Zone1 Americans hate this.. but the TRUE Church demands obedience to the (real) Pope


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
From novusOrdowatch website

Pope Leo XIII was very clear that, in the Catholic Church it is not for the sheep to correct the shepherds; and that the obedience that is required of a Catholic is obedience to the present Pope, not some Pope of the past one may find more agreeable [The following was written over 70 years ago by a pope]:

[All statements within brackets are mine, Nomadic5's. Ellipses (...) are for the sake of brevity/clarity, highlighting is also mine]

[It] is not difficult to conclude that among Catholics... there are some who.. think themselves able to take some part in her government, or at least, think they are allowed to examine and judge after their own fashion the acts of [those in] authority [in the Church]. a misplaced opinion... If it were to prevail, it would do very grave harm to the Church of God, in which, by the manifest will of her Divine Founder [Jesus], there are to be distinguished in the most absolute fashion two parties: the teaching and the taught, the Shepherd and the flock, among whom there is one who is the head and the Supreme Shepherd of all [St Peter and all subsequent popes (real ones)].

To the shepherds alone was given all power to teach... [On] the faithful was imposed the duty of following their teaching, of submitting with docility to their judgment... allowing themselves to be governed, corrected, and guided by them in the way of salvation. Thus, it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors, and for the latter to submit with them to the Head and Supreme Pastor. In this subordination and dependence lie the order and life of the Church.. On the contrary, if it should happen that those who have no right to do so should attribute authority to themselves.. if inferiors in the government of the universal Church attempt or try to exert an influence different from that of the supreme authority, there follows a reversal of the true order, many minds are thrown into confusion, and souls leave the right path.

And to fail in this most holy duty it is not necessary to perform an action in open opposition whether to the Bishops or to the Head of the Church; it is enough for this opposition to be operating indirectly, all the more dangerous because it is the more hidden. Thus, a soul fails in this sacred duty when.. their actions and intentions are interpreted in a captious manner, without waiting for the judgment of the Apostolic See.

Similarly, it is... [an insincere] submission to set up some kind of opposition between one Pontiff and another. Those who, faced with two differing directives, reject the present one to hold to the past, are not giving proof of obedience..


This would SEEM to apply only to the OLD Catholic Church, the one that existed before the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs (yet retains an appearance of Catholicity).

So some Catholics here will note that I do not accept Francis as a true pope and may use the above quote from Pope Leo XIII to argue with me. Oh well, so be it. The Church elsewhere defines what a true pope is and Francis is not it.


One thing required of a pope: has to be CATHOLIC

seems obvious but not in these crazy times...

(Francis is not Catholic)
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The reason I say Americans hate this is because Americans generally are into FREEDOM

and tend to think that no one should tell them what to do... so it logically follows they aren't going to want some Church leader bossing them around, as it were... LOL... even if it is the Church Christ founded
Fuck him, and fuck that 1500 year old archaic institution of pedophiles and faggots masquerading as servants of God that promote marxist policies and the globalist agenda.
Who tells the Prods what is right and wrong? How do the Episcopals feel fine ordaining practicing homosexuals and, if you will pardon the expression, women? Who is the Protestant "pope"? Do they need one? I thought Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would guide His Church. How can you have a hundred different Protestant denominations (not to mention Mormons), all believing what they think is best?
Fuck him, and fuck that 1500 year old archaic institution of pedophiles and faggots masquerading as servants of God that promote marxist policies and the globalist agenda.
what are you talking about?

the Vatican sect in Rome since 1958 is not exactly 1500 years old (obviously it is 65 years old)

Protestantism is only 500 years old, which proves all by itself it is not the true religion of Christ.. (although there are elements of the truth there)
because His religion started at the very beginning, at the crucifixion and Resurrection, which was just a tad further back in history than Luther of the 1500s
well, this thought shows that cognizance of human nature has not been taken into account by the one thinking it... !
Years ago when I was very young, I didn't think abortion was a big deal... In other words, I didn't think about it... REALLY think about it. Then I saw pictures of aborted babies... and that really affected me and the only reason I bothered to look @ those photos was because I had been raised Catholic, taught that abortion is murder.

So there you go... Reverence for the Church Christ founded pays off... It was established to give us GOD's truth, and does so. our part is to listen to the Church

.. (and no, I am not talking about the sickos in the Vatican, which was stolen from true Catholics 65 years ago)
Who tells the Prods what is right and wrong? How do the Episcopals feel fine ordaining practicing homosexuals and, if you will pardon the expression, women? Who is the Protestant "pope"? Do they need one? I thought Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would guide His Church. How can you have a hundred different Protestant denominations (not to mention Mormons), all believing what they think is best?
it is FAR from hundreds

last count, it was 60,000 different "christian" denoms

that's an awful lot of confusion and DISunity
Just make up an explanation of anything that defines what you say about it as truth. That is what is going on in contemporary life in many sectors of society and it is what the Roman Church has accomplished.
"Call no man your (spiritual) father..."

In Jesus' day 'Father' was the title used for a person starting his own sect. Father Abraham was the Father of Judaism is a well-known example. Jesus simply pointed out that God is the Father/founder of belief/faith in Him. Jesus and his Apostles called their followers 'children' and they, in fact, did act as spiritual fathers. But they made no claim of founding any denomination. Lutherans and Calvinists are the closest Christians edge in doing what Jesus' warned against.
Great to hear apologists for a Cult desperately trying to find reasons for illogical past decisions , treachery and good old fashioned story telling . A porky pie is still a horrible lie , however many times you try to rewrite history. .
Great to hear apologists for a Cult desperately trying to find reasons for illogical past decisions , treachery and good old fashioned story telling . A porky pie is still a horrible lie , however many times you try to rewrite history. .
"Gotcha" games never end. Even when people do their own research on this, it won't deter them from trying again with something else. Online discussions work so much better when people, even atheists, stick with presenting their own position and telling about their own sect.
What is that "true" church - and who is that "real" Pope? :)
the True Church has become more like its Founder: poor.. ignored, etc

Sedevacantism is the red-haired step child in (what passes for) the Catholic community.

Well, Jesus did say that FEW would find the narrow WAy to Heaven... and canonized saints have said EXCEEDINGLY few. :oops:
Just make up an explanation of anything that defines what you say about it as truth. That is what is going on in contemporary life in many sectors of society and it is what the Roman Church has accomplished.

Great to hear apologists for a Cult desperately trying to find reasons for illogical past decisions , treachery and good old fashioned story telling . A porky pie is still a horrible lie , however many times you try to rewrite history. .
says the one who doesn't appear to know diddly about the topic matter

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