American incomes AND savings rose while utility bils FELL

Welfare has not been cut during any Republican controlled govt. So this lie about how it's lefties or democrats that keep the welfare state alive for votes is yet another lie.

Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.
Oh please, one of the first thing Hussein did was double the food stamp role. He extended unemployment benefits. The Republicans in the 90's came out with Welfare Reform; a bill that Clinton vetoed twice before being forced to sign it just before reelection.

Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.

The only way that could happen is if people who couldn't afford food didn't eat. But if people are still eating, then food stamps doesn't do squat because people are eating using their own money instead of ours.
Didn't have much of a choice, we had to right the ship after all. Plus, SNAP actually helps the economy by putting money into it and is relatively a cheap way of doing so. mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.

The only way that could happen is if people who couldn't afford food didn't eat. But if people are still eating, then food stamps doesn't do squat because people are eating using their own money instead of ours.

See, that's the thing the theory is they need assistance because the don't have the money to buy food at least not without sacrificing other things like school clothes and supplies, transportation, doctors visits, what have you. The money goes back into the economy, are you saying it doesn't? That's also a weird stance, have any source to back that up with? mean like welfare and unemployment checks?

Well if that's the secret to a successful economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on unemployment and food stamps? We would have the best economy in our history!

No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.

The only way that could happen is if people who couldn't afford food didn't eat. But if people are still eating, then food stamps doesn't do squat because people are eating using their own money instead of ours.

See, that's the thing the theory is they need assistance because the don't have the money to buy food at least not without sacrificing other things like school clothes and supplies, transportation, doctors visits, what have you. The money goes back into the economy, are you saying it doesn't? That's also a weird stance, have any source to back that up with?

I don't think you can source common sense. Bottom line: people still eat even if they are poor. If they don't buy food themselves, they go to pantries where other people buy food and donate it, homeless shelters which work the same way, religious organizations which work the same way. One way or another, food is still purchased with or without food stamps.

For the most part, food stamps just replace people working, or people working enough hours to feed themselves. It's like what they did in Maine. If you were on food stamps with no dependents, you had to meet one of three qualifications to continue getting food stamps: work a job a minimum 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocation program, volunteer 20 hours a month. Bottom line is that these people were not that hungry after all. Most of them dropped out of the program.
Where was this cause it damn sure ain't going on around here..

It damn sure ain't happening in Amarillo either. Our electricity rates keep going up.

As far as getting more money in a tax cut? Well, I live on my retirement check, and I saw it go up by around 20 bucks/month. That translates to around 240 bucks a year, and that isn't quite the windfall that they made it out to be.

And........................every year since I've been retired, I've had my withholding for my taxes figured out to the point where some years I owe Uncle Sam a buck or two, some years he owes me a buck or two. It fluctuates. But, if I have to pay more than 5 bucks in taxes this year, I'm gonna bitch because that means they gave me back money over the year, but they now are taking more than they usually do.
Hate to break it to you but retirement checks are not determined that way. They are given a raise based on cost of living. Which this year was 2%. In most cases Medicare hold harmless kicked in which ate up most of that 2%. So while it would be nice if you got a paycheck from a company that might have shown a real increase.
Might want to pay attention to all the material social security and Medicare sends out.

Hate to break it to you but yeah, that is exactly what it said on my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). And yeah, we military retirees DO get a COLA around 2 percent, but that is at the beginning of the year, not February. My LES said that there was 20 bucks more in my check because of the tax cuts.

Apparently, you don't know much about military retirees.
No, it's not the secret to a successful economy unless you're treading water trying to get out of a global recession caused by the previous administration. Anyway, these types of government benefits do help the economy as the money immediately gets sucked into it.

You can ignore it all right here:

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.

The only way that could happen is if people who couldn't afford food didn't eat. But if people are still eating, then food stamps doesn't do squat because people are eating using their own money instead of ours.

See, that's the thing the theory is they need assistance because the don't have the money to buy food at least not without sacrificing other things like school clothes and supplies, transportation, doctors visits, what have you. The money goes back into the economy, are you saying it doesn't? That's also a weird stance, have any source to back that up with?

I don't think you can source common sense. Bottom line: people still eat even if they are poor. If they don't buy food themselves, they go to pantries where other people buy food and donate it, homeless shelters which work the same way, religious organizations which work the same way. One way or another, food is still purchased with or without food stamps.

For the most part, food stamps just replace people working, or people working enough hours to feed themselves. It's like what they did in Maine. If you were on food stamps with no dependents, you had to meet one of three qualifications to continue getting food stamps: work a job a minimum 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocation program, volunteer 20 hours a month. Bottom line is that these people were not that hungry after all. Most of them dropped out of the program.

Most people on food stamps either work or are children. I'm sorry you don't understand the very simple concept that you give people money to buy food and surprisingly enough that money ends in the economy.

Anyway when you claim there isn't a source for common sense that usually means you don't have either.

CHARTS: The hidden benefits of food stamps
The Economic Benefits of Food Stamps

When food stamps get spent, we all benefit. Despite critics’ focus on the costs of SNAP, research has shown that these dollars are among the best forms of government stimulus. Food stamp spending generates local economic activity, jobs in the farm and retail sectors and beyond.



Food Stamps Lift Millions Out of Poverty

In addition to boosting the economy and job creation, food stamps have helped millions of Americans climb out of poverty and away from hunger. The dollars put food on the table, and by covering much of poor people’s food expenses, free up vitally needed cash to cover rent and other necessities. That can help people stabilize their lives and get back on their feet. Since SNAP expanded in 2009, according to the USDA, “food insecurity among likely SNAP-eligible households declined by 2.2 percent, and very low food security declined by 2 percent; food spending rose by 4.8 percent.”


Food Stamps Improve Kids’ Health

Children are especially vulnerable to the lifelong ripple effects of poverty—exposed to hunger, under-nourishment, and a greater likelihood of chronic illnesses and disease. But studies show that when poor families get food stamps, kids’ nutrition and health improve. This can be particularly critical during infancy and early childhood, when brain development and metabolic health get their start. The added food and nutrition from food stamps has been shown to create marked health improvements both in childhood and later years.



Who Gets Food Stamps?

An extraordinary number of Americans have benefited or will benefit directly from food stamps. Half of all adults (pdf) will receive SNAP benefits at some point between the ages of 20 and 65, while half of all children will receive them at some point during their childhood. In 2012, nearly 1 in 7 adults received food stamps.


This is correct, food stamps boost the economy because without them, people would quit eating and no money would be going towards food. They would just starve to death.

Weird reply.

Food stamps improve the economy because they pump money into it.

The only way that could happen is if people who couldn't afford food didn't eat. But if people are still eating, then food stamps doesn't do squat because people are eating using their own money instead of ours.

See, that's the thing the theory is they need assistance because the don't have the money to buy food at least not without sacrificing other things like school clothes and supplies, transportation, doctors visits, what have you. The money goes back into the economy, are you saying it doesn't? That's also a weird stance, have any source to back that up with?

I don't think you can source common sense. Bottom line: people still eat even if they are poor. If they don't buy food themselves, they go to pantries where other people buy food and donate it, homeless shelters which work the same way, religious organizations which work the same way. One way or another, food is still purchased with or without food stamps.

For the most part, food stamps just replace people working, or people working enough hours to feed themselves. It's like what they did in Maine. If you were on food stamps with no dependents, you had to meet one of three qualifications to continue getting food stamps: work a job a minimum 20 hours per week, be enrolled in a vocation program, volunteer 20 hours a month. Bottom line is that these people were not that hungry after all. Most of them dropped out of the program.

Most people on food stamps either work or are children. I'm sorry you don't understand the very simple concept that you give people money to buy food and surprisingly enough that money ends in the economy.

Anyway when you claim there isn't a source for common sense that usually means you don't have either.

CHARTS: The hidden benefits of food stamps
The Economic Benefits of Food Stamps

When food stamps get spent, we all benefit. Despite critics’ focus on the costs of SNAP, research has shown that these dollars are among the best forms of government stimulus. Food stamp spending generates local economic activity, jobs in the farm and retail sectors and beyond.



Food Stamps Lift Millions Out of Poverty

In addition to boosting the economy and job creation, food stamps have helped millions of Americans climb out of poverty and away from hunger. The dollars put food on the table, and by covering much of poor people’s food expenses, free up vitally needed cash to cover rent and other necessities. That can help people stabilize their lives and get back on their feet. Since SNAP expanded in 2009, according to the USDA, “food insecurity among likely SNAP-eligible households declined by 2.2 percent, and very low food security declined by 2 percent; food spending rose by 4.8 percent.”


Food Stamps Improve Kids’ Health

Children are especially vulnerable to the lifelong ripple effects of poverty—exposed to hunger, under-nourishment, and a greater likelihood of chronic illnesses and disease. But studies show that when poor families get food stamps, kids’ nutrition and health improve. This can be particularly critical during infancy and early childhood, when brain development and metabolic health get their start. The added food and nutrition from food stamps has been shown to create marked health improvements both in childhood and later years.



Who Gets Food Stamps?

An extraordinary number of Americans have benefited or will benefit directly from food stamps. Half of all adults (pdf) will receive SNAP benefits at some point between the ages of 20 and 65, while half of all children will receive them at some point during their childhood. In 2012, nearly 1 in 7 adults received food stamps.



Oh please with this liberal tripe. Of course a party that stays in power party because of how many government dependents they create are going to come out with all this bullshit. So let's ask some questions here:

If one doesn't have enough money for food, WTF is wrong with working more hours?

If one doesn't have enough money to feed their children, WTF did they have children for?

If social programs do so much for the economy, why doesn't the federal government put us all on social programs giving us a super economy?

Then there is real world experience. The many times I stood in line behind some fat pig and her three or four children. She whips out the food stamps. Afterwords, her cash bill for her booze, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume come to $230.00 which she has a wad of cash for. Why am I feeding her and her kids while she's feeding God knows how many animals?

On a few occasions, I was behind them leaving the store, and you should see what kind of vehicles they drive; certainly better than my 9 year old car with 100,000 miles on it. But then again, I work for everything I own. How did I end up behind them when they left the line several minutes before I did? They stopped at the main cashier where the lottery tickets are sold.

My last experience was a couple of months ago. A guy was in line bugging several of us to buy some of our items (about 30 bucks worth) with his food stamps, and he will sell our items back to us for 20 bucks cash.

The one part about your post that was legitimate was one out of seven Americans are being fed by the other six. Doesn't that tell you something is seriously wrong, especially when there are so many jobs out there that restaurants and industry can't find help for?
Where was this cause it damn sure ain't going on around here..

It damn sure ain't happening in Amarillo either. Our electricity rates keep going up.

As far as getting more money in a tax cut? Well, I live on my retirement check, and I saw it go up by around 20 bucks/month. That translates to around 240 bucks a year, and that isn't quite the windfall that they made it out to be.

And........................every year since I've been retired, I've had my withholding for my taxes figured out to the point where some years I owe Uncle Sam a buck or two, some years he owes me a buck or two. It fluctuates. But, if I have to pay more than 5 bucks in taxes this year, I'm gonna bitch because that means they gave me back money over the year, but they now are taking more than they usually do.
Hate to break it to you but retirement checks are not determined that way. They are given a raise based on cost of living. Which this year was 2%. In most cases Medicare hold harmless kicked in which ate up most of that 2%. So while it would be nice if you got a paycheck from a company that might have shown a real increase.
Might want to pay attention to all the material social security and Medicare sends out.

Hate to break it to you but yeah, that is exactly what it said on my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). And yeah, we military retirees DO get a COLA around 2 percent, but that is at the beginning of the year, not February. My LES said that there was 20 bucks more in my check because of the tax cuts.

Apparently, you don't know much about military retirees.
Where was this cause it damn sure ain't going on around here..

It damn sure ain't happening in Amarillo either. Our electricity rates keep going up.

As far as getting more money in a tax cut? Well, I live on my retirement check, and I saw it go up by around 20 bucks/month. That translates to around 240 bucks a year, and that isn't quite the windfall that they made it out to be.

And........................every year since I've been retired, I've had my withholding for my taxes figured out to the point where some years I owe Uncle Sam a buck or two, some years he owes me a buck or two. It fluctuates. But, if I have to pay more than 5 bucks in taxes this year, I'm gonna bitch because that means they gave me back money over the year, but they now are taking more than they usually do.
Hate to break it to you but retirement checks are not determined that way. They are given a raise based on cost of living. Which this year was 2%. In most cases Medicare hold harmless kicked in which ate up most of that 2%. So while it would be nice if you got a paycheck from a company that might have shown a real increase.
Might want to pay attention to all the material social security and Medicare sends out.

Hate to break it to you but yeah, that is exactly what it said on my Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). And yeah, we military retirees DO get a COLA around 2 percent, but that is at the beginning of the year, not February. My LES said that there was 20 bucks more in my check because of the tax cuts.

Apparently, you don't know much about military retirees.
Yeah funny how you were not smart enough to put that bit of information about you being military on your first post. Of course that makes me stupid.
Also too busy to tell the always.

Dow is down for the year. CPI on the rise.

The DJIA is up 29% since Trump was elected you fake news hack.

And it is down for the year and down 3.2% since the first extra tariff was imposed by fake news hack yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using

Its important to remember that the Dow is not the be all end all of the economy. The S&P is up a mediocre 60 points since the beginning of the year. Other factors are far more important to the average American; like the CPI which has grown .4% during the last two months. The Dow does effect your life…eventually but there are a lot of billiard balls that get hit before it strikes you. The CPI? That is the cue ball coming right at you.

I recently joined a 8 ball league.

^^^ more sour grapes sore loser shit from the left. They hate that the country is doing well under Trump.

Have you ever come up with an answer to how we’re going to make Mexico pay for the wall sonny boy?
Rump gets to beg a new Mexican president now, and he will be good to fuck off again!

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