Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


THe leftist don't have "good will" towards America or Americans.

Hillary showed that, when she told half the nation that the other half was out to get them.

Rightwinger shows that when he gloats about the glorious coming One Party State where dems will be able to dismiss the concerns of whites and rule unaccountably.

I wish that I could assume that the other has good will, but that would be me lying to myself.
Actually that's what the left did when they supported a lunatic like Hillary.
The same goes for Obama.
The left would vote for a pile of shit if the media could convince them that the steaming pile was a shoe-in.

Yawn, guy, i know you are denial about how you really messed this up.

The ironic thing is, Hillary would have probably strengthened your party. Trump will end up destroying it because you've already sacrificed your principles and it's becoming increasingly apparent you don't know how to govern...

Yes.....and Trump will be out by Christmas....Trump will get bored and just quit....Trump will never win the primary....hilary is ahead by double digits.....hilary is going to win by a landslide.......Trump never paid any taxes.....and on and on ....... you would think by now you asswipes would understand that Trump is not going to lose to you....and you can keep dreaming and making up a different reality...but in 8 years when he leaves office, you still won't have a clue...

Dude, don't waste thought processes on anything JoeB131 posts, he is devoid of any intellect whatsoever. Notice I completely bypassed anything he posted because it's all garbage. However, it does prove the OP to be true.
Actually that's what the left did when they supported a lunatic like Hillary.
The same goes for Obama.
The left would vote for a pile of shit if the media could convince them that the steaming pile was a shoe-in.

Yawn, guy, i know you are denial about how you really messed this up.

The ironic thing is, Hillary would have probably strengthened your party. Trump will end up destroying it because you've already sacrificed your principles and it's becoming increasingly apparent you don't know how to govern...

Yes.....and Trump will be out by Christmas....Trump will get bored and just quit....Trump will never win the primary....hilary is ahead by double digits.....hilary is going to win by a landslide.......Trump never paid any taxes.....and on and on ....... you would think by now you asswipes would understand that Trump is not going to lose to you....and you can keep dreaming and making up a different reality...but in 8 years when he leaves office, you still won't have a clue...

Dude, don't waste thought processes on anything JoeB131 posts, he is devoid of any intellect whatsoever. Notice I completely bypassed anything he posted because it's all garbage. However, it does prove the OP to be true.

Idiocy like JoeB's has to be countered, or it just sits there and festers. It's a cross some of us try to bear.
Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


Nobody's more intolerant of being told he's wrong than you are.
I can always count on your thought-provoking and stimulating input, thanks.

Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


THe leftist don't have "good will" towards America or Americans.

Hillary showed that, when she told half the nation that the other half was out to get them.

Rightwinger shows that when he gloats about the glorious coming One Party State where dems will be able to dismiss the concerns of whites and rule unaccountably.

I wish that I could assume that the other has good will, but that would be me lying to myself.
At some point, regardless of which "side" is at fault, we're going to need someone to rise above this and be the first to be the adult in the room.

Unless we have decided as a country that somehow this is the most constructive environment for solving our problems.
Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


Nobody's more intolerant of being told he's wrong than you are.
I can always count on your thought-provoking and stimulating input, thanks.


It's a fact. You won't even debate your claims. Someone disagrees with you, or proves you wrong, and it's laughy faces,

and boasts about how you've upset someone.

It's sad and comical and in one.
The OP is instructing people to be tolerant of being told they're wrong.

Why would someone be tolerant of being told they are wrong if they are confident they are not wrong?

What kind of idiocy is that?
Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


Nobody's more intolerant of being told he's wrong than you are.
I can always count on your thought-provoking and stimulating input, thanks.


It's a fact. You won't even debate your claims. Someone disagrees with you, or proves you wrong, and it's laughy faces,

and boasts about how you've upset someone.

It's sad and comical and in one.
And as usual, you have to take a reasonable topic and turn it personal and nasty.

What I don't know is whether you realize you're part of the problem referred to in the OP article.

My guess is that you do, which is why you had to jump and try to change the subject.

Here you go, folks, another example of the point.
Funny nobody raised that issue after Barry Hussein was elected. I would submit that Americans are the most tolerant people in the world and perhaps the smartest. They understood that the democrat party has drifted down the path to socialism and borderline insanity and the U.S. needed a change.
Funny nobody raised that issue after Barry Hussein was elected. I would submit that Americans are the most tolerant people in the world and perhaps the smartest. They understood that the democrat party has drifted down the path to socialism and borderline insanity and the U.S. needed a change.
It's not about one party or the other, or about one side of the spectrum or the other.

It's about what has happened to political discourse across the spectrum.
Back to the OP:

Do you feel that this climate is better and/or more constructive than one in which communication is more open and cooperative?

Absolutely not. Just look at JoeB and brummelban's posts, for that matter, look at the way mudwhistle ripped into Tommy Tainant for no good reason whatsoever, except that Tommy leans left. Tommy made a very valid point in that post.
Tommy made an invalid assumption.
And I posted disagreement. It wasn't assault and battery.

That wasn't an invalid assumption Tommy made, it was a correct assertion, therefore I have to disagree with you as well.

If you think I don't feel a twinge of pain for having to say that, you'd be wrong.
That is nothing but your opinion.

Assuming that "people"are too simple-minded to figure things out for themselves is the basis for most liberal ideology. It's actually a dodge. They choose not to be honest because they feel what they are doing won't be understood. In reality their greatest fear is that "people" will find out and reject it.

You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

And why is that?
Because the misinformed can be easier to manipulate.
Absolutely not. Just look at JoeB and brummelban's posts, for that matter, look at the way mudwhistle ripped into Tommy Tainant for no good reason whatsoever, except that Tommy leans left. Tommy made a very valid point in that post.
Tommy made an invalid assumption.
And I posted disagreement. It wasn't assault and battery.

That wasn't an invalid assumption Tommy made, it was a correct assertion, therefore I have to disagree with you as well.

If you think I don't feel a twinge of pain for having to say that, you'd be wrong.
That is nothing but your opinion.

Assuming that "people"are too simple-minded to figure things out for themselves is the basis for most liberal ideology. It's actually a dodge. They choose not to be honest because they feel what they are doing won't be understood. In reality their greatest fear is that "people" will find out and reject it.

You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

See the bolded. Are you telling me I'm not willing to think for myself? Because I already do. If you are, I disagree.

I received a classic Liberal education before indoctrination set in. (as were many for 200+ years).
Funny nobody raised that issue after Barry Hussein was elected. I would submit that Americans are the most tolerant people in the world and perhaps the smartest. They understood that the democrat party has drifted down the path to socialism and borderline insanity and the U.S. needed a change.
That is a false narrative. The Democrat Party is neoliberal. That is what Hilary Clinton represented. Neoliberalism is not Socialism, it is capitalism on steroids. Even Obama pushed neoliberal trade deals. So why would any right thinking person label it as socialism? Because that is the narrative that right leaning corporate dominated media want to push. It creates division and seizes the debate. The corporate media creates false narratives, that can't be stressed enough. The world we think we understand is in a very real way, imaginary.
I fully agree with the OP's key theme.

I'm less certain about whether the causal trend is from the political leadership to the masses or from the masses to the leadership. I am certain the masses' explicit and tacit approbation of the claptrap delivered under the guise of political public debate is what allows the discord to endure.

I have at times on USMB framed my dismay with some of the discourse here as having derived from a dearth of intellectualism, and I stand by that; however, I recognize too that in the grander scale of American national political debate, it's not so much utter stupidity driving our devolution as it is people just not knowing much about much, and having a whole lot to say about everything.

Cultural stridency, whatever form of ignorance suits one to say. Sadly, the discussions we have about our political paths and purposes no longer are carried by people who know what they are talking about and who have things to say that are worth hearing. For example:

Now that pertains to the political forensics conversation we have in the U.S. On a practical level, it's it's not ignorance; it's plain unadulterated stupidity and selfishness. To wit....I'm watching an interview of Rep. Dave Brat, an economist in the FC.

Brat: "We were okay with preexisting conditions, the safety net piece, the hundred million dollars for high risk pools back home...The House Freedom Caucus is fine [with all of that.] But the one thing we have to have is free markets in the insurance space, or you end up like with the financial crisis ten years ago when we let the federal government run housing that ended up in a financial crisis, and we're still dealing with the repercussions.

Bolduan (interviewer): So, Congressman, Paul Ryan has said that he's worried that if the FC doesn't get on board, the POTUS is just going to strike a deal with Democrats to change O-care. Are you afraid of that?

Brat: No. Paul's got it right, but he can get us on board like this. [snaps finger] We were within two points on insurance regs. If the Speaker says "yes" to those couple things, we're a "yes."

Bolduan: If you were that close congressman, what happened Friday would never have happened. Let's be honest.

Brat: Logically speaking, you'd be correct, but that is what happened.​

Now what I find interesting is this, and correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Trump say that O-care repeal was over with, and he was moving on to tax reform? And yet Brat is still prattling on about O-care.

Okay....Be that as it may, I heard the man, but, frankly, I don't believe him. I don't because in less than 60 seconds, the number of stumbling blocks he noted had doubled (see bold italics in the interview text). But, for the sake of argument and because I wasn't party to last Friday's discussions, let's say they were that close. Just how friggin' obdurate can one be to allow the hopes and promises of seven years go down the drain on one/two points when "everything" else one wanted was all but "signed, sealed and delivered?"

That people have elected a cabal of "100 percenters" is the problem.
Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


Nobody's more intolerant of being told he's wrong than you are.
I can always count on your thought-provoking and stimulating input, thanks.


It's a fact. You won't even debate your claims. Someone disagrees with you, or proves you wrong, and it's laughy faces,

and boasts about how you've upset someone.

It's sad and comical and in one.
And as usual, you have to take a reasonable topic and turn it personal and nasty.

What I don't know is whether you realize you're part of the problem referred to in the OP article.

My guess is that you do, which is why you had to jump and try to change the subject.

Here you go, folks, another example of the point.

A reasonable topic?

Making a blanket indictment of all Americans being utterly intolerant of being told they are wrong?

What's reasonable about that? Do you include yourself in that accusation?
Tommy made an invalid assumption.
And I posted disagreement. It wasn't assault and battery.

That wasn't an invalid assumption Tommy made, it was a correct assertion, therefore I have to disagree with you as well.

If you think I don't feel a twinge of pain for having to say that, you'd be wrong.
That is nothing but your opinion.

Assuming that "people"are too simple-minded to figure things out for themselves is the basis for most liberal ideology. It's actually a dodge. They choose not to be honest because they feel what they are doing won't be understood. In reality their greatest fear is that "people" will find out and reject it.

You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

See the bolded. Are you telling me I'm not willing to think for myself? Because I already do. If you are, I disagree.

I received a classic Liberal education before indoctrination set in. (as were many for 200+ years).

"Thinking for yourself" is of no special merit, if you're wrong about most everything.
That wasn't an invalid assumption Tommy made, it was a correct assertion, therefore I have to disagree with you as well.

If you think I don't feel a twinge of pain for having to say that, you'd be wrong.
That is nothing but your opinion.

Assuming that "people"are too simple-minded to figure things out for themselves is the basis for most liberal ideology. It's actually a dodge. They choose not to be honest because they feel what they are doing won't be understood. In reality their greatest fear is that "people" will find out and reject it.

You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

See the bolded. Are you telling me I'm not willing to think for myself? Because I already do. If you are, I disagree.

I received a classic Liberal education before indoctrination set in. (as were many for 200+ years).

"Thinking for yourself" is of no special merit, if you're wrong about most everything.

And that's how we end up with Politically Correct Lemmings such as yourself, parrotting the ideas and concepts of "your betters"

Your posts are the equivalent of "four legs good, two legs better!" over and over and over
That is nothing but your opinion.

Assuming that "people"are too simple-minded to figure things out for themselves is the basis for most liberal ideology. It's actually a dodge. They choose not to be honest because they feel what they are doing won't be understood. In reality their greatest fear is that "people" will find out and reject it.

You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

See the bolded. Are you telling me I'm not willing to think for myself? Because I already do. If you are, I disagree.

I received a classic Liberal education before indoctrination set in. (as were many for 200+ years).

"Thinking for yourself" is of no special merit, if you're wrong about most everything.

And that's how we end up with Politically Correct Lemmings such as yourself, parrotting the ideas and concepts of "your betters"

Your posts are the equivalent of "four legs good, two legs better!" over and over and over

So who was Hitler a 'lemming' to?
You totally missed the point, skip going to the thread in my signature and read the direct link of the comprehensive study.

Post what Tommy said that you disagree with again, please.

Riot-Prone Mobs Are A Product Of America’s Cult-Like Education System
That people are too stupid to think for themselves.

Children usually think for themselves. That is natural.
They are taught later on how to think and act.
The link you posted is an example of impressionable college students who aren't able to think for themselves because they have no real life experiences. They are brainwashed numbskulls with nothing but garbage between their ears. They haven't yet applied what they learned in school to real life. Most of them haven't developed into adults yet. These are the "people" that can't seem to deal with reality. The greatest injustice is the fact that they can tell you about global warming and the effects it has on Polar Bears, but they can't figure out how to balance a check book or pay their bills cuz somebody usually does that for them. My sister is a Biochemist at a lab in L.A. and she said making it thru college is 20% brains and 80% hard work. Some kids have only one or the other. Most just want someone to take care of them. Yet you have kids that grew up on farms that never would even think of waiting for someone to wipe their ass for them.

Why are they this way? Because they were taught to be so. Same thing with families that never get off of welfare. 3 and 4 generations of non-workers just existing. Democrats need dependency. It's why they claim that blacks are so stupid that requiring a photo-I.D. is racist. They lie to us that Blacks are unable (too stupid) to get an I.D. Who gives a shit that all of them have them because no identification means no welfare check. No cigarettes. No bottle of Hennessey.

This is fraud on a massive scale.

That is why I react to liberals that repeat fake talking-points about how dumb we are and how complex everything is. Even a retard can be taught to think for themselves. But are you willing to do so?

Apparently not.

See the bolded. Are you telling me I'm not willing to think for myself? Because I already do. If you are, I disagree.

I received a classic Liberal education before indoctrination set in. (as were many for 200+ years).

"Thinking for yourself" is of no special merit, if you're wrong about most everything.

And that's how we end up with Politically Correct Lemmings such as yourself, parrotting the ideas and concepts of "your betters"

Your posts are the equivalent of "four legs good, two legs better!" over and over and over

So who was Hitler a 'lemming' to?

Actually they usually portray him as a Rat, except in Maus where he was a cat.
Writer Tom Nichols' efforts here will almost certainly be wasted, but it sure would be nice if this piece got around a bit:

Americans are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything

From the piece, my bold:

This isn't just human nature, but the result of a narcissism that took root in American society after the 1960s and has been growing ever since. Surrounded by affluence, enabled by the internet, and empowered by an educational system that prizes self-esteem over achievement, Americans have become more opinionated even as they have become less informed, and are now utterly intolerant of ever being told they’re wrong about almost anything.

Our republic thrives on open debate and the fair consideration of evidence. When our ability to maintain those democratic habits collapses, our system of government, along with our well-being as a people and a nation, will be in danger. There are a few steps we can take, including treating cable and the internet as we would treat our diet: by exercising portion control, healthy choices, and a varied mixture. We should especially make an effort to consider other sources that challenge us.

More important, we need to start listening to each other with a greater assumption of good will. Cable news has become a gladiatorial exercise, but that doesn’t mean each of us must approach conversation as a fight to the finish.

We must come out from behind our keyboards and smartphones and televisions and engage each other as citizens, rather than opponents. In an age of binary, win-at-all-costs politics, this is a tall order. But citizens need to be better examples to our political and media leaders than they’ve been to us.

There is still time to reconsider the path we’ve set upon in the past few decades, but one thing should be clear: We cannot continue this way much longer and survive as a vibrant democracy.


THe leftist don't have "good will" towards America or Americans.

Hillary showed that, when she told half the nation that the other half was out to get them.

Rightwinger shows that when he gloats about the glorious coming One Party State where dems will be able to dismiss the concerns of whites and rule unaccountably.

I wish that I could assume that the other has good will, but that would be me lying to myself.
At some point, regardless of which "side" is at fault, we're going to need someone to rise above this and be the first to be the adult in the room.

Unless we have decided as a country that somehow this is the most constructive environment for solving our problems.

Sorry, Mac, my pretending that people like Guno, and Rightwinger and Hillary have "Good will" to me, would just be me being a fool.

A big part of the problem, if not THE problem, is that a significant portion of this country believes that people like me, have no legitimacy pursuing my interests or agenda.

Indeed, that we deserve to have our interests HARMED to make up for past injustices or in the name of fairness or some such bullshit.

This IS a fight to the finish.

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