American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

And by a white guy to boot...
because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

KKK exist for the same reason groups like La Raza, Mecha and any other racial group who wants to form CAN. Including the Black Panthers, Black lives matters, etc.... You can start your own tomorrow and white Americans arn't going to stop you. They can't, unless you start commiting crimes to be arrested for.
Any of these groups have freedom of speech and association under the constitution. It doesn't mean the majority of whites are racist. white supremest groups have been shunned for years by regular Americans. the Arian brotherhood is a prison movement. Most white people don't support racist skinhead prison gang bangers... only in your imagination.

Until the prison system gets reformed they will continue to thrive there. Liberals have made sure prisoners have so many rights that they practically run the prisons on the inside. You want to stop hardcore racism? That would be one good place to start. All that shit should be broken up immediately and prisons should become real prisons. Put those people to work so they don't have time or the energy left to fight and be racists..make them learn something instead or make them break rocks all day if they don't want to learn.
I disagree. KKK was formed because whites have an inferiority complex. Groups like La Raza and the Black Panthers were formed to protect their neighborhoods. Black Lives Matters was formed as a protest against white police shooting Black kids. You cant compare them to the hate groups whites have formed. I see you avoided and ducked my question. How is it that systemic racism can exist if most whites are not racist?
I have to ask: Why is OP worried about Jim Crow in 2018?

It's pretty much a non-issue these days. :rolleyes:

Do you have racism on the brain or something?
And by a white guy to boot...
because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Umm. Its definitely an issue even in 2018. Thats why the thread was created.

Do elaborate, fucktardo. Be glad I'm not calling Ms. Brooks on ya. Your English is shit, don't have me make my super-hot black English teacher slap you silly. She'd slap me silly if i butchered the language as you do.

Why is it such an issue in 2018, fucktardo?

Ms. Cox, yeah, she was hotter than all get-out.

Super-feminine reowr.

Yeah, she was hot.

She showed us Hitler movies, too. :eek:
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because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

KKK exist for the same reason groups like La Raza, Mecha and any other racial group who wants to form CAN. Including the Black Panthers, Black lives matters, etc.... You can start your own tomorrow and white Americans arn't going to stop you. They can't, unless you start commiting crimes to be arrested for.
Any of these groups have freedom of speech and association under the constitution. It doesn't mean the majority of whites are racist. white supremest groups have been shunned for years by regular Americans. the Arian brotherhood is a prison movement. Most white people don't support racist skinhead prison gang bangers... only in your imagination.

Until the prison system gets reformed they will continue to thrive there. Liberals have made sure prisoners have so many rights that they practically run the prisons on the inside. You want to stop hardcore racism? That would be one good place to start. All that shit should be broken up immediately and prisons should become real prisons. Put those people to work so they don't have time or the energy left to fight and be racists..make them learn something instead or make them break rocks all day if they don't want to learn.
I disagree. KKK was formed because whites have an inferiority complex. Groups like La Raza and the Black Panthers were formed to protect their neighborhoods. Black Lives Matters was formed as a protest against white police shooting Black kids. You cant compare them to the hate groups whites have formed. I see you avoided and ducked my question. How is it that systemic racism can exist if most whites are not racist?

The original KKK claimed they were formed to protect their community... of course they turned out to be something worse. But the kkk of today is protected just like any other group by the constitution. They had all but disapeared because most people think them and their ilk are fools.... but they have somehow been made more relevant to fringe mentally unstable people or the young and impressionable looking for something to join. And this is mostly because of an overcharged political climate which is purposely out to divide Americans.
And by a white guy to boot...
because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Pfft, go wallow in your hate, asshat.
because most white guys are racist, right?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

KKK exist for the same reason groups like La Raza, Mecha and any other racial group who wants to form CAN. Including the Black Panthers, Black lives matters, etc.... You can start your own tomorrow and white Americans arn't going to stop you. They can't, unless you start commiting crimes to be arrested for.
Any of these groups have freedom of speech and association under the constitution. It doesn't mean the majority of whites are racist. white supremest groups have been shunned for years by regular Americans. the Arian brotherhood is a prison movement. Most white people don't support racist skinhead prison gang bangers... only in your imagination.

Until the prison system gets reformed they will continue to thrive there. Liberals have made sure prisoners have so many rights that they practically run the prisons on the inside. You want to stop hardcore racism? That would be one good place to start. All that shit should be broken up immediately and prisons should become real prisons. Put those people to work so they don't have time or the energy left to fight and be racists..make them learn something instead or make them break rocks all day if they don't want to learn.
I disagree. KKK was formed because whites have an inferiority complex. Groups like La Raza and the Black Panthers were formed to protect their neighborhoods. Black Lives Matters was formed as a protest against white police shooting Black kids. You cant compare them to the hate groups whites have formed. I see you avoided and ducked my question. How is it that systemic racism can exist if most whites are not racist?

The original KKK claimed they were formed to protect their community... of course they turned out to be something worse. But the kkk of today is protected just like any other group by the constitution. They had all but disapeared because most people think them and their ilk are fools.... but they have somehow been made more relevant to fringe mentally unstable people or the young and impressionable looking for something to join. And this is mostly because of an overcharged political climate which is purposely out to divide Americans.
Thats pretty weak. The KKK is made relevant because whites are racists. There are plenty of highly intelligent white racists leading the dumb whites around by the nose. The political climate is only charged because Black people have said they will wait no more and we will not be quiet about it. If complete freedom and equality is a dividing point then tough shit.
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Pfft, go wallow in your hate, asshat.

Holy shit, I guess you are right
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient?

I'm not telling anyone black to be patient... I am just of the belief that IT TAKES TIME FOR SOCIETY TO CHANGE FROM THE INSIDE OUT. Its a statement... not me telling black people to be patient.
Be impatient all you want... and there you go again trying to show I'm asserting some sort of white privelege
I cant post without you reminding me I'm a WHITE. Do i need to call you a BLACK every time you post?
It doesnt take a society centuries to live out the creed they profess to believe in. Whites are fine as long as Blacks are quietly patient because they want more of a head start. Anyone that thinks a society takes centuries to adopt the things it professes to fundamentally believe in is a fool.
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Hey Asslips, blacks are 13% of the population, and commit 50% of the crimes, what's up with that?
Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Pfft, go wallow in your hate, asshat.
Stop whining lice head. Telling you most whites are racist is not hate. Its a fact.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.

Pfft, go wallow in your hate, asshat.
Stop whining lice head. Telling you most whites are racist is not hate. Its a fact.

I'm immune to lice, boy.
Hey Asslips, blacks are 13% of the population, and commit 50% of the crimes, what's up with that?
Whats up with 99% of animal molestation being done by whites?

Let's get back to the 13% of population, yet commit more than 50% of the crimes thing, darky.

You could be redbone, but you're darky today. :04:

I know you'll report this, that's how you roll.

That's ok. I don't censor what I say ever. Zero Filter. Do not care.
Hey Asslips, blacks are 13% of the population, and commit 50% of the crimes, what's up with that?
Whats up with 99% of animal molestation being done by whites?

Let's get back to the 13% of population, yet commit more than 50% of the crimes thing, darky.

You could be redbone, but you're darky today. :04:
I never addressed your deflection so we cant get back to it. Any comment on me pointing out that whites are lying when they say it takes centuries for them to live up to the fundamental truths they claim they believe in?

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