIBERTY, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, ANTI-SEMETIC, & Pro Eugenics, Population Control, and Pro Control of Large Economies of Scale.

If you want an example of this, think about Obamacare and it's takeover of 1/6th of The US Economy. It was mandated that the entire populous purchase health insurance in VIOLATION of THE COMMERCE CLAUSE, and was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, until a Corrupt Supreme Court made it CONSTITUTIONAL. Nuns were then forced to pay for Birth Control and Abortions. Christian Bakers were Eviscerated for refusing to bake cakes for homosexuals. In both instances this is a GROSS VIOLATION of Religious Liberties.

National Sovereignty and an Independent Economic system with a Native Currency is a Threat to Globalism. This is why attempts to renegotiate the National Debt with The Federal Reserve are Scorned, and why every attempt by any politician like JFK, and President Trump to place America back on it's Constitutional Currency has been met with Resistance, sometimes deadly resistance.

A Federal Reserve Note is not Currency. It is a debt instrument, and an obligation by you as a taxpayer to serve as an indentured servant to toil for The Federal Reserve to pay back the loan they gave you in the form of excessive taxation. Every time you use a privately owned Federal Reserve Note, you are creating debt by an illegal contractual obligation between The Treasury and The Federal Reserve for The Fed to be paid to carry out the Constitutional Duties of The US Treasury and bill THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER FOR IT.

The Federal Reserve system and ones like it are Globalist Monetary Debt Schemes that established itself through the help of corrupt globalist politicians who moved to destroy our Constitutional Economy and Currency, and who through guile and deceit, destroyed the Independent Privately Owned Banking System, confiscated all of our Treasury Notes, and Precious Metals, and replaced them with Federal Reserve Notes, wiping out 30,000 privately owned community banks by shorting them, and shackling them with debt and then using an Illegal Asset Forfeiture Law to confiscate not only THE BANKS, but the equivalent of Trillions of Dollars of personal property, land, homes, farms savings and wealth.

If you want historical context for this, watch any movie or documentary that gets in to the details of why Bonnie & Clyde were folk heroes, and why George Bailey in the Movie "It's a Wonderful Life" was representative of The Little Man and his dreams and his community bank vs. a Powerful Government, The IRS, and Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve and THE IRS with it's new asset forfeiture powers, implemented the Debt-Credit economy in America, & Physical Slavery was replaced with ECONOMIC SLAVERY for the Masses while The Elites, never missed a meal, or lacked of any number of servants to cater to their every whim. We still have some financial independence but that is only because in my opinion that we have not been completely made docile and compliant. Even the little financial Independence we have is Illusionary and based in a Debt-Credit economy run by The Federal Reserve and World Banking System.


Globalism is here in parts and pieces. But we are still the freest Nation on Earth. All that is left for Globalists to remove America from Hindering The Globalist Agenda is to declare The Constitution as a Antiquated Document, Bring Our Courts under the Jurisdiction of Foreign Bodies, and Fundamentally Transform America from a Nation based on Independence and Individualism to DEPENDENCE and COLLECTIVISM.

So when you see Globalists, rail against Liberty, Nationalism, Individualism, Independence, and The Freedom to Financially Govern your Life, and Pursue your Dreams and Aspirations, and decry the fact that there are Winners and Losers in life, KNOW that they do not rail against such things because they are UNFAIR, UNJUST, or DISCRIMINATORY. NO, They rail against such things because they stand in the way of Equivalent Poverty, Justified Mass Governance, And Prejudiced against People Who want to be Free and Independent.
we're also the ones with the military every country umbrellas under, and then bitches about.

I didn't quite understand your statement "proud to be part of that"
Care to elaborate?

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