America must stop selling weapons to Israel

You’re a creepy dude doing creepy things.

There's nothing creepy about being opposed to mass killing and destruction. Unless you live in upside-down world. Especially when there's so much more to all this than most here seem to be aware of. What IS creepy is some of the bloodthirsty posts I've been seeing in the last couple weeks, literally cheering for the slaughter of millions of people, especially when such a big part of the population is children.
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The Muslim savages went on a barbaric rampage murdering Jews in the most torturous ways possible, and your criticism is for me.

Another liberal.
Beings like you ONLY criticize the Palestinians - who aren’t all Hamas, and therefore 2.2+ million people in Gaza who did not participate in those terrorist acts at all.

At the same time you intentionally refuse to acknowledge Israel’s crimes and wrongdoings.

However come out of the woods to support Israel’s war-crimes and spread LIES about others supposedly supporting Hamas and their actions.
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
I’m not a religious person, but these words are so powerful.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.”

What do you think He has in mind for baby killing warmongers?

I was just thinking about that verse the other day. The entire passage is powerful…the Beatitudes.

I know you're not religious, but I just want to say something in response to what you said about the warmongering types who have no problem with the mass killing of children, women, and babies.

God sees everything. The Bible says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13)

Which reminds me of this beautiful song. (A few people here might not like it because a dark-skinned person is singing it :rolleyes: but it really is a beautiful and powerful song.)

Can’t do that. The Muslim terrorists are using them as human shields. Israel is begging them to leave, but HAMAS is forcing them to remain in order to turn the world against Israel.

And you are falling for it.
Then they are being held hostage. The answer is not to kill the hostages
Really?! You think it’s ok to drop a bomb in a refugee camp and kill 100s to thousands of innocent people because some soldiers are hiding in there?! Wow, your moral compass is out of whack
Absolutely. Hamas made that camp a military base. If you’re a citizen and hamas shows up with weapon stock piles you better go somewhere else. People like you are why they hide in those places. They could take those weapons anywhere but choose to take them to civilian locations. That their military strategy. And that makes it an acceptable military target.
"Hamas tells Gaza residents not to leave their homes after IDF warns civilians to evacuate
From CNN's Abeer Salman and Lucas Lilieholm
So if Russia told you to do something and the US told you something different, would you listen to Russia or your country?

We are also talking about poor homeless people. It’s not like theta de going home every night and watching cable news. Please don’t bring up the leaflets. Save yourself the embarassment
The Jews have no choice. The women had two weeks warning - they could have just walked, like the Arabs forced 850,000 Jews to do when they drove them from their homes.

You are more sympathetic to Palestinian women and children who would have to walk than Jewish women and children who were raped to death, burned alive, or had their heads chopped off with shovels.

Your anti-semitic bias is showing.
I’m equally sympathetic to innocent people. You think it so easy for people to just walk. Like they are supposed to blindly listen to an enemy that’s attacking them and go somewhere where they have no home or resources. Do you even think about the reality that they are living in. How do you sleep at night after trying to justify their murder
You are absolutely correct - even a simple and straight forward question:

Did Israel commit war crimes after October 7th - they (beings like YOU) fail to admit.

The report highlights three massacres that took place during Operation Hiram (October 29 – October 31, 1948) that led to the capture of the Upper Galilee region in the north, following Israel’s conquest of the entire Negev through Operation Yoav in the south. It also reveals new details about the massacre of the southern Lebanese village of Hula, near the border with Israel.

Testimonies and minutes recorded during cabinet meetings tell the story of the atrocities faced by Palestinians, including children and women, in the villages of Meron, Al-Burj and Reineh in the Upper Galilee region, as Israeli forces killed and expelled tens of thousands of inhabitants.

He who is without sin should cast the first stone or something like that.

Did the US soldiers commit war crimes in SE Asia-Iraq.

There is no proof that the current effort against Hamas has deliberately targeted civilians. If you put your military assets in a school or a residential neighborhood and that asset is attacked, the blame for collateral damage is on you
In War, if your opponent uses innocents as human shields, it is your opponent that is practicing the evil act.
Hamas is absolutely evil. But so is Israel if they are pulling triggers knowing that innocents will die
Absolutely. Hamas made that camp a military base. If you’re a citizen and hamas shows up with weapon stock piles you better go somewhere else. People like you are why they hide in those places. They could take those weapons anywhere but choose to take them to civilian locations. That their military strategy. And that makes it an acceptable military target.
Out of one side of your mouth you’re saying gammas is using their citizens as human shields. Out of the other you’re saying they could just freely go somewhere else. Sorry bub, it doesn’t work that way. If women and children are being used as human shields then they are hostages and you don’t just kill the hostages. That’s murder
Hamas is absolutely evil. But so is Israel if they are pulling triggers knowing that innocents will die
Yeah, yeah….those Jews can just sit tight and wait for the Muslim terrorists to go torture another 1000 Jewish children to death.
There's nothing creepy about being opposed to mass killing and destruction. Unless you live in upside-down world. Especially when there's so much more to all this than most here seem to be aware of. What IS creepy is some of the bloodthirsty posts I've been seeing in the last couple weeks, literally cheering for the slaughter of millions of people, especially when such a big part of the population is children.
You’re the one in upside-down world. You are making no distinction between Jews who are doing whatever possible to minimize civilian casualties, and Muslims who went door to door hunting down every Jew they could find and torturing them all to death - including putting babies in ovens and chopping of the heads of little children.

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