America you royally fucked up

Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare
Don't you think it's pathetic two of those policies are just saying "no" to something?

Not at all. Undoing Democrat fuckups is a major reason to vote Republican.

1)Already doing that. Net migration from Mexico is at zero anyway.


2)Oh gee the hundredth time is the charm. If you actually understood the tax code, you would know that the EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 12%. In fact, 2/3 of them don't pay federal taxes at all because of the tax code.

I don't care what leftwing douche bags claim about the "effective tax rate."

3) And do...what?!

Hillary would have pushed it though. Enough said.

4) Yeah lets take away insurance from 20 million people.

Your idea is to fuck 310 million Americans up the ass for the benefit of 20 million.

No thanks.

You got what you asked for, didn't you?
Meh. Two of those really don't count. Overall all its a sad excuse to vote R

Like I said. you aren't here for any answers.

YOu dismissed his answers, and peppered your response with partisan pap.
Don't you think it's pathetic two of those policies are just saying "no" to something?

And why is it always okay to say "yes" to something?
I didn't say that. He just gave 4 policies and two of them aren't actual proactive ideas. They're just obstruction without replacement.
What the hell is a "proactive idea," and when did you ask for one?
So you think it's acceptable for republicans to scream "no!" like toddlers and then not give ideas of their own?
Cancelling the TPP is an idea. So is controlling the border. Apparently your belief is that if it doesn't involve some vast new government program, then it's not an idea. I vote Republican precisely to put an end to that kind of bullshit.
Government is the reason we elect government officials. Duh. America needs fresh ideas. Republcans don't offer those.
How can you possibly expect me to justify why or how I voted to you? That's none of your business.

But to be truthful, people like you are why we vote for Republicans. You have such utter contempt for other people who vote different ways or express different views. We are tired of being labeled because of what we believe. That is why we voted the way we did.
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes

If you needed that you would have stopped asking that same question the first hundred times you've asked it on this board instead of pretending no one can answer it
Um still haven't gotten an answer on that.

Oh stop lying to yourself. You've been answered by dozens of people everytime you ask that stupid question. I know I've answered you multiple times. So who do you think you can fool?

I understand you don't like immigration enforced, school choice, unborn babies, balanced budgets, being debt free, personal accountability. I know you enjoy making others work and labor for what you think you are entitled to and that you absolutely hate the idea that other people might tho for themselves and prefer not to have you micro managing their "stupid" lives. But guess what? Many of us don't agree with you. And just because you are too stupid to figure out why doesn't make everyone who disagrees with you stupid.

It just makes you a pathetic excuse for a human being. Get over yourself and actually think for once in your life. Try to look at the world through someone else's eyes. Serve those stupid people you despise to much. You might become a decent human being
And why is it always okay to say "yes" to something?
I didn't say that. He just gave 4 policies and two of them aren't actual proactive ideas. They're just obstruction without replacement.
What the hell is a "proactive idea," and when did you ask for one?
So you think it's acceptable for republicans to scream "no!" like toddlers and then not give ideas of their own?
Cancelling the TPP is an idea. So is controlling the border. Apparently your belief is that if it doesn't involve some vast new government program, then it's not an idea. I vote Republican precisely to put an end to that kind of bullshit.
Government is the reason we elect government officials. Duh. America needs fresh ideas. Republcans don't offer those.

Hillary was the status quo candidate. Trump is a complete reversal of bi-partisan consensus of the last 50 years.

You liar.
And why is it always okay to say "yes" to something?
I didn't say that. He just gave 4 policies and two of them aren't actual proactive ideas. They're just obstruction without replacement.
What the hell is a "proactive idea," and when did you ask for one?
So you think it's acceptable for republicans to scream "no!" like toddlers and then not give ideas of their own?
Cancelling the TPP is an idea. So is controlling the border. Apparently your belief is that if it doesn't involve some vast new government program, then it's not an idea. I vote Republican precisely to put an end to that kind of bullshit.
Government is the reason we elect government officials. Duh. America needs fresh ideas. Republcans don't offer those.
We don't need any more government programs. We don't need more regulations. We don't need higher taxes. We need to end all that. Saying "no" is precisely why people vote Republican.

The election is over. We won. You lost. Now get in the back and shut the fuck up.
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes

If you needed that you would have stopped asking that same question the first hundred times you've asked it on this board instead of pretending no one can answer it
Um still haven't gotten an answer on that.

Oh stop lying to yourself. You've been answered by dozens of people everytime you ask that stupid question. I know I've answered you multiple times. So who do you think you can fool?

Libs spend so much time sitting around telling each other how smart they are, that some of the dumber ones start to believe it.

He really thought he could just dazzle us with his brilliant bullshit and create a propaganda piece of ridicule and lies.
Do you realize how royally you fucked up by posting a thread like this? Your attitude in this thread is the perfect example of why people chose to vote for Republicans this year. YOU are the reason why Trump is president.

The sooner you realize that, the better.
None of that makes any sense.

Makes perfect sense to me but then I'm just a stupid Republican.
So in other words I'm right. You can't actually justify electing republicans.

How can you possibly expect me to justify why or how I voted to you? That's none of your business.

But to be truthful, people like you are why we vote for Republicans. You have such utter contempt for other people who vote different ways or express different views. We are tired of being labeled because of what we believe. That is why we voted the way we did.
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes
Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare

Come on. Provide some real policy issues. You can't can you?
Do you realize how royally you fucked up by posting a thread like this? Your attitude in this thread is the perfect example of why people chose to vote for Republicans this year. YOU are the reason why Trump is president.

The sooner you realize that, the better.
None of that makes any sense.

Nothing ever makes sense to you Billy.
Last edited:
How can you possibly expect me to justify why or how I voted to you? That's none of your business.

But to be truthful, people like you are why we vote for Republicans. You have such utter contempt for other people who vote different ways or express different views. We are tired of being labeled because of what we believe. That is why we voted the way we did.
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes
Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare

Come on. Provide some real policy issues. You can't can you?

What is a "real policy issue?"
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes
Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare

Come on. Provide some real policy issues. You can't can you?

What is a "real policy issue?"

I think he was addressing Billy.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
Typical arrogant progressive. Too arrogant to accept that it's them that could be wrong. Nope. It's all of society that is wrong! Progressives like Billy000 here are so unhinged, there is nothing powerful enough to clue them in. They just forge ahead blind and ignorant.
You'll know I'm right in 6 months time.
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
How can you possibly expect me to justify why or how I voted to you? That's none of your business.

But to be truthful, people like you are why we vote for Republicans. You have such utter contempt for other people who vote different ways or express different views. We are tired of being labeled because of what we believe. That is why we voted the way we did.
That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes
Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare
Don't you think it's pathetic two of those policies are just saying "no" to something?

1)Already doing that. Net migration from Mexico is at zero anyway.
2)Oh gee the hundredth time is the charm. If you actually understood the tax code, you would know that the EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 12%. In fact, 2/3 of them don't pay federal taxes at all because of the tax code.
3) And do...what?!
4) Yeah lets take away insurance from 20 million people.

And shocking you've proven you don't actually care to hear policies.

Instead you are going to continue pretending no one can answer why they are voting Republican. Did it ever occur to you that if you actually listened to people instead of just saying they are stupid and ignoring what they have to say that Donald trump would never have had to listen to them instead? Does it ever occur to you that ignoring people and insulting them is not the way to convince you to put you in charge???
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
Typical arrogant progressive. Too arrogant to accept that it's them that could be wrong. Nope. It's all of society that is wrong! Progressives like Billy000 here are so unhinged, there is nothing powerful enough to clue them in. They just forge ahead blind and ignorant.
You'll know I'm right in 6 months time.
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
Typical arrogant progressive. Too arrogant to accept that it's them that could be wrong. Nope. It's all of society that is wrong! Progressives like Billy000 here are so unhinged, there is nothing powerful enough to clue them in. They just forge ahead blind and ignorant.
You'll know I'm right in 6 months time.
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.

You mean it's the way of losing in this Republic.
Oh gee how convenient for you to take that position.
At least we aren't bending over...
And Billy,

That's an incredibly stupid reason to vote republican.

Everyone here knows that you would say some variant of that NO MATTER WHAT his response would have, or even could have been.

You are lying.
I need an anwser that includes policy examples. That's all it takes
Here are four:

  1. Controlling illegal immigration
  2. Cut in corporate taxes
  3. Kill the TPP
  4. Repeal Obamacare

Come on. Provide some real policy issues. You can't can you?

What is a "real policy issue?"

Clearly anything billy likes
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
Typical arrogant progressive. Too arrogant to accept that it's them that could be wrong. Nope. It's all of society that is wrong! Progressives like Billy000 here are so unhinged, there is nothing powerful enough to clue them in. They just forge ahead blind and ignorant.
You'll know I'm right in 6 months time.
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.

And yet when exactly this was said earlier billy responded that it made no sense
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

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