America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Out of one side of your mouth you’re saying gammas is using their citizens as human shields. Out of the other you’re saying they could just freely go somewhere else. Sorry bub, it doesn’t work that way. If women and children are being used as human shields then they are hostages and you don’t just kill the hostages. That’s murder
But then the Jews will be tortured to death again. Not acceptable. Not sure why you think Jews should be willing to have their heads cut off or burned alive because HAMAS is intentionally using their people as human shields.
Canaan must become a unitary, multi-ethnic secular state. The Old City of Jerusalem should become a museum park with all religious activity banned st the Wailing/Western Wall, the al-Aqsa Mosgue, the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
25% of the population of Israel are Arabs

The report highlights three massacres that took place during Operation Hiram (October 29 – October 31, 1948) that led to the capture of the Upper Galilee region in the north, following Israel’s conquest of the entire Negev through Operation Yoav in the south. It also reveals new details about the massacre of the southern Lebanese village of Hula, near the border with Israel.

Testimonies and minutes recorded during cabinet meetings tell the story of the atrocities faced by Palestinians, including children and women, in the villages of Meron, Al-Burj and Reineh in the Upper Galilee region, as Israeli forces killed and expelled tens of thousands of inhabitants.

He who is without sin should cast the first stone or something like that.

Did the US soldiers commit war crimes in SE Asia-Iraq.

There is no proof that the current effort against Hamas has deliberately targeted civilians. If you put your military assets in a school or a residential neighborhood and that asset is attacked, the blame for collateral damage is on you
Yeah all those dead, wounded, and traumatized children are just collateral damage. WTF is wrong with you?
Nope. It is a Libertarian view point.

The US does not need to be in the business of handing out welfare to anyone. Wouldn't you agree on that?

Being $33 trillion in debt it is absolutely bat shit crazy for Potatohead to be asking Congress for billions for Ukraine and Israel and even the goddamn Palestinians.

In January, like we have been doing for five decades now, we will send the Israelis a check for billions of dollars. That is addition to giving them weapons systems and fighting their enemies for them. The Secretary of Defense yesterday was asking Congress for money to replace draw down American weapon stocks that we have given away to the Israelis. That is stupid as hell, isn't it?

Fiscal responsibility says to tell ALL the welfare queens to go fuck themselves. No more.
I understand how a person can conclude that Israel may not be a true “ally” as that word is often interpreted. But it’s bullahit to dismiss the piece I shared on the basis that the authors are Jewish.

Live with your own words. You’re the one who wrote them.
Define a war crime.
An act carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.

E.g. the attack/bombing and destruction onto a hospital !! so far 14 - NOT including the disputed Al-Ahli Hospital
E..g the attack/bombing of a refugee camp under UN supervision - the attack/bombing onto refugees going South - as to were Israel told them to go. - cutting off - depriving civilians from water and electricity, blocking not allowing a humanitarian corridor the latter two also constitute a crime towards humanity, the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, the killing of UN and UNRWA members - so far 60+, and so on

Gaza hospitals hanging on by a thread: UN humanitarians

Are you even too dumb to use google yourself ? And someone who can't even define WAR CRIME is posting for what reason onto this topic?
Just to show everyone how ignorant and pathetic he is???

Don't bother to answer - your question is answer enough.
Yeah, yeah….those Jews can just sit tight and wait for the Muslim terrorists to go torture another 1000 Jewish children to death.
Not what I’m saying at all. They can fight without murdering innocent people
But then the Jews will be tortured to death again. Not acceptable. Not sure why you think Jews should be willing to have their heads cut off or burned alive because HAMAS is intentionally using their people as human shields.
I don’t think Jews should be willing to have their heads cut off. I think they should fight and destroy Hamas without knowingly murdering innocent people.

If you need to inaccurately paint my arguments then you know you’re losing the debate.
No I don’t think soldiers are joined at the hip to innocent civilians 24/7. If that’s what you’re claiming then you are a moron. I don’t think military equipment is surrounded by innocent civilians 24/7.

Why are you trying so hard to excuse the murder of innocent people?
It's what Hamas DOES, Slade! They use innocent people as human shields. Both Israeli civilians that they've taken hostage and the Palestinians who live in Gaza. They place military equipment in schools and hospitals because they know that if Israel does target those locations it will be a PR bonanza for them. THEY hide in tunnels to escape the Israeli response to their terror strikes and leave the civilians of Gaza to fend for themselves above ground! Hamas is the worst kind of cowards and you defend them. Why?
I’m equally sympathetic to innocent people. You think it so easy for people to just walk. Like they are supposed to blindly listen to an enemy that’s attacking them and go somewhere where they have no home or resources. Do you even think about the reality that they are living in. How do you sleep at night after trying to justify their murder
There’s no other alternative. How do YOU sleep at night insisting that Jews should allow themselves to be tortured to death by Muslim terrorists?
I don’t think Jews should be willing to have their heads cut off. I think they should fight and destroy Hamas without knowingly murdering innocent people.

There’s no way to do that, other than what Israel already did: delay the ground invasion to give the Palestinians, most of whom are fine with seeing Jews killed, time to leave.
If you need to inaccurately paint my arguments then you know you’re losing the debate.

No, if you can’t explain HOW Jews are supposed to wipe out HAMAS without having civilian casualties since HAMAS is using them as shields, the Israelis would love to hear your strategy.

Also, two-thirds of PalestinIans have already left.
25% of the population of Israel are Arabs
85% of those "Arabs" in Israel are Bedouins - and Bedouins are NOT Palestinians. And there is a known history and reason to those 1,8 million Bedouins in regards to Israel and it's settlement policy.
So if Russia told you to do something and the US told you something different, would you listen to Russia or your country?

We are also talking about poor homeless people. It’s not like theta de going home every night and watching cable news. Please don’t bring up the leaflets. Save yourself the embarassment
And would the Palestinians, if things were reversed, make the effort to drop leaflets in order to warn Jews so that as few would be killed as possible? Hell no….half of them CHEER the murder of Jews!
85% of those "Arabs" in Israel are Bedouins - and Bedouins are NOT Palestinians. And there is a known history and reason to those 1,8 million Bedouins in regards to Israel and it's settlement policy.
True, they’re of the original stock of Canaan.
But then the Jews will be tortured to death again. Not acceptable. Not sure why you think Jews should be willing to have their heads cut off or burned alive because HAMAS is intentionally using their people as human shields.
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
You’re the one in upside-down world. You are making no distinction between Jews who are doing whatever possible to minimize civilian casualties, and Muslims who went door to door hunting down every Jew they could find and torturing them all to death - including putting babies in ovens and chopping of the heads of little children.

I do make the distinction when that is the case. And I have always made that distinction. But in the last few weeks that doesn't appear to be the case at all. Apartment buildings are being leveled, cafés, stores, refugee camp, etc. Why not go after the perpetuators of the Oct 7 in a more targeted way, by using the most advanced intelligence in the world?

All sane people have already emphatically condemned the evil terrorist acts of Oct. 7.

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