American Samoa residents sue for citizenship

American Samoa residents sue for citizenship
Source: The HILL

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JUST IN: American Samoans sue to become US citizens at birth
6:40 PM - Mar 27, 2018

American Samoa residents are suing to earn citizenship at birth, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Residents of the U.S. territory aren't considered citizens, but are recognized as U.S. nationals.

This means the residents are not permitted to vote, sponsor relatives immigrating to the U.S. or run for office. However, they do pay taxes to U.S. officials.

The lawsuit was filed by American Samoa residents living in Utah. They are suing for the right to citizenship under the 14th Amendment, which grants American citizenship at birth to anyone born in the country, the AP reported.

Read more: American Samoa residents sue for citizenship

Very interesting.:71:

They already failed once, even the government in Samoa doesn't want it.


Of course they don't. The same can be said of all US territories. They can all vote to become a State but never do. If they become a State then they have to do as the rest of the country does. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free??
I never understood why we allow this half status tbh. Either join the US or stay sovereign. I see no real reason to have territories that are not full states.

Because then we'd have to figure out how to rearrange the stars on the flag to include new ones. It would just be a big pain in the ass.

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