American suffering, Bill Kristol shrugs on Mornin' Joe, "Eh!"



Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.
Nonsense. Remember the memo Obama sent out prior to the sequester to "make it hurt"? Not minimize the pain, not shuffle resources to cover gaps, not do what they can, nope. Make it hurt. Why? to gain political points.
The only thing I have noticed is less traffic in northern virginia. That's a good thing. :lol:

the way some folks talk one might expect food and gas shortages, school closings, floods, asteroids, tidal waves, nuclear fallout, riots and a zombie apocalypse.

So far I'm disappointed with the level of suffering
The suffering of gov't bureucrats somehow fails to tug at my heartstrings. Let them go out and get a job in the private sector.
I dont recall RDean shedding any tears when Gulf oil workers were idled because Obama declared a moratorium on drilling. Pelosi just told them to apply for unemployment.
Libs are such hypocrites.
The only thing I have noticed is less traffic in northern virginia. That's a good thing. :lol:

the way some folks talk one might expect food and gas shortages, school closings, floods, asteroids, tidal waves, nuclear fallout, riots and a zombie apocalypse.

So far I'm disappointed with the level of suffering

This will be the biggest PR disaster for the Dems ever. People will look at the new smaller gov't landscape and wonder why it can't be like that all the time.
I haven't seen much of anything between the Sequester and the Govt shutdown.

Hell. No change at all. Perhaps thats an indication of just how bloated and overblown Govt is.

If half the underworked and overpayed Fed employees were gone, who the hell would notice outside of them??

Of course they would be out in the REAL world where people get fired and have to look for a job.

Kinda nice living in that bubble the Fed workers live in.
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Sad that rdean still isn't smart enough to realize that DemocRATs really don't care, otherwise they would have at least submitted budgets for the last five years, instead of ignoring them.

Headstart programs are still running, except for those that were needing grant money October 1st onward.

We also know Obama wants to, just like sequester, make it hurt. His plan is to piss off the poor, to put pressure on Congress.
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Kinda like the obama administration trying to keep world war 2 vets from seeing their memorial?
All of a sudden liberals have compassion. Lol. But none for the millions in the private sector who are jobless.
Bill Kristol? Is that supposed to somehow reflect badly on us? The man doesn't speak for me or anyone else really.

And quite frankly you are in absolutely no position to criticize him my friend. You and your colleagues have been been quite excited about causing pain to the people as long as you can blame Republicans for it.

And why? Because rather than admit Obamacare is the mess it is and that we are spending money we dont have in ways that will eventually hurt the American people, you would rather impliment the program despite any damage it might do and spend away with no thought the burden that's placed on the American people and their children and even grandchildren because of such carelessness.

Humble yourselves. I don't care if you are Republican or Democrat. Humble yourselves before you destroy this nation.
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Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Bill Kristol got his clock cleaned by Jon Stewart a couple of years ago. Absolutely embarrassed him to death on air, and Kristol deserved it. In fact, I think Stewart's foot print is still on Kristol's skanky ass:

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Bill Kristol? Is that supposed to somehow reflect badly on us? The man doesn't speak for me or anyone else really.

Uh-huh....More proof you are clueless about the far right and the NeoCons whom you suck up to.
Here's your sign:

speaking of Morning Joe, did anybody see Valerie Plame this a.m., hawking her new book, and speaking intelligently on nuclear proliferation, iran and suvellience. She looks mah-va-lass. She musta gotten a nice settlement from the bushii admin. LOL
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Progressives don't give a rats arse or they would negotiate.

That's what's clear here.
Sam Stein pointed out the people who are being hurt by a government shutdown. Head Start offices closed. Nutritional programs shut down. People who look to National Park Tourism to make a living.

Bill Kristol shrugs says so what. Go to a church.

Then Joe Scarborough says that Obama and Reid are "loving it". When Americans suffer? They're "loving it"?

Remember, it's Democrats who push:

school lunches
jobs for veterans
Health care for veterans
supplementary nutrition
healthcare for first responders
and a whole list of other things that help millions of Americans

All things Republicans working desperately to "block".

So Obama and Reid would love American suffering?

If you said that about Republicans, you would get lots of "we know" or like Bill Kristol, a shrug and a so what or why should we spend OUR money on THEM?

But Democrats? Sorry, it's not who they are.

Entitlements are you're safe, Mona.
dean is a liar,

the kids got their free lunches yesterday and today and the earth did not stop spinning on its axis

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