American Muslims viewed in positive light after Boston marathon bombing

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
After the Boston marathon bombing the American muslim community came out in force to condemn domestic terrorism and the men responsible for this horrific act.

This was a water shed moment for both muslims and non muslims.

And proved to the skeptics that beyond a doubt American muslims are loyal and patriotic citizens to our nation. .. :cool:
Where?...I didn't see "American muslim community came out in force to condemn domestic terrorism".
I saw a lot of denying there even was a terrorist connection. Talking about how they were "loners"...I heard one MSNBC Muslim "expert" (whatever that is) say this - "why are they calling this terrorism, no one called the Columbine teens terrorist, no one assumed there had to be a jihadist connection then. These are two angry young men, no difference, there is no evidence of an organized connection" - now I realize this guy only speaks for himself - but I would have to wonder if he was alone in those thoughts.
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The leadership of mosques all over the nation have issued press releases and did media interviews condemning the marathon bombing.

Imam's in the Boston area have refused to hold a funeral service in their mosques for the one terrorist that was killed in a gun battle with police.

All of this has high lighted the fact that muslims in the U.S. are now deeply woven into the fabric of our nation.

And are as patriotic as the next person .. :salute:
The leadership of mosques all over the nation have issued press releases and did media interviews condemning the marathon bombing.

Imam's in the Boston area have refused to hold a funeral service in their mosques for the one terrorist that was killed in a gun battle with police.

All of this has high lighted the fact that muslims in the U.S. are now deeply woven into the fabric of our nation.

And are as patriotic as the next person .. :salute:

Well here is to hoping so.
The deafening silence after 9/11 from the Muslim community was heard loud and very clear.
I would hope nothing else then Muslims to successfully integrate into American society like all other religions and accepting everything America stands for - including separation of church and state. As well as acceptance of others, no matter religion, ethnicity or orientation. Including Jews. As well as acceptance of the decision of the justice system in any case where sharia law is in contrast of American laws.
Paraphrasing your own words "Trust me, Muslims couldn't care less what Western society thinks about sharia law"....not exactly deeply woven into society.
The deafening silence after 9/11 from the Muslim community was heard loud and very clear.
All of the major American Islamic organization issued press releases denouncing those responsible for the 9/11 event.

But the national media refused to acknowledge they even existed and gave no air time to leaders of the Islamic community.

Instead focusing on every negative news story they could dig up about muslims in order to satisfy the American citizens blood lust for revenge. .. :cool:
You're dreaming Sunni.
Muslims killing our children does not endear Muslims to Americans. The media bends over backwards to excuse Muslim behavior, and our President refuses to even acknowledge Muslims as terrorists. The only time he uses the word terrorist and Muslim in the same sentence is if they are terrorists that have been let into this country and he sees a opportunity to take more of our rights away, because of their actions.
Got drones?
We will have..........
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Irish Ram why do you have the overwhelming need to turn this into a hate thread?

This thread was intended to be something positive in a world of negatives.

Where both muslims and non muslims can come together after a tragedy and celebrate being Americans. .. :cool:
Void of hate, I would rather see you tell us the truth, like you do about your hatred of the Jews, than try to convince us of your love for the American infidel.
Death to the Great Satan means death to an 8 year old infidel in Boston.
SADLY, Live and let live is not in Muslim vocabulary.
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Void of hate, I would rather see you tell us the truth, like you do about your hatred of the Jews, than try to convince us of your love for the American infidel.
Death to the Great Satan means death to an 8 year old infidel in Boston.
SADLY, Live and let live is not in Muslim vocabulary.
Have you always been a hater?

Or did that come about after you accepted Christ?? .. :cool:
Have you always been a hater?

Or did that come about after you accepted Christ?? .. :cool:

And here you have it folks....give him enough time..and the true person always-always comes out. And yet another example showing how many Muslims are not yet ready for the civilized world.
Void of hate, I would rather see you tell us the truth, like you do about your hatred of the Jews, than try to convince us of your love for the American infidel.
Death to the Great Satan means death to an 8 year old infidel in Boston.
SADLY, Live and let live is not in Muslim vocabulary.

So, I guess you are all Muslims are extremists who are biding their time for a chance to kill American children?

Sounds like the hatred is on end here.
Have you always been a hater?

Or did that come about after you accepted Christ?? .. :cool:

And here you have it folks....give him enough time..and the true person always-always comes out. And yet another example showing how many Muslims are not yet ready for the civilized world.
Irish Ram comes on the thread spewing hate.

And that somehow makes me uncivilized?? .. :cool:
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After the Boston marathon bombing the American muslim community came out in force to condemn domestic terrorism and the men responsible for this horrific act.

This was a water shed moment for both muslims and non muslims.

And proved to the skeptics that beyond a doubt American muslims are loyal and patriotic citizens to our nation. .. :cool:

Maybe. After the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City by White Christian men that thought THEY were patriotic, I wonder what “terrorism ” really is. We have had mass shootings by people for no obvious reason. Muslims hurt each other with bombs and guns. There is something else going on here, It's not so much about religion. There is a inextricable force here that drives us to destroy ourselves. Anyone here like to speculate? It’s worth looking into.
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After the horrific event called 9/11 muslims living in America were riddled with paranoia and didn't want to attract attention to themselves.

There was a witch hunt by Federal agents targeting the muslim community and deportations were rampant.

But things have changed over the last couple of years and muslims are not cringing in fear like they were post 9//11

So when the Boston marathon bombing took place.

The Islamic community felt strong enough to stand up and be counted as those who were opposed to the actions of two men.

And not be worried about repercussions from their fellow Americans or the government. .. :cool:
It's what the Muslims say in Arabic not English that really matters.
[ame=]Egyptian Cleric: Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message; Similar Attacks Expected in France - YouTube[/ame]

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