Americans Aren't Stupid

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
Everyone understands your heterophobia, your love of hairy man butt, your hatred of God, Conservatives, and Jews, and that you contribute nothing to USMB, nor to anyone who knows you. You are like a parasite, like COVID 19, and all you do is infect and destroy things.

Back up everything that you have said about Lesh. I do not know Lesh personally, but explain how you know that he is LGBT, hates heterosexuals, the Creator, people who are conservatives as opposed to right-wingers, and Jews.
He's just yet another loudmouthed Trumper

China unleashed a BioWeapon on the world so why are you defending them?

Not defending them. Just that the idea that coronavirus is a weapon engineered by the Chinese is a complete right-wing conspiracy theory intended as propaganda. We Americans are, unfortunately, getting used to the morons who think up and spread this sort of nonsense.

You have not explained how you know anything about Lesh that would substantiate the things that you said about him. As I said, I do not know Lesh. How well do you know him?

That’s a lie. China intentionally released this then shut down travel to and from Wuhan within China but allowed flights to The US directly from Wuhan sending 8,000 Chinese from Wuhan a day to The US. They also sent them to Italy and all over the world.

That’s exactly how you spread a BioWeapon!

Believe what you wish. I've heard too many conspiracy theories and manufactured stories from the right wing in the last decade to believe this sort of thing. Stories like this really need to come from a credible, reliable source.

What they don't realize is that the story of the boy who cried wolf really has meaning.

After decades of lies and total BS conspiracy theories from the right, not many people listen or pay much attention to them anymore.

I find it insulting that they think I'm that stupid to believe one word from their lying mouths.

Most of America feels the same way. We're tired of all the garbage. We're tired of being dragged from one lie to another.
Bullshit, no one has talked to 65 percent of Americans, you lie again.
holy shit
You shills lie 24/7.
Hey, sorry, that was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while. I couldn't help myself.
Keep lying loser.
Seriously, you guys need to cheer the fuck up.

You've living in the Age Of Trump, and all you do is bitch and moan and act like victims all day.

Holy shit.

Man up.
The Chinese owned WHO advised countries not to take any action. China was flying 8,000 Chinese out of Wuhan a day to The US.
It was our President , not China that stopped the flights and you called him a racist you slant eyed bat eating yellow skinned devil!
Only patriotic Republicans thank Trump for keeping Coronavirus out of America. Ungrateful liberals never will.
WHY does the POS trump have to be thanked for doing his job ?? Is he that much of an AH?

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result

Did you see the disheveled rubes that ran the Democrats iowa caucus?

Some americans are dumber than dirt ...
Yeah and those are the stupid fucks who have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system that we elect our presidents,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the two parties in our corrupt two party system we have. :rolleyes-41:
You are a direct counter to the claim of the OP.

Many of those people form their opinions based on what their masters tell them.

Or are you saying that only right wingers worship at the feet of Fox and nobody on the left does the same thing (like kissing Maddcow's ass) ?
Here's what I'm saying..........Roughly 2/3 of the country has formed an opinion on Trump's handling of the virus based on the facts.
they did not ask 2/3 of America--so you are full of shit

Do you have proof that that one must interview 2/3 (200 million American's give or take) to conclude trump's behavior can be defined as a SNAFU? Given all of his flips, flops and flips again, it's clear trump is incompetent and too dishonest to tell the public the truth.
hahhahahahaha----you prove it's bullshit!!
hahahahha DON'T know what 2/3 of America wants unless you poll 2/3
plain and simple----I guess you will use the Vulcan Mind Probe to know what's in their minds
..thank you for proving me right

Wrong, but math is apparently well beyond your cognitive abilities.

Doubt me, open this link and you'll learn about polling data which you've been told is always fake, unless it supports your narrative:

plain and simple--- you CAN'T read people's minds

I tried but I couldn't read yours, it was a blank page.

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result

Did you see the disheveled rubes that ran the Democrats iowa caucus?

Some americans are dumber than dirt ...
Yeah and those are the stupid fucks who have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system that we elect our presidents,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the two parties in our corrupt two party system we have. :rolleyes-41:

Hmmm... is your run on sentence the product of a public school system, or home schooling?

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
Everyone understands your heterophobia, your love of hairy man butt, your hatred of God, Conservatives, and Jews, and that you contribute nothing to USMB, nor to anyone who knows you. You are like a parasite, like COVID 19, and all you do is infect and destroy things.

Back up everything that you have said about Lesh. I do not know Lesh personally, but explain how you know that he is LGBT, hates heterosexuals, the Creator, people who are conservatives as opposed to right-wingers, and Jews.
He's just yet another loudmouthed Trumper

China unleashed a BioWeapon on the world so why are you defending them?

Not defending them. Just that the idea that coronavirus is a weapon engineered by the Chinese is a complete right-wing conspiracy theory intended as propaganda. We Americans are, unfortunately, getting used to the morons who think up and spread this sort of nonsense.

You have not explained how you know anything about Lesh that would substantiate the things that you said about him. As I said, I do not know Lesh. How well do you know him?

That’s a lie. China intentionally released this then shut down travel to and from Wuhan within China but allowed flights to The US directly from Wuhan sending 8,000 Chinese from Wuhan a day to The US. They also sent them to Italy and all over the world.

That’s exactly how you spread a BioWeapon!

Believe what you wish. I've heard too many conspiracy theories and manufactured stories from the right wing in the last decade to believe this sort of thing. Stories like this really need to come from a credible, reliable source.

What they don't realize is that the story of the boy who cried wolf really has meaning.

After decades of lies and total BS conspiracy theories from the right, not many people listen or pay much attention to them anymore.

I find it insulting that they think I'm that stupid to believe one word from their lying mouths.

Most of America feels the same way. We're tired of all the garbage. We're tired of being dragged from one lie to another.
Unfortunately that’s what we will always be stuck with as long as we have this corrupt two party system we have where we are never given a choice to choose from because both parties are corrupt and the choices always suck with both candidates there to serve the interests of the bankers instead of the people,the last one who wasn’t their puppet for them,paid the deadly price for it on nov 22nd 1963 :14:

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result

Did you see the disheveled rubes that ran the Democrats iowa caucus?

Some americans are dumber than dirt ...
Yeah and those are the stupid fucks who have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system that we elect our presidents,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the two parties in our corrupt two party system we have. :rolleyes-41:

Hmmm... is your run on sentence the product of a public school system, or home schooling?
You are obviously one of those stupid fucks I was talking about who can’t accept that truth:fu:
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
I used to post on the forum called "Argue With Everyone". Do you remember it?
And yes most Americans are stupid
Yep they go to the polls thinking they elect the president,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the corrupt two party system we have,most Americans are indeed that stupid which is why things never change and the world gets worse and worse decade after decade

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
LOL LOL Trump the scientist??? He pull it out of his rectum where all his other BS comes from?
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
LOL LOL Trump the scientist??? He pull it out of his rectum where all his other BS comes from?
No! President Trump is no scientist. But, his advisors are.

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...

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