America might hit one million deaths from Covid next month:

Another fake thread title
It’s not even an opinion
It’s deliberately stated thread title lie. But the mods think deliberate untruths helps balance out facts and keep the savages appeased.
See liberals can’t connect dots. If you are alive, they say, you WERE vaccinated.
Title is not a lie and if you clicked the link you could read the article but alas you need to attack anyone and anything that you disagree with, so why do you act like the left?

Simple fact is by next month the deaths from Covid complications could reach a million people, and all I did was post about it and bam you demand the Mods to do something, so fine I will have them review this thread just for you and the WOKE on all sides because it seem everyone today can not be civil upstairs and I should have wrote this in the Rubber Room instead for cry babies like you!

So here I go:

Meister if you feel this thread violates any rules from clean start to anything else please move this thread into my apartment that we call the Rubber Room and also I will page Coyote
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So it seem I was told by a poster that my thread title was untrue but when I supplied the actual statement in the article did the poster admit they were incorrect in their accusation?

Of course not and that is why I wrote what I wrote in my opening of this thread because all sides are totally woke over Covid and any discussion is a lie no matter what.

This is why I support Rogan and those like him because today woke society can not even be civil in any debate.

I have posters on the left blasting Conservatives and posters on the right slamming liberals and what for?

Simple, none of you can be civil unless the person agree with you 110% and even then many of you can not be civil!

The woke on all sides is amazing and I hate to say it but many of you deserve the type of shit that is coming!

My personal opinion on Covid and Vaccines is this and that is if you do not want one nor want to have a mask on then fine but do not tell me I can not wear a mask or take the vaccine because it is my personal right to do so.

I will never tell anyone to wear a mask or vaccinate because I believe in personal freedom and researching the subject!

The fact is the Federal Government has changed it rules many times and just recently stated there is no way to defeat Covid, but the left and right will not stop bickering.

This thread was created to point to the mere possibility that Covid deaths could reach one million by next month, and it was not to troll either side because if that were the case I would have created in the rubber room where I have done so under Bruce T Laney and Mad Jack Flint many times.

So people let get something clear I am not on anyone side on this subject and believe all sides should be heard but the woke society of all sides have made any conversation not worth even entertaining because so many of you are just woke as can be!
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Nothing like under the fake Swine Xiden
200,000-3 a month
Again, been going on since I slithers out of the womb!

Anyhoo, the conversation truly isn’t about Illegals but about the possibility we hit a milestone by next month and we should reflect on the failure of all sides to have a truly intellectual conversation that leave out the woke once and for all…
Possible, and I do not doubt it.

Truthfully you don’t really die from Covid but you die from the complications it causes…

yep, just like my step-father did not die from cancer, but from the heart failure that having cancer in 2/3 of his organs caused.

Like just about everyone that has ever died from the flu
The Covid polce have the statistics rigged. If an elderly person dies of cancer but also tested positive for Covid, the death goes on the Covid statistics. It seems that democrats are well aware of the most vulnerable segment of society when truck loads of infected illegal aliens who never saw a doctor in their sorry lives are routinely dumped in Florida neighborhoods.

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