American Bar Association is a Liberal Advocacy Group

Again I ask, are Leftist truly this stupid or are they all "in on it"?

The "FBI Investigation Gambit" is nothing more than a delaying tactic, intended to ensure that the vote to confirm Kavanaugh takes place after the November elections.

How can you not know that? Stupid?

The FBI DOES NOT INVESTIGATE STATE CRIMES. The FBI DOES NOT INVESTIGATE JUVENILE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. The FBI DOES NOT ASSESS WHETHER PARTIES ARE TRUTHFUL, they merely report on what those parties said. An FBI investigation into these allegations would do EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS THAT THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE DID: interview the parties to get the details of their claims.
Again I ask, are Leftist truly this stupid or are they all "in on it"?

The "FBI Investigation Gambit" is nothing more than a delaying tactic, intended to ensure that the vote to confirm Kavanaugh takes place after the November elections.

How can you not know that? Stupid?

The FBI DOES NOT INVESTIGATE STATE CRIMES. The FBI DOES NOT INVESTIGATE JUVENILE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. The FBI DOES NOT ASSESS WHETHER PARTIES ARE TRUTHFUL, they merely report on what those parties said. An FBI investigation into these allegations would do EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS THAT THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE DID: interview the parties to get the details of their claims.
Stop wasting your time. You would have an easier time communicating with a spider. They are complete irrational moronic robots, or puppets, or muppets. I call them all of those things.

After watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers last week, I realized that is what they actually are. "Pod people." The original film btw was an allegory about the communist take over of America and the world.

So, I find that fits perfectly.

Take a look at this cabbo loser. You think you can reason with that by going all caps? No, it is useless. Instead, the left wing pod people (that is what they are) point and shriek at anyone that does not think EXACTLY like them.
Lawyers want more regulations, and laws to generate more business for them. That's why the are largely Democrat, and the ABA is a Democrat supporting organization. Purely self serving. Just like why most government employees are Democrats. GREED.
Not to metnion the National Lawyers Guild. What a pathetic institution that is.

Lawyas....get that?
I don’t know why they are even asked to comment on judicial nominees when their opinion is politicized. They now act as an advocacy group for Democratic Party by calling for and FBI investigation of allegations against a Supreme Court nominee after Democrats called for one in Judiciary Committee hearing all day yesterday. They know the FBI doesn’t reach conclusions and that the man in question has already been investigated and so have the allegations.
The American Bar Association's History of Liberal Advocacy

Wait, let me guess, they said something you don't like.

Typical partisan bullshit.
Assuming the poster watched the hearing yesterday, it is amazing that this is his takeaway on the hearing. The boards are going to be lit up today with all this "typical partisan bullshit."
It wasn’t a was a smear campaign.

"typical partisan bullshit" springs to mind, in response to what you just wrote.
I don’t know why they are even asked to comment on judicial nominees when their opinion is politicized. They now act as an advocacy group for Democratic Party by calling for and FBI investigation of allegations against a Supreme Court nominee after Democrats called for one in Judiciary Committee hearing all day yesterday. They know the FBI doesn’t reach conclusions and that the man in question has already been investigated and so have the allegations.
The American Bar Association's History of Liberal Advocacy

Wait, let me guess, they said something you don't like.

Typical partisan bullshit.
Like the Democrats tactics on Judiciary Committee?

Probably yes. But at least you've admitted that the partisans on both sides are a pain in the ass.

It's the first step towards getting away from your addiction.
The AMA loves big government just as does the ruling class. Nothing enriches them more. While both parties love big government too, one party openly advocates for it. As such, the AMA supports that party.

Do I have to make a guess at which party you think is for big government?

It's a hard one really, both parties are for it. Just one party sort of pretends it's not for it, while the other doesn't really think about it.
I don’t know why they are even asked to comment on judicial nominees when their opinion is politicized. They now act as an advocacy group for Democratic Party by calling for and FBI investigation of allegations against a Supreme Court nominee after Democrats called for one in Judiciary Committee hearing all day yesterday. They know the FBI doesn’t reach conclusions and that the man in question has already been investigated and so have the allegations.
The American Bar Association's History of Liberal Advocacy

Wait, let me guess, they said something you don't like.

Typical partisan bullshit.
Like the Democrats tactics on Judiciary Committee?

Probably yes. But at least you've admitted that the partisans on both sides are a pain in the ass.

It's the first step towards getting away from your addiction.
The AMA loves big government just as does the ruling class. Nothing enriches them more. While both parties love big government too, one party openly advocates for it. As such, the AMA supports that party.

Do I have to make a guess at which party you think is for big government?

It's a hard one really, both parties are for it. Just one party sort of pretends it's not for it, while the other doesn't really think about it.
Of course both parties are for big gov. It is just that the Ds are much more vocal about, which is why the ruling class prefers them.

The Rs would love to be the party of the ruling class, so as to get all that money from billionaire donors.
I don’t know why they are even asked to comment on judicial nominees when their opinion is politicized. They now act as an advocacy group for Democratic Party by calling for and FBI investigation of allegations against a Supreme Court nominee after Democrats called for one in Judiciary Committee hearing all day yesterday. They know the FBI doesn’t reach conclusions and that the man in question has already been investigated and so have the allegations.
The American Bar Association's History of Liberal Advocacy
Keep writing buddy you and Britpat are the best things that ever happened to the left. Keep pissing off people in your own party and see how long your party stays together. I know alot of attornies and most of them are republican. I bet they are loving this thread. I unlike you am not willing to stereo type, I lke alot of republicans I would be fine if your peice of shit ass would fall of the face of the earth though!

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