America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Yeah all those dead, wounded, and traumatized children are just collateral damage. WTF is wrong with you?
I'm sorry Hamas broke the ceasefire/truce by going on a terrorist rampage, killing all those civilians like they did. I guess lobbing a few of their missiles into Israel wasn't enough anymore. They are responsible for most all of the deaths on both sides in this round. To bad the border with Gaza wasn't protected better against those type of terrorist attacks. I bet that will be the last of those type attacks for a while.
There’s no other alternative. How do YOU sleep at night insisting that Jews should allow themselves to be tortured to death by Muslim terrorists?
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
I do make the distinction when that is the case. And I have always made that distinction. But in the last few weeks that doesn't appear to be the case at all. Apartment buildings are being leveled, cafés, stores, refugee camp, etc. Why not go after the perpetuators of the Oct 7 in a more targeted way, by using the most advanced intelligence in the world?

All sane people have already emphatically condemned the evil terrorist acts of Oct. 7.
Because the Muslim terrorists are hiding behind civilians. If there were a way to target just the terrorists, they would.
They are not innocents if they are willingly being used. They were warned to leave those areas.
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
And would the Palestinians, if things were reversed, make the effort to drop leaflets in order to warn Jews so that as few would be killed as possible? Hell no….half of them CHEER the murder of Jews!
I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
I'm sorry Hamas broke the ceasefire/truce by going on a terrorist rampage, killing all those civilians like they did. I guess lobbing a few of their missiles into Israel wasn't enough anymore. They are responsible for most all of the deaths on both sides in this round. Too bad the border with Gaza wasn't protected better against those type of terrorist attacks. I bet that will be the last of those type attacks for a while.
What??? We agree!

(Also, I remember your story about the blind dog, so I know you have a heart. I just saved a stray cat a couple a months ago.)

The report highlights three massacres that took place during Operation Hiram (October 29 – October 31, 1948) that led to the capture of the Upper Galilee region in the north, following Israel’s conquest of the entire Negev through Operation Yoav in the south. It also reveals new details about the massacre of the southern Lebanese village of Hula, near the border with Israel.

Testimonies and minutes recorded during cabinet meetings tell the story of the atrocities faced by Palestinians, including children and women, in the villages of Meron, Al-Burj and Reineh in the Upper Galilee region, as Israeli forces killed and expelled tens of thousands of inhabitants.

He who is without sin should cast the first stone or something like that.

Did the US soldiers commit war crimes in SE Asia-Iraq.

There is no proof that the current effort against Hamas has deliberately targeted civilians. If you put your military assets in a school or a residential neighborhood and that asset is attacked, the blame for collateral damage is on you
Hitler said the people in the Warsaw ghetto were terrorists. Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto.

That is a good idea. I hope many are able to do that. For those who can’t or who are held hostage or who are impoverished, they don’t deserve to be murdered by Israel
Tell it to Hamas Israel should not have to allow citizens to be killed. Wipe Hamas out problem solved
so I know you have a heart.
But YOU don't

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
Out of one side of your mouth you’re saying gammas is using their citizens as human shields. Out of the other you’re saying they could just freely go somewhere else. Sorry bub, it doesn’t work that way. If women and children are being used as human shields then they are hostages and you don’t just kill the hostages. That’s murder
Sure you can. That’s an acceptable military target.

At least you admit hamas hides behind women and children to shield themselves. Why is it you won’t blame them for the civilian deaths?
Yeah all those dead, wounded, and traumatized children are just collateral damage. WTF is wrong with you?
Israel is trying to avoid it to the extent possible. And what is wrong with YOU that you don’t have more of a heart for the TORTURE, by specific intent, of all the Jewish children? They were baked in ovens, set on fire, had their limbs cut off and bled out in agony, were decapitated with dull knives and shovels.

Jews are behaving MUCH more humanely than the Muslims. But you’re a leftist, and leap to the Muslim side.
That Israel is not an apartheid state, which is just the false accusation of antisemites. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have 20% of their citizens Muslims.
None of that would matter in the unitary, multiethnic, secular state of Canaan. That’s the only solution. Religion needs to be cut out of the equation. The Old City of Jerusalem should be like the Hagia Sophia, a museum.
Tell it to Hamas Israel should not have to allow citizens to be killed. Wipe Hamas out problem solved
Add to that that some Muslim terrorist just said that they will continue to have more October 7th massacres until all the Jews are dead!
But YOU don't

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
Jewish Nazi’s. I’d call you a retard but that would offend retards.

Hamas is to blame for those deaths.
That Israel is not an apartheid state, which is just the false accusation of antisemites. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have 20% of their citizens Muslims.
Apartheid South-Africa's population were 80% Kaffers - you moron - and Arabs in Israel are commonly referred to as "dirty Arabs" - you moron

I have yet to see a post from YOU – were you condemn Israel’s actions that result in the killings of thousands of women and children in Gaza.

Until you don’t, YOU are just another Zionist-Nazi.
None of that would matter in the unitary, multiethnic, secular state of Canaan. That’s the only solution. Religion needs to be cut out of the equation. The Old City of Jerusalem should be like the Hagia Sophia, a museum.
Yeah, that’s the ticket. Tell the Jews to abandon religion, and the Muslims to stop being Muslims.

(liberals are not merely hypocrites, they‘re idiots.)
When was the last election in Gaza?
Why didn’t the Palestinians kick them out with a new election? There are more than 2 million of them! Are they so backwards and incompetent that they can’t put in place a decent government?

These people had a chance for their own state when Israel made the offer. When HAMAS refused because they don’t want their own state - they want Israel and the Jews off the map - why didn’t the Palestinians kick them to the curb?

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