Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

As expected:
You cannot meaningfully address the issue put to you, and you know it.
Thanks for the confirmation.
Your surrender, accepted.
I won't address it as you want me to because my point is that yours is stupid. This court has opined in a particular way. There is no reason to assume a court of a different consistency wouldn't rule differently and there's no reason why the consistency of this particular court can't change. We have multiple ways of getting around you either through legislation or changing the court. The Constitution isn't a force field and the opinion of the Supreme Court isn't written in stone. There will be no surrender on gun reform. We will keep attacking until we are victorious. You have to keep winning forever. We only need to win once because it's harder to go back. can't.
We know.
So do you.
Thanks, bitch.
Can't what? I'm not nor was I ever arguing that the 2016 court didnt rule what it did. It's ruling is a matter of public record. That's not an interesting argument. I was explaining how you're going to eventually lose your gun rights.
...a specific issue, pertaining directy to a specific holdong by the USSC.
And you know you cannot.
Thus, you keep running away from it.
You and I both know you will contine to do so.
Like a bitch.
I never suggested I could. All you're doing is puffing out your chest to someone laughing at you.
Can't what? I'm not nor was I ever arguing that the 2016 court didnt rule what it did. It's ruling is a matter of public record. That's not an interesting argument. I was explaining how you're going to eventually lose your gun rights.

Others have tried to abrogate American's rights. It did not end well for them.
Others have tried to abrogate American's rights. It did not end well for them.
Is that nebulous and hilarious attempt at a warning supposed to mean something to me? 😄 It didn't end well for them because Americans cared enough about owning slaves or drinking booze to go to war over those things. The younger we go the less people give a shit about gun ownership and the more they care about gun control. This is a waiting game as with most things.
We both know your statement is false, as you have been trying to do that this entire time.

But, you have conceded the point, and I accept.
I know you want to pretend it is but go ahead and find the post and quote it where I ever actually did such a thing. 😄
Last edited:
I know you want to pretend it is but go ahead and find the post and quote it where I ever actually did such a thing. 😄
Here you go;


You concession accepted.

Go ahead and get the last word, bitch.
Good Question:

  • Media
    • Reintroduce the 'Fairness Doctrine' for large media players
    • Stricter guideline of FCC licences and spreading of misinformation
    • Ban political ads severely on all media channels
  • Voting & Government
    • Scrap FPTP voting in favour for multi-seat preference voting.
    • Make the Presidential race a simple popular vote (Preference voting)
    • Make the Senate far more democratic and answerable to the people
    • Make changing of the Constitution a simple referendum (majority of the people (i.e. 50% plus one vote wins)
    • Ban Dark money in politics
Won't work right away but it could release the pressure a lot...
Good points worth debating, but, right now, the kind of debate leading to the necessary legal changes is entirely in the hands of our party leaders and their handlers. We have got to start electing representatives based on their ability to represent people besides themselves. With no exceptions that I'm aware of, all of our current representatives represent their own political opinions, carefully adjusted so as to get enough votes to stay in office and keep the money from donors flowing. As I see it, the first step in achieving an unbiased legislature would be to notify all of our representatives that we will no longer vote for them based on the rep's biased political opinions. If they want to remain in office they would have to prove to us that they can work with us to make laws without personal or partisan bias.

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