American incomes AND savings rose while utility bils FELL

Where was this cause it damn sure ain't going on around here..

It damn sure ain't happening in Amarillo either. Our electricity rates keep going up.

As far as getting more money in a tax cut? Well, I live on my retirement check, and I saw it go up by around 20 bucks/month. That translates to around 240 bucks a year, and that isn't quite the windfall that they made it out to be.

And........................every year since I've been retired, I've had my withholding for my taxes figured out to the point where some years I owe Uncle Sam a buck or two, some years he owes me a buck or two. It fluctuates. But, if I have to pay more than 5 bucks in taxes this year, I'm gonna bitch because that means they gave me back money over the year, but they now are taking more than they usually do.
Happening in Memphis, my utility bills are down about 10% from last year, and my take home pay is up........

MLGW is showing a small decrease from last year...
Memphis Light, Gas and Water - MLGW News Release
The DJIA is up 29% since Trump was elected you fake news hack.

And it is down for the year and down 3.2% since the first extra tariff was imposed by fake news hack yourself.

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Its important to remember that the Dow is not the be all end all of the economy. The S&P is up a mediocre 60 points since the beginning of the year. Other factors are far more important to the average American; like the CPI which has grown .4% during the last two months. The Dow does effect your life…eventually but there are a lot of billiard balls that get hit before it strikes you. The CPI? That is the cue ball coming right at you.

I recently joined a 8 ball league.

^^^ more sour grapes sore loser shit from the left. They hate that the country is doing well under Trump.

Have you ever come up with an answer to how we’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall sonny boy?

Nobody likes liberals, all they do is lie and deflect.

They liked them enough to give HRC 3,000,000 more votes than your blob.

Still no answers on the wall. That’s okay, the pervert you voted for has no answer either.
And it is down for the year and down 3.2% since the first extra tariff was imposed by fake news hack yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using

Its important to remember that the Dow is not the be all end all of the economy. The S&P is up a mediocre 60 points since the beginning of the year. Other factors are far more important to the average American; like the CPI which has grown .4% during the last two months. The Dow does effect your life…eventually but there are a lot of billiard balls that get hit before it strikes you. The CPI? That is the cue ball coming right at you.

I recently joined a 8 ball league.

^^^ more sour grapes sore loser shit from the left. They hate that the country is doing well under Trump.

Have you ever come up with an answer to how we’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall sonny boy?

Nobody likes liberals, all they do is lie and deflect.

They liked them enough to give HRC 3,000,000 more votes than your blob.

Still no answers on the wall. That’s okay, the pervert you voted for has no answer either.

No California liked Hillary enough to give her 4,000,000 more votes, Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes. This is where you squeal like a stuck pig lib.
Its important to remember that the Dow is not the be all end all of the economy. The S&P is up a mediocre 60 points since the beginning of the year. Other factors are far more important to the average American; like the CPI which has grown .4% during the last two months. The Dow does effect your life…eventually but there are a lot of billiard balls that get hit before it strikes you. The CPI? That is the cue ball coming right at you.

I recently joined a 8 ball league.

^^^ more sour grapes sore loser shit from the left. They hate that the country is doing well under Trump.

Have you ever come up with an answer to how we’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall sonny boy?

Nobody likes liberals, all they do is lie and deflect.

They liked them enough to give HRC 3,000,000 more votes than your blob.

Still no answers on the wall. That’s okay, the pervert you voted for has no answer either.

No California liked Hillary enough to give her 4,000,000 more votes, Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes. This is where you squeal like a stuck pig lib.

Total lie….
But hey, much like the blob, you’ve been lying for so long, you probably are incapable of telling the truth.

PS: California is America just like possum holler where you live.

The fact is that more Americans voted for Hillary than your blob. This is where you squeal like a stuck pig… The truth hurts. And I love that anytime you shove that in a trumper’s face…they go off the rails like you just did.

Now be a good little boy, write back with more spin.
Don't think utility bills are Trumps fault, also don't belive utility bills are going down.
But I'd still like to hear from folks that have had a real decrease in utility bills, this ought to be good since the majority of utility bills come from public entities, my only utility is from an electric co-op and they would be damned to Hell first before any energy cost was reduced.

I've had a huge decrease. Like down 95%.

Nothing to do with Trump, I got solar.
^^^ more sour grapes sore loser shit from the left. They hate that the country is doing well under Trump.

Have you ever come up with an answer to how we’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall sonny boy?

Nobody likes liberals, all they do is lie and deflect.

They liked them enough to give HRC 3,000,000 more votes than your blob.

Still no answers on the wall. That’s okay, the pervert you voted for has no answer either.

No California liked Hillary enough to give her 4,000,000 more votes, Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 votes. This is where you squeal like a stuck pig lib.

Total lie….
But hey, much like the blob, you’ve been lying for so long, you probably are incapable of telling the truth.

PS: California is America just like possum holler where you live.

The fact is that more Americans voted for Hillary than your blob. This is where you squeal like a stuck pig… The truth hurts. And I love that anytime you shove that in a trumper’s face…they go off the rails like you just did.

Now be a good little boy, write back with more spin.

According to the NY Times you are either a complete moron or you are lying again. Here suck it, "Hillary Clinton has won California’s 55 electoral votes. Clinton has 4,269,978 more votes than Donald J. Trump, with 100 percent reporting."
Welfare has not been cut during any Republican controlled govt. So this lie about how it's lefties or democrats that keep the welfare state alive for votes is yet another lie.

Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so.
Hypocrite hate filled lefties see their 401k's making money and the DOW around 25,000 and Black unemployment at a record low but they still rely on left wing blogs that tell them how bad it is to be an American. No wonder they take offense when the crowds at Trump rallies chant USA-USA and wave the Flag.

401k has rebounded and been making money under Obama. Trump had a good first year (thanks in large part to Obama era economy) and this year is pretty stagnant. Those tax cuts have done nothing, every time the subject of tariffs comes up the market takes a dive for the day. Also, the DOW is closer to 24k currently and down for the year.
Most US Utilities have reduced customer costs. They've passed tax cut savings onto the customer. Of course Democrat Fake News won't report that, but it is fact. Folks can research it on their own. Utility bills have been reduced all across the US. Trump deserves big props. :thup:
Incomes rose, but so did the wage gap. How does that work?

Because with all the tax cuts for billionaires, it was billionaire's wages that rose.
Incomes rose, but so did the wage gap. How does that work?

Incomes rising is going to address the wage gap, you mean between the people that make 35K a year and the people that make 10 million a year? It was supposed to address that?
Trump had a good first year (thanks in large part to Obama era economy) and this year is pretty stagnant.

But this year had nothing to do with Obama, only last year did. And when the market begins to go back up again, it will be because of Obama.

How can anybody argue with liberal logic?
Welfare has not been cut during any Republican controlled govt. So this lie about how it's lefties or democrats that keep the welfare state alive for votes is yet another lie.

Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!
Trump had a good first year (thanks in large part to Obama era economy) and this year is pretty stagnant.

But this year had nothing to do with Obama, only last year did. And when the market begins to go back up again, it will be because of Obama.

Uhh, yeah, that's kind of what I just said. You need to reread what I posted, you're going to be embarrassed.

How can anybody argue with liberal logic?

Obviously you can't.
Welfare has not been cut during any Republican controlled govt. So this lie about how it's lefties or democrats that keep the welfare state alive for votes is yet another lie.

Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps
Welfare has not been cut during any Republican controlled govt. So this lie about how it's lefties or democrats that keep the welfare state alive for votes is yet another lie.

Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

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