Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

The other side is very relevant because we don't know what was going on in that house, yes? Since when do Trump fanatics give a rats ass about foster children?
All os a sudden you are concerned?

When are you giving your residence up for some of those poor kids sitting in Joe’s cages at the border?


Again, why are they being evicted? Let's hear the other side before accepting
the tainted view of Fox News, yes? Were you willing to give up your residence for
some of those poor kids sitting in President Chaos's cages at the border who were separated from their parents? All of a sudden, you Trump fanatics have compassion for those "poor" kids? Who are you kidding?

No, I wouldn’t give up my residence.

See, I’m not a hypocrite.

You would have to. There are agencies out there that have homes on property that belongs to whatever agency. A couple moves into the homes and parents the foster children. It's a fantastic idea because it brings consistency and stability. So, yes he lost his home BUT he was essentially a house parent and they can do it. The horrific part is that these kids are once again faced with where the hell are they going to go, starting over, grieving over foster parents, loss of community support............stability. That shit pisses me off.

so checkers using children. interesting the game a demofk plays with women and children. and simple society votes them in. insane.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

The other side is very relevant because we don't know what was going on in that house, yes? Since when do Trump fanatics give a rats ass about foster children?
All os a sudden you are concerned?

When are you giving your residence up for some of those poor kids sitting in Joe’s cages at the border?


Again, why are they being evicted? Let's hear the other side before accepting
the tainted view of Fox News, yes? Were you willing to give up your residence for
some of those poor kids sitting in President Chaos's cages at the border who were separated from their parents? All of a sudden, you Trump fanatics have compassion for those "poor" kids? Who are you kidding?

No, I wouldn’t give up my residence.

See, I’m not a hypocrite.

You would have to. There are agencies out there that have homes on property that belongs to whatever agency. A couple moves into the homes and parents the foster children. It's a fantastic idea because it brings consistency and stability. So, yes he lost his home BUT he was essentially a house parent and they can do it. The horrific part is that these kids are once again faced with where the hell are they going to go, starting over, grieving over foster parents, loss of community support............stability. That shit pisses me off.

so checkers using children. interesting the game a demofk plays with women and children. and simple society votes them in. insane.

It has more to do with the agency. But, ya, another game of the Dems not thinking shit through. Again.

Shit. I'm trying to make a marinade here and now I'm back to reason 456 why I hate people.
I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.
so you didn't care that those childrens families abandon their children? We cared. I cared deeply, I wanted the parents found and prosecuted. Why didn't you?
It has more to do with the agency. But, ya, another game of the Dems not thinking shit through. Again.

Shit. I'm trying to make a marinade here and now I'm back to reason 456 why I hate people.
my beef is with politicians. fk them, all of them, I care what party. so take one kid and place them in a home and displace the other, checkers. so actually, they don't care about a kid unless it is an illegal kid.
Everything the stuttering fuck touches turns to shit.... which is by design obviously. Little girls drowning in the river, children being thrown over the wall, kids in cages made great again, Joe-vid19 and lice infestation at the border..... wow, sometimes we forget how awesome that crayon-eating, window-licking fucktard is.
That is the dumbest set of bullshit that I have heard. President Chaos did more damage in 4 years than I have seen in my lifetime. Talk about a dementia ladened
divisive egomaniac? Whew! He is still chugging along and his fanatics eat it for lunch, which indicates that you are in no position to judge another President.
What exact damage did Trump do? I want you to list everyone of them or shut the hell up.
Let's not get into this again. Lots of exact damage that I and many others have listed ad nausea. The election damage is more than enough, for starters so shut the hell up.
Lol, you're the ones that cheated and you're an idiot and have nothing. Biden has raised energy prices. Jobless rates are going up. The border crisis is out of control. Soon prices of goods will be going up. He is fixing to raise our taxes higher since 1993. He is making enemies out of our allies. So you shut the hell up.
Biden has not raised energy prices, jobless rates are the result of recession.

Unemployment Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Brief › sgp › crs › misc

Jan 12, 2021 — U.S. Unemployment Rate: Historical Trends. Prior recessions typically developed with gradually increasing economic distress. The current.

The border crisis is not out of control any more than in the reign of President Chaos. Your taxes ain't going anywhere unless you make $400,000.
Our allies became our friends again when Biden took office and are relieved that President Chaos is out.
Of course, prices of goods are going up due to tariffs. Duh

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.
I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.
so you didn't care that those childrens families abandon their children? We cared. I cared deeply, I wanted the parents found and prosecuted. Why didn't you?
Those children were not abandoned. They were forcibly separated from their
parents by the policies of President Chaos.
It has more to do with the agency. But, ya, another game of the Dems not thinking shit through. Again.

Shit. I'm trying to make a marinade here and now I'm back to reason 456 why I hate people.
my beef is with politicians. fk them, all of them, I care what party. so take one kid and place them in a home and displace the other, checkers. so actually, they don't care about a kid unless it is an illegal kid.
What's worse is that this was a therapeutic foster home which means that it comes with a therapist. Those kids have significant behavioral problems that regular foster parents can't handle. They get paid more because they are putting up with more. So, it's not checkers because there is no place to move to. It's more like..............52 card pick up.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.

I am dealing with it. He is my CiC. No where will you see my compliant. But I am amazed at how many people. including you, mention Trump in their posts. You wont see me mentioning Obama in my posts. He was my President. He was my CiC. God bless him and his family. it never mattered if I disagreed with him....and it never mattered if I agreed with him. He was my CiC and I would do whatever her commanded. I did what Trump commanded and I will do what Biden commands.

Something tells me you dont really understand that.

Thats OK. Most dont.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.

so you didn't think russia russia?
Those children were not abandoned. They were forcibly separated from their
parents by the policies of President Chaos.
then where are their parents? I've seen no outlet with grieving families saying they want their children. why? The same thing is going on with Xiden and you're silent? too fking funny. you have no evidence they weren't handed to coyotes. Trump did, Homeland told him that, are you saying they lied? Then blame them.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Seek help soon. :itsok:
This clusterfuck is all on Veggie Joe.
American's have been kicked out of their jobs for decades.

If you want them to work they have to have a place to live.

We want them out of our country. What part of the wore ILLEGAL do you not get you dumb ass. They shouldn't be here at all. They need to be bused back to the border and kicked back into Mexico.

What a moron you are.

The part I don't get is the fact that you don't insist anyone address those already here working illegally.

Thats why you call me names as opposed to actually do.something.

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