Americans Aren't Stupid

Yep they go to the polls thinking they elect the president,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the corrupt two party system we have,most Americans are indeed that stupid which is why things never change and the world gets worse and worse decade after decade
If you are going to call both candidates evil, you have to admit Trump is the lesser of two evils. He enacted the Muslim travel ban to keep us safe. He moved funding around to get more of the border wall built to keep us safe from the animals at our southern border. He enacted the China travel ban to keep Coronavirus out of America. Trump 2020! MAGA!
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
LOL LOL Trump the scientist??? He pull it out of his rectum where all his other BS comes from?
No! President Trump is no scientist. But, his advisors are.
Thought he fired them all Now he's left with the cream of the crap

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
President Trump and his informed advisors made the best decisions based on the best information that was available at the time, no thanks to the lying Chinese.
Welcome to the board. Hope you have thick skin. Get used to libs complaining about stupid trivial things like test kits. And these liberals won't ever thank Trump for coming up with a miracle drug for Coronavirus.
LOL LOL Trump the scientist??? He pull it out of his rectum where all his other BS comes from?
No! President Trump is no scientist. But, his advisors are.
Thought he fired them all Now he's left with the cream of the crap
Well, you thought wrong!
Yep they go to the polls thinking they elect the president,that this is a free country and there is a difference in the corrupt two party system we have,most Americans are indeed that stupid which is why things never change and the world gets worse and worse decade after decade
If you are going to call both candidates evil, you have to admit Trump is the lesser of two evils. He enacted the Muslim travel ban to keep us safe. He moved funding around to get more of the border wall built to keep us safe from the animals at our southern border. He enacted the China travel ban to keep Coronavirus out of America. Trump 2020! MAGA!
Only an idiot retard would say both parties are not evil:laughing0301::lmao: I see your point though and have to agree with you.This was the first time I have to admit where I actually did care about the outcome of the election.the year before when the choices were between Romney and Obama i did not care,its called Obamacare but Romney is as much involved in it as Obama,he was one of the first who sighed it,yet the moron sheep said anybody but oboma:rolleyes-41:,proof one is as bad as the other. I could go on and on with examples how there is no difference in the two.this was the first time since the early 90’s when I became awake that both parties are corrupt that I actually did vote.i made the exception this time and voted for trump cause I thought he would be different than the last two clowns we had in office the last 16 years because unlike them,he was not a career politician so I did the unthinkable and voted voting for trump. I don’t regret my decision because any logical person understood anybody was an improvement over hitlery Clinton,the mass murderer :laughing0301: I won’t be making that mistake voting for trump again though,i should have known he was too good to be true after he lied sayinghe would get rid of the fed and the cia,he is same as them all,just here to serve the interests of the fucking cia and the fed instead of the people. So fuck trump and biden:14:oh and so many sheep in America have been conditioned that they are doing the right thing by voting for the lesser evil it’s unreal,:rolleyes-41: they don’t stop to think that by voting for the lesser evil,you are still voting for evil,therefore you are part of the problem and not the solution:rolleyes-41: therefor next election I will go back to the old days when I was smart and not vote again,I won’t vote for evil a second time this time.
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2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
You are a fucking brainwashed stupid fuck moron who is responsible for the decline of America asshole:fu:
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2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
These idiots do. Yes

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
These idiots do. Yes
Many politicians want you to think the worst of their opponents so they make up charges of wrongdoing. Just because they say so doesn't make them so. That is why I disregard such baloney and cast my vote on the issues. I agree with most conservative positions which is why it is unlikely that I will ever vote for a Democrat again. I did vote for Jimmy Carter.

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
These idiots do. Yes

Well there are people like that on both "sides." People who care more about a mere letter than a politician's actions, character, etc.
Many politicians want you to think the worst of their opponents so they make up charges of wrongdoing. Just because they say so doesn't make them so. That is why I disregard such baloney and cast my vote on the issues. I agree with most conservative positions which is why it is unlikely that I will ever vote for a Democrat again. I did vote for Jimmy Carter.
I keep trying to find the logic in that post.

It's still escaping me.

Trump is s conservative?

On what planet

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result
But Democrats ARE stupid. And, as you already know, Democrats aren't real Americans. They're worthless leftist traitors.
You do know you just described republicans as well right.? :laughing0301: :happy-1: :lmao:
Doh! You must be today's internet witty guy...
Uh no,just awake and not one of the brainwashed sheep in America who isn’t afraid to look at the facts :uhoh3:
You a funny leftist traitor.
This is completely illogical and idiotic. Please explain how merely pointing out that at the higher levels there is very little difference between Ds and Rs makes one a "leftist traitor." Do you honestly believe that a letter by one's name is all that matters?
This stupid fuck brainwashed asshole ignores facts I have proven that there is no difference in the two parties just like that moron idiot mudwhistle Always evades the evidece that the republicans are as evil as the dems. They can never explain how there is a difference when Obama and Romney both voted for Obamacare,that both bush one and his long time friend and pal clinton were both in favor of nafta that they both signed ,and that patriot and true American independent Ross Perot was against,or how Obama reinstated the patriot act that bush started and expanded the war in the Middle East his pal bush started as well as expanding nsa’s spying program.trolls like him always play dodgeball with those pesky facts since those facts prove them wrong and how retarded they sound :laughing0301: :lmao:how is there a difference when both are agreeing on the same thing and not doing what’s best for the people :lmao: :uhoh3:
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Many politicians want you to think the worst of their opponents so they make up charges of wrongdoing. Just because they say so doesn't make them so. That is why I disregard such baloney and cast my vote on the issues. I agree with most conservative positions which is why it is unlikely that I will ever vote for a Democrat again. I did vote for Jimmy Carter.
I keep trying to find the logic in that post.

It's still escaping me.

Trump is s conservative?

On what planet
President Trump is more conservative than any Democrat. That is good enough for me.

2/3 of America understands the failing of the Trump Admin.

We know what we saw. And we can see the result

You are one of the stupid ones though. If The Donald would have acted earlier on COVID-19 then you would have called him a Totalitarian Dictator and a racist....oh wait hold on, you already called him that :smoke:
"If the donald would have acted earlier on COVID-19..." We'll never know, will we?

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