American Senior Citizens need to Stand Up

The elderly have to be weaned from living by the costs needed to keep them alive. Progs have made statements on this. They have been used and throwing them under the bus will happen. How it is done is to be negotiated. Independence will slowly be reduced at first and moving in with relatives will happen more and more in the fall from the peaks to start.
Yes, there are already signs of that. The progressives will continue to ramp up more and more spending on adults who are in child-rearing and working years- government child support checks will increase, a basic guaranteed welfare payment will be introduced, there will be house downpayments given out, free child care will be provided, etc., etc., etc.

At the same time, less and less will be provided for those who have “outlived their usefulness.” Token payments that don’t keep pace with inflation will be made. Taxes on Social Security will continue to be required on those with even the most modest income. (Sad that half the country doesn’t pay federal income tax, but poor seniors - after payimg a lifetime of income taxes - now have to pay taxes as soon as their other income hits $25,000. After all, the govt needs money for all Thr social spending going to other people.)

I suppose the progressives won’t out and out KILL the elderly who have no relatives, but they will be warehoused with minimal resources. I’ve lived below my means my entire life, as I have no children, and wanted to have a good nest egg (which I do) to move into a nice facility in my old age. Now the progressives will look at my money and the millions of responsible adults who saved for old age, and lick their chops: more money to confiscate and give to other people!
The elderly have to be weaned from living by the costs needed to keep them alive. Progs have made statements on this. They have been used and throwing them under the bus will happen. How it is done is to be negotiated. Independence will slowly be reduced at first and moving in with relatives will happen more and more in the fall from the peaks to start.

Most left wing solutions are mass murders, always. Not any different than their fellow travellers on the Right wings.
Most left wing solutions are mass murders, always. Not any different than their fellow travellers on the Right wings.
Well, Ezekiael (?) Emanuel, a very far leftist, advocated for the most at-risk group, the 65 and overs, get the vaccine LAST since he felt they had no value to “society” any longer.

He also advocated for the Quality of Remaining Years formula for Obamacare in which elders would be denied care after a certain age, depending on the cost of the procedure needed. It’s a very cold approach socialist countries use with universal care: they assign a dollar amount, per year, they are willing to spend on an older person, and if they exceed that amount, they are denied.

The only way to stop the progressives’ evil is to sweep the midterms, and then recapture the WH.
The only way to stop the progressives’ evil is to sweep the midterms, and then recapture the WH.

They will suffer some losses in the mid-terms, no doubt. Whether it will be enough is doubtful, though. As for the White House, Trump probably won't get the nomination and have to run as an indie if he goes for it. I don't like either the GOP or the Democrats, personally, Trump was a protest vote for most of us. He may be that again, but hopefully some better Parties form up outside the Big Two and take some state houses and cities and Congressional seats.
They will suffer some losses in the mid-terms, no doubt. Whether it will be enough is doubtful, though. As for the White House, Trump probably won't get the nomination and have to run as an indie if he goes for it.
I hope he doesn’t run as an indie, as it will hand the election to the Left and they will continue their destruction.

One thing is for sure: we cannot allow the leftists to blanket the nation with mail-in ballots, allowing for massive ballot harvesting.
Doctors were mostly middle class, few were wealthy outside of some surgeons. The medical care wasn't better then, not by a long shot.

That was due to the lack of modern technology that existed in those days. Many people today can be cured of cancer if caught on time. Back in the 60s and before it was a death sentence.
I just hit the point in my life where I sign up for Medicare. OMG! OMFG!! What a complicated, arcane, intricate, expensive web! I've reviewed Limited Partnership Agreements that were less complicated. It doesn't even pretend to be user friendly! It's geared to be confusing and frustrating -- and relatively expensive considering most people have paid into the system for 40+ years.

People illegally immigrating to the USA are treated with great respect and deference.

It's time for Seniors to unite, demand fairer treatment, simplicity and respect.

Social Security used to be the "third rail" of politics. A politician could not talk about touching it without ending their career. However, like all of our Liberties and Freedoms, it has been degraded and depreciated through the years. Bill Clinton started TAXING our benefits. What the fuck? 100% of all Social Security should always be Tax free!

Take Medicare AND Social Security! Congratulations, your Social Security gets reduced by Medicare expenses! You paid in your entire life and now you pay again and again.

Why is this OK? Why do we not demand friendly reform of these systems? Fairer, cheaper, easier to use. Any abuse punished by hanging from the Palazzo Vecchio....maybe a little much, but how and why do retirees put up with this?
Republicans don't believe in social ist healthcare.
I'm almost to the point I'm going to need medicare/medicaid.
My insurance is now refusing to cover TWO of my needed diabetic medications. I cannot afford over $1000.00 for two fucking prescriptions!!!! They are tiny fucking pills made out of cheap chemicals.....not fucking Palladium nuggets!!!

Why do hate freedom?
That was due to the lack of modern technology that existed in those days. Many people today can be cured of cancer if caught on time. Back in the 60s and before it was a death sentence.

I don't disagree, but it is the spending associated with Medicare that promoted a lot of research, both private and public. Before that, there were no great incentives to do so.

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