America Rising Releases New Hillary Video: ‘Trustworthy?’

Oh cool! A GIF which depicts the foolishness of Leftists Idiocracy, wherein it was extrapolated that they would empower sub-species with human rights and consequently destroy human viability... advanced to deflect from the truth.

Here's the truth:

Check it out.
And there's more... ROFLMNAO!


Daily Mail More than 2 Million of Hillary s Twitter Followers are Fake Dinesh D Souza

"Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 million of them.

According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 per cent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform.

And at least 15 per cent — more than 544,000 — are completely fake.
Oh cool! A GIF which depicts the foolishness of Leftists Idiocracy, wherein it was extrapolated that they would empower sub-species with human rights and consequently destroy human viability... advanced to deflect from the truth.

Here's the truth:

Check it out.

Or a laughing gif aimed at the video........but,,,,

Well such is the nature of feckless irrelevance.

I thought it more inane fustian, but whatta gonna do?
I was reading this. Hillary is a sham and you would think the Democrat voters would be tired of these people playing games with them. they kicked her to curb before.

The Sham Candidacy of Hillary Clinton — and What It Means for the Republic
The only reason an HRC candidacy is even plausible is the influence of the legacy media, which has simply declared, by fiat, her suitability and her inevitability.
by Michael Walsh
April 18, 2015 - 9:44 am

Let us please stipulate that in a rational world, a woman like Hillary Rodham Clinton would have absolutely no chance of being nominated for, much less elected, president of the United States. She has achieved nothing, accomplished nothing (unless you count the four dead Americans at Benghazi, for which she will ultimately be held responsible); she is an exremely poor public speaker, full of annoying verbal and physical tics; she is legendarily dishonest; she is a hard-core Alinskyite; and in general a wretched human being. By rights, she should be laughed off the stage, the same way the smart set laughed at Lurleen Wallace, who succeeded her husband George Wallace, the racist Democrat, as governor of Alabama back in 1967. She has no natural political constituency, except the manufactured “women’s vote,” and no rationale for her candidacy except that it’s “time” for a woman president, just as it was “time” for a part-black African, part-Arab, half-white, paternally cultural Muslim to pass for a traditional African-American Christian and be elected president in 2008.

ALL of it here:
The Sham Candidacy of Hillary Clinton and What It Means for the Republic Unexamined Premises

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